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r <br />Eonn 6d8- - ortwtr~r+r QF me ir~AS[m-uy,ear,u zEVe~ s€ev~cr <br />1-jar c~ ~ ~~asE ~ ~o~ct rAx c~ <br />ACT SERIAL NUMBER <br />X411 <br />1 hereby s-ertify thot os to tf~e fallowing-namer# taxpover the requirements of Section <br />6~2i{a} -iatemei Revencae Code, have been sotisfied with respect to the taxes enu- <br />'.` rtieroted below, together with oil statutory odddions provided by Section 6321; and <br />Nxot fha lien fw sum loxes and statutory odditions hos thereby been released. The <br />proper ofFica in tha office whoa notice of internal revenue tax lien wos filed on <br />~`*ohar 18 , 19.2_, is hereby authorized to make notation <br />his books to show the releasa of said lien, insofar as the lien relotes to the follow- <br />.. inB`~a- <br />NAME'QF TAXPAYER <br />1~tueea3rl '~.. ssr3 ~.~ ~ ., <br />KIND OF TAX TAX PERIOD ENDED <br />tar rer <br />I' •$~s~! <br />ASSESSMENT DATE <br />,n, owe, <br />~~~~~no <br />IDENI'IEYiNG NUMBER <br />idr <br />',~-Ii3 <br />UNPAID BAIANCF <br />OF ASSESSMEtdT <br />(er <br />Donald ~• E~1 (~tief, Special Prtscedures Staff <br />4~ca° a anaxvrsed ty iow to take sduso~Mdtpnants a not esss~id to #rc vaFidity of tddice of Federal Tax Lim G.CM <br />td_ 1930-i3, t2i.) <br />MR3 3-;e b~ sss!d iar pvepos~s <br /> <br /> <br />