<br />79- ~;! i `~ 346
<br />That the Mortgagor wilt pay the indebtedness as hereinbe(ore provided.
<br />That the Mortgagor is the dwner of said property in ter simple and figs good right and lawful authority to Sell and
<br />convey the same end that the same is free and clear of any lien or encumbrance; and that Mortgagor will warrant and defend the
<br />title to said premises against the claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />To pay immediately when due and payable alt ~rnerat taxes, special taxes, special assessmen Ls, water charges, sewer .rrv-
<br />lee c{xarges, and other taxes and charges against said property, and all taxes levieri no the debt secured hc•roby. and to furnish the
<br />D{ortgagee, upon requst, with -the original ar duplicate receipts therefor. The !+fartgagor agues that. there -shalt he added to
<br />each monthly payment required hereunder or under the ewideuce u[ debt secured hrn•by an .,:n<ru nt estimated by ±he Morfgager
<br />to hr sudicient to enable the Mortgagee h+ pay, as th-•y became due,all taxes, assessments, and einrilar charges upon the prem~
<br />ises suhjert thereto; any deficiency lx cause of the insufficiency of such additional payments shall hr (nrthwith deprn;itrd by the
<br />Mortgagor with the Afortgagee uPo^ demand by the ~f orlgagee_ Ant di•fault unrh•r this pa rnp rtph :hall be riremrd a default in
<br />payment of taxes, assessments, or similar charges xrquired F.r•munder-
<br />The Mortgagor agrees that there shall also be added to each monthly payment of principal and interesf required hera-
<br />vnder an amount estimated by the Mortgagee to be sufficient to rnab!e the Mortgagee to pav, as it bc•comrv due- the tnsu caner,
<br />premium on any insu rand lxrliey delivered to the .Lf urtgagee Any deficiency because .:f the insu~ric~nry of such additional pay-
<br />ments sha- tv~ forthwith deposited by the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon deiraad t+y the '+fortgakr~~_ any rlefauit under this
<br />paragraph shall F>e deemed a defaul9 in the payment of insurance premiums If the policy rrc palls irs denu;ited are such as trome-
<br />owners or all risk ~ rlicies, and the defxrsi is are insufficient to pay the enhr•~ leer-miwm, thr~ +1<~rtgaeee may apply [he ila,rn,-it to
<br />psv premiums on risks required in k>e insured by this mortgage.
<br />Fa. menu made by the Mortgagor under the above paragraphs may, at the optirm of the Marigaeee, he held by it and
<br />camn:ingli.I with ether such funds ar its awp fund. fcrr th<- payment of such items. and until sn a;~pli-rd. such payment. are herehc
<br />plydgrci as security fur the unpaid balance crf the rncrtgag!• ind:•btedne>:.
<br />To prainre, deliver to, anri rna;ntain far ihr• hrnrGt of the ~d,:rtgagee during the lib= of tbts ^urrgtaFe r,riginsl pokcie;. and
<br />renewals thereof, d: liven<? at least ;rn davs '~f:,re the rxp: ratir~r. <•f env such ;-~d~r~ies_ insu ri r.:; against fi re~ :rid other utsu raE,le
<br />ire za rds, casualties, and contingencies as the Mortgsgee• may rc ryuire, in an amount equal to the indebtednessv secured l,v this
<br />Moetgage. and rn wmpanics arrptahle to the \4 nrftagre. -.vvh ls= payable clause in fa+ur of and in f<.nn acceptable to the Murtga-
<br />gee- Ir, the event ary potiry° is nu; rerewrd u_: _r fr==fe.re ter, day-v u( its expiration- the ~-turtgager• may ;~rrrcuro tnsur:+nce ~~n the
<br />improrrments, pap the flee=mium th<•rrf!:r. and <urh *um shall become immediately due and payable with int.-: rat at the rate• set
<br />forth in said note urtd paid and shalt t>t= _~-!v real by this con; Egage- Fails re or, the part of the A1ortgaeer to (cr„C;h such remewals
<br />as ar=_~ herein requi-rrc ur {odor- h: pay any sum? adva nce;i ne,-euncier shall, at the o}?floe, of the i4ortgagee. .:instil utr a rlefauit
<br />urrdcr the terms of this mnrtzage. The rrh•: cry of sue~h pnLei:-s shall, in the <•c,mt of r,.-fault r~~ratitutr an aacrgnmrnt rf the um
<br />earned premium.
