<br />79--~03~'7'7 W:__ ~' ~.
<br />That the Mortgagor will pay the indebtedness aa-hereinbefare provided.+
<br />Thai the Mortgagor is the owner of said property in fee simple and has gnrul right and lawful authority to sell and
<br />convey the same ant! that the same, is flee anrj clear n! any lien.or encumbrance; and that Mortgagor will warrant and defend the
<br />title to said premises against the claims 'of all persons whomsoever.
<br />Tn pay immediately when due and payable aE! general taxes, special taxes, special assessments, water charges, sewer serv-
<br />irn charges. and other taxes and charges against said property, and all tries levied on the deli: Became! hereby, and to furnish ilia
<br />Mortgagee, upon ragnrst, wi{h~the original nr. duplicate re<-ripts therefar. Thr 1-f,~rigagor agrer^i=that ihr-re shall be ad,lyd to
<br />rack mont.hiy payment required hereunder nr under the evidence of debt secured hereby an amount estimated hy- the 5~iartgagee
<br />.n Ue sutficieat Yo enable the Mortgagee to pay. a; fhry becon;-r due, all taxes, assessments, and similar charges upnn the prem-
<br />ises subject thereto; any deficiency because of ilia insufficiency of such additional payments ;hall hr forthwith depasi fed by the
<br />Morfgagor with tk2,i:!ortgagc-r upon dr,na nd b} the 11~fort„ages any defaclt under this IiaraKraph shall br de~emrd -a default in
<br />payment of lases, assessments, nr similar charges required hereunder.
<br />Thr binrtgagor agrees that there shall also be cdded *, <~ each monthly payment of principal and irterest required here-
<br />under an amount estimated by the Mortgagoe to be suMicient to enable the Mortgagor to pa., a-s it bernmes dre, the in__=u ranee
<br />premium on any insurance police delivered to thc~ Mortgagee Any deficiency brranse ui tho to uNtnercy of such additional pay-
<br />ment .bait hr farthwith depnsttrd he the 'iturtgagor with the \iurtgagee uix,n demand by the Mortgagee. •4ny default under this
<br />paragraph shall t,e deemed a default m the payment <,f iautranrr premiums If the ;mlirc ~,r p<airies deposited are such as tmme~
<br />owners or all risk policies, and the depo?its am ins:~cia•nt n: p-_ th.; e-u:rr ;:remmrr, ih+• .'viarigagee may apply- thB depo.st to
<br />pay premiums on risks :squire>d to be insured by lhir. m,+riKaKr
<br />Pat-mrnfs raadr by the 1S=:rty;aFc,r under ilia aha:-e parazrsphs may. at the :yaticn of the Mortgagee, he held by at and
<br />comatingled with other sm:h funds or its own firmi~ f::r the= pacmrm c•f such iten~,s..ani until so applied, wah payments arc- hereby
<br />pl~ged as securih• for the unpaid balance of th.~ mrr,taag^ ir-dr-btaanes
<br />To pr:rure, deliver h.. aatd mat niain tau ?h.• }n~nrfit :,? t-+.~ Af er:;;arer• a~-:+.;g r}~~ };fry of t};is rno rigare= origins! pohcr~ and
<br />renewals thereof, delis-erc~l si teas' fen days :x>fon- th:~ ,- -arn.n ~~t an~; «,, is I+nuccr~ tn~urinx• agauvt fire and :-:flier :nsu rahte
<br />harards, casualties, and contingencies as the Mortgagee ma>~ require, in an ammtnt equal to the indebtedness secured by this
<br />hfortgage. and in companies acceptable to the \iortgacer Nc+.`: !ens pa4al+!r clause ;n fav:r of and in form acceptably ti, the ~fr+rlga-
<br />gee. In the event any pc?iicy rc not rene•a cam( o - or 1x~f„n~ a-r: as>= „f it ea;.irallcm, t}ae ASr, rteagee map ;,nk un ;nsura rte nn ilia
<br />improvement, pay- the premium iherefer, and rush w.., .,,dt h+~r •°,e immerica?rir due and payable with intrust at the rate set
<br />forth in said note anti: ;aid and shall b,- ~+cu rest i~•-, thi<,nnr!gage Failum nn the part of the ~Yortgagur to Furni.h such renewals
<br />as are herein required ur faituri> Lt pav any Burns art.-e r,~•ed h. rya, rate: ,ha"(, at the or_.Gan of ±Fx- \iortaagrr•, cnnstitutr a rietavlt
<br />under the terms of this mortgage 'Chr riehva?ry c+f sad: ;vav::: ~- azai!. tn. the ascot ni ,arfau!t. cnastctu tr an assignment of the un~
<br />earned premium.
<br />Any sums reeeieea by the M.-ria:;.-e }.~ rras~=n •~t Irss or damage ins:: r:d against may be retainest by' the Ai ortgagre
<br />aad applied toward the payment ni fh. <l.•bt hereby .,.,... i. c:r a! the rption <.t t+>e ~~M<,rtgagee, such sump either wholly ar in
<br />pert say ~ paid over so the Sortgagor to !x^ used c.. -e,^a,r sneh buildings er n, build new buildings in ihc~rr place „r for any
<br />ether pur}case or object salisfactr,n- to the livrtga3,°r -..-aihc~.ut affrrting thc• !ten :m ilia m<.rt¢age far the fu!I arnrnr nt securer! here
<br />by before +-uch payment ever tmk place.
