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—— _�__ — _— '« .. . r.w'4•. _. ._. � <br />.�w -.�' � .}.^ �. � +.'?a',�•'-'�'`_'. <br /> _.� , ' .a ., .. �M <br />--- :�:''. . � <br /> —�� ___,_ .._ <br />�zi t _, -- � <br /> �;� .. <br />�'�o''�'� ` � 92—i n0383 <br /> ---� <br /> - _ applica6le I�w may apecify for rcinstatement)before sule of thc Property pu�suant w any power of s�k cant�i�rcd in this <br /> � 9xurity Insaument:ar(b)mtry of�judgment enforcing this Sau�ity Inswmrnt. 7'ho�c conditions nre Uw�Bor'rower lu) <br /> pwys Lendcr all aums which �hcn would bc due under thls Security Insuument and thc Nae ax ff no accelcration hud <br /> _�� cxcwi+ed;(b)cures any default of stny aher covenonts or ugreements;(c)pays all expenscs incurred in enfa+cing thia Secudty <br /> °"���'��.' lnsaumen�including,but not limitod to,reasonable unomeys'fees;su�d(d) takes such uction us Lender may reasonably <br /> --°°-`y`- roquirc w�ssunc Uwt the lieo of lhis Security Instrumeni.Lcnder's rights in the Property snd Borruwcrk obli�►tion to pay 1hc <br /> � _--..,�..,�:r-y� sums �[M b thls Securfry Ins4vment siwll continue unchunged. Upcm reinstntement by Borrower, this Secudty r <br /> - �::.-�,..,... .._ <br /> Iwstrument and obligations cecurcd hercby xh:►II remain fully effective as if no acceleradon had accurred. However,�his <br /> �• dsht to reinwte shall na apply in the case of acceler+�tfon unde�paragraph!7. <br /> 19. Ssk ot Ndei C6ao�e ot L.oao Sen'i�cer 71�e Note or a panial interest in the Note(togethet wlth this Security <br /> ���`.-`'-� lnxwaxnq may be sold orte or marc times wi�hout prior notice to Botrower. A sale tnny result in A change in the entity <br /> _�-:��; • � lknown a.c the"Loan Servicer")fhat collects monthlY paYments du�under�Ue Note and thia Security Inswment. Thtre ulso <br /> a muy be a�e a more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelnted to a x�le of the Nate. lf there is n chunge af�he Loan Servleer. <br /> --- �,��___-'�„_; - 8ormwer wifl 6e given written notice af Ihe change in ecconiai►ce with pnragraph 14 above und upplicable law. The ndice <br /> ----�;:�.,�, - will ss�te the nume ru►d s�ddress of tl�e oew Lonn Servicer and the oddress to w6ich payments should be mode. The ndice will �.a-. <br /> -�-^`��'`'�'�• altio contai�i any wher inf«maGon required by applicable law. <br /> ;.�..i.: .._--�- <br /> ,�_��s�,e�.:. ;;: 2p. Hw�rdous Substances. B�urnower shall not cause a pecmit theµ*a�ce,ust•.di�,or r+eleux o any <br /> �"�" � Huzardous Substances on or in the P�+nperty. Borrower shall not du,ucM�l3uw aayo�ne e1�to do.Anything uffecung the <br /> a���,..r_.»,r.u•� — <br /> _— -_���r-.�� PtopeRy tfwt is in violation of any Envimnmental Law. The prL�eeding two sentences shall�ot apply ro Ihe presence,use,or <br /> -- �tixage an ihe Propeny of small quantities of Har.tudous Substances tl�at w�e�nrrally recognized to be appropriatc to normul <br /> _—��v''4� �"�.. msid�ntial uses and to m�intenance of tM Property. <br /> a�R�:i�;s , <br /> ----•�- _:t,• Barower shall promptly give Lender wrinea notice of any investigariun.'claim,demand,lAwsuit orother uction by ony <br /> •��:...�;�.��;�i.;+,;•• ,•; governmenlal or regulutory agency or private Qarty involving the Propeny and any Haza�ous Substance or Environmental �- <br /> . _,.