<br />Any sums, rrrei:rd by fFre A2 engager }•.4 reason of ins nr riamage insured -against ens}- he retained by the \turtgagee
<br />and applied toward the y;aym<=nt of t7+e aebt hereby =ec.. re,-. - r. at the option of the ~Rorigager. such sums <•ahrr uhnl!+- or in
<br />part may br paid acre 20 th+r \Surtgagnr to fx used tc r, .r web buildings or to hv+ld new build; nos in thr.r ptacc~ nr fcrr any
<br />other purpose or object satssfactory to the \lnrtgagre ~+itl~~at affextmg the lien ~+n Ehr mortgage for !hr in',I ar:;:•,: at ae~cu re.! here-
<br />by F>efure such payment ever too}: place
<br />To promptly repair. restore or rebuilri any buildings or imprcnemrnts now .,r ten•af ter e:± th,~ prrnti.rs which coos be-
<br />came damaged ar de.>tmyed, to keep :aid premi>es in gax3 candi lion and repair and frr~r from ary mrchamc'= h.•n ur other lien or
<br />claim oI 1:en not expressly sutwrd looted to the lien her.:-of. not to wffrr or p.-•rmit any vr,isw(ui ur .>f nr and: nuisatrce to exist on
<br />said property nor to permit uas:e <m said premises. nor t;. d~ any- other act whereby *he prot>Prty hereby ce~nveyrd shall }x.rome
<br />less valunisie. nor to dimini.:h ter impair its value by env act ~,r omi+.ion to act- t~, cr?mn!•. with alt rE•q uirrments *rf ia•,+~ with respect
<br />to the mortgaged premises and the usr• thereof
<br />That sruuld the premr,+-~ ~.rr any part [hr rr<rf tr ake:::rr damaged by~ reason of an~~ puhi:+~ :.:f~ttn'ement r*r cundrmnat n+n
<br />proceeding, ar under the right of eminent drxnain..m to any other manner, the \4ortgager shall hr :•ntitied to all compensations,
<br />se:ar•'.s, d,d ary other -x~v...ent :;r relief t~v ••.t,.r. a:v3 shall be ea tirttd, ar ;LS apt;,,n, •c, r••••;,nenr•. appear en and pr_r~~1!e in ifs
<br />acvrt Warne any action =•r f.r+ct•erfinfi .a make any compromise ar settlement in r:~rnnt•ctuut u~tth -.uch taking or damage..#tt such
<br />eompettsation, awards, riamaKrs. right «f action anti proreeci?. are hereby assigned ra the 'rf artgagee, who may, after deducting
<br />ilterettdn all its expenses, release any moneys r ra-calved by it ur apply the same un any indebtedness secured hereby. The ivl ort•
<br />gagor agrees to eiecttte such further assignmrnte of any rs,mpensahun. awards, damages, and nghis of art urn and proceeds as the
<br />Mortgagee may require.
<br />That m case of failure in lrerfarm any ;,f ihr .inrnant~ t:rre:n ihr Mortgagee may da on ihr Slortgagar's behalf everything
<br />so eovettanted: that the Afurtgagee may also do ana~ act :: may deem nrrrs_ary ter prcrtect thf- hen ther.•af~ that the 'vl ortgago; will
<br />repay upon demand any moneys paid cr disbursed by the Mertgagre far any :rf the above puep:nes- and Gurh moneys tagettier with '-
<br />inter®t tftereen ai the rate provided in said atofe shall }>f•rome so much addrtiora! rndrhic•rlnr..s hereb> +.•curr-ri and may tw Sn- -
<br />duded i.n any decme forecla'rsing this mortgage and ix. paid ..ut nt ihr :rn~+ rr: turx'rrds r>f sale of said premises if not otherwise
<br />paid: !gaol it shall not be abiigatnn- upon the Mortgagee t<, :nqui;r inter the +alidity r,f any Tien, encumhranrrs err claim in ad- _-
<br />vaneing moseys as above authorizer'.. iwt nothing herein crntatned shall br construed. as requiring ihr lLfortKagrr to ad+-once any
<br />nxmeys for any such purpose nor tiu do any art hereu»der:: #nd that Mortgagee shall nol incv: any pr rsunal liability tw^causr;>f any- -
<br />tlting it may do or atoll to do hezeunder.
<br />in the event of the default by Mortgagor in ihr payment of any instafiment, as r+.-qui reel by ihK tiute secured h<•rrhy. or
<br />in the petfomtartm of the obtigatian in this mortgage or in the note secured thereby, the \4ortgagee shad he roll tierF to dre Tarr the
<br />debt tieixiied hereby dice and. payable without native, and the kfortgagee shall be entitled at iLs option. without notice.. either by itsrl!
<br />or by a receiver to be appointed by the court !hereof, and without regard to the adequacy of any secvri*.y~ far ihr indahtettness sr-
<br />cared hereby. to eater upon and take f>r~ion ~f thr• mortgaged prc-rnisr3. and to eatlrri and rest=ivr the r.-his. i;sum and prof=i;
<br />Thereof, sod apply the same, Iesa casts rd operation and collection. upon the indebtedness secured try this mortgage: s#id rents,
<br />ia~tes artd pinata being I-xreby as+ty goad to the Mortgagee as further security for the payment of ail indebtedness secured hereby.
<br />The Mortgagee shalt have the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose n[ repairing said prrm~
<br />loan: rentatsg the aavte:. c'd1leCting the rents, revenues and income, and it may pay nut of ;aid ina+me all expenses inrurrcd in rent
<br />-ie6 aatl~tesnaging the same and ~ collecting fire rentals therefrom. The 6atance remaining, if any, shat! he applied toward the
<br />disi`batse ~ the mortgage indebtedness. -This asnigntnent in to terminate and become null and void upon release of this mortgage.
<br />
<br />