<br />Ta prumptJ t` repair, restore yr rebui:d any }-:uildir. K. :,r m;;±r:+~r~mrni_s n .. ,~r herraftFr nn the ;.iremisrs which ma}~ he-
<br />came damaged or desttvye~l ~, ic+ keep said Frremi.es rr. r; c;,d cc:ndirie:n and rr7~sir and free from an mechanics hen or other lien ar
<br />claim of hen oat ezpressly suturdinatrd to ;hr h+=n he; r:>i, not to suffer ,±r p.•rmrt any unlawful use of or any nuesance w exist on
<br />said ptnpem nor tv pr rntit waste on said prert:isrs nor t„ do anti other act w-hrreh~~ the prof-rty' hrrrby conveyed sha31 become
<br />l~s valuable, nor io diminish or impair its va lire by any set ,.r om s>tc.n :.: art to ~c+mph with alt rrquirement_c of taw with respect
<br />to the mortgaged premises amt the use thrrn f
<br />That sttouid the premises or any part iherecf lw taken -.r damaged by reas„n of an. pubtie• :mprever tn"Q _ ap~nd~mjtat~is,
<br />prxeeding, or under ilia right c.f eminent d„main, s+r m an-y ether rrtanner. the ~l engage.--- ,haaf ~ rntttied 2r+ all ix,mpensstions-
<br />awarda, and any a±hrr payment or relief therefe+r. and s:tali be entitled- at its option, to cornmence, appear in ara-l prosecute in its
<br />own name any action or proceeding, or to make any rampromise or settle .mrnt in connertir~n with such taking or damage. Ail such
<br />ctsapensation, awards, damages. right of action and proceeris are hereby assigned to the kortgagee, wha refs}•, a#ter derJucting
<br />fhe:edrwn all i~ ezpettses, release any moneys so .*eceived 6>- it or apply the same c+n ary intrbtedrtess secured herebq. The .'viort-
<br />gagor agrees to a:acute such further assignmrnis a( any camprnsattun. awards. damages, and rtgbt~s of action and prrxeeds as the
<br />Mortgagee maY require.
<br />That in case of (strum to perform any of for covenant. herein, the 'Llortgager may do .m the 'vfartgagor's behalf everything
<br />as coveaante3; the{ the Aior[gagee may aim do any set i1 may deem nect•ssan' to protect the tirn thrzres(, that the .yorigagor will
<br />relray ttptrrt utetrsaid any era:tRgS paid e: disiru rsed by Il~,f Mortgagee for any cf the abtr.~r pu rp<r.,es and such mrrreys togeftier w-:th
<br />iaerrest thereon ax the rate prnvideii in said note shall txenmr so much aclditxnsl indetstrti ors:; firreby secured and may tae in-
<br />cluded in any decree farecioairtg this mortgage and i>a paid out a( (he rents ar prcrreds <,f sale of said (aremtses if not otherwise
<br />paid; that it shall not be obligatory upon ilia Istortgagee to iagvire into the vakidity of any lien. encumbrances- or claim in ad-
<br />vsaedrtg mmeya acs alcove authorised, Taut nothing herein oonkained shalt br construed as requtrmg the Mortgagee to advance any
<br />tnneays ter say retch Purpear mx b do aay act herruruJer; attd that Mortgagee shall root incur any personal #iahility because of any-
<br />thttts et:_may do nr omi4 to do hereuttdrt.
<br />In the ,event of the default by Mortgagor in the payment of any installment, as required by the Note secured hereby. or
<br />in the performance at the obligation in this mortgage ar in the note secured thereby, fhe Mortgagee shall tae entitled to declare the
<br />debt aacyssyi hgtebp dye and payable wtihc+ut antis-e. and the 'mortgagee sltali M• enitlyd at its option. with*_,ut natire. ritlteT Fay it~~elf
<br />or I+Y V tnt~e~r io Ire appointed Lg the spurt thereat, and without regartJ to the adequacy of any security for the indebtedness :R-
<br />Cdied hereby, t-o eater npert aad take pe~e~iots t1f tJte mortgaged premises, and to arlfeet and receive the tents, i~ues and profits
<br />thrtreaf, arxd etppiy the same. lea teats of operation and collection, upon the indebtedness secured by this mortgage; said rents,
<br />issues std prn&tsbring hereby aaaign.ad to the Mortgagee as further eerurity tot the payment of elf indebtedness secured hereby.
<br />Thr Aortgagee tdfali have the power to appoiat any agent or agents it rear desire for {}tr purpose a( repairing said prem-
<br />iees: eenttng the aaa~e; tblleetiag the rents, revenues and iractrmr, and it tray pay out of said income all expenses incurred in rent-
<br />irrs and mansgiriathe seine acrd pt cdleeting ilia rentals iherefram. The halartce remaining. if any. shall br aPPlied toward the
<br />diAehatTr sit dte aart~e Sbdeblet3ttess. This aasigtmrnt is to Lermirtate and become null and vo?d upon release of this mortgage.
<br />
<br />