�, <br /> -;�-�r:,;.:us;��'.: Luw of whkh Borrower hus actual knowiedge. !f Bat�ua�cr letvns, or is notified by any govemmentnl or regu atory �..-�. <br />'-��, ���' � authority,thu any removal or other remediadoti af any Haxurdous Substance aFfecdng th�Roperry is necessary,Barower — <br /> .'�:'.',,~" slwll pwmptly wke All r�eceswry remedis�l acdoos in aceordance with Environmental Law. � <br /> : y�"�""''" As used in thi�p�rs►grnph 20,'Hazardous Subs�ances"are those substances defined ns toxic or hazarclous substanceti by ° <br /> ���::,::. F.nvironmental law und the following substances: gasoline,kerosene,other llammuble or toaic prtmleum producis, toxic �_ _, <br /> -*��'_. pescicides and herbicides,volutile solvents, materials containing a.bestos or formaldehyde, and radiaactive muterials. As <br /> srr.::�: uned in this paragroph 20."Environmentul Law"means t�derai laws nnd lawa of tt�e juri�:tian whe�t!u Propehy is locuted <br />•�;�= '��.� tMt relate ta heuUh,safety or environmemul protection. <br />� ., �.. : '• NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und Lender funher covenantand agree as follow�: <br />="� �y,��.,,;,,;,,, ., 21. Accelemtion; Remedies. [.eader shall give notice to Borrower prlor to acceteraUoa Popowlag Borrower'g <br />-"�";'.}�� ,�'� breach oP Any rnvenant or agreement in this Security Instrument lbut not prior tu accelemtion aader paragraph 17 <br /> --__���_�--=-'j��'�''j���� p�less ep�llrable!�w�ovidcc otherwisel. The aotke s6a11 specify: lal the defanit;(bl the actioa requtred to cure the <br /> ;��;�>�#;��+ja,,,�(,',�.�.:., default;lcl�dpte.not le�Ihan 30 days from the date 1he notice is given ro Borcower,by whkh the default mast be <br /> ., �,�.,�;.•.;:'. ....� cured;and Id 1 thal failure to cure Ihe default on or before the date specified in the autice may resuU in accele�nt[on oP <br />-;;: + " Ihe sumv seeured by this Secu�ity Inslrument and sate of thr Property. 7'be not[ce shall fLrther i�fonn Borrower of <br />�; � ,���- �"•� the right to reinstale a�ter accelet�tiou and ihe right to bring a court action lo assert the non-existeace of a default or __ <br />� ;;,,'�j�,,,..,.;,. . uny other dtPense af Rorrower tos�cceleration and sale. If the dePault is aot cured on or before!he date speclP�ed in �° <br />-�;� ;�,i the�otice.l.ender at its option m�� require immediAte pAyment in full of aall sums se�wr e d by t h is S e cu�l ty Ins trament <br />=??� . '� ' �ithout furlher demand and ms+► invoke the power af sale and any of6er remedies permitted by applicnble law. <br />"`_''`'�:� Lender slwll be entitled to rnllect s�ll expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in Ihis para�roph 21. <br /> i"��'�^���°• lacludinq.but not limited to.reasonuble atlorneys'fees and costs uf title evidence. <br />;���i°'� • If Ihe power of sale is invoked.7Fustee shall record a nutice oP deFanit in each cuunly in which nny part af the �, . <br />�_ ' Properly ix luc�fed and shAll muil coples ai such notice in the manner prescribed by Applicable law to�orro«•er and to <br /> , Ihe other persons prescrlbed by Applicable luw ARer the time required by upplicable IAw.7Yuslee shall give public <br /> -;`�'"�` .�'�` �otice ot sale to ll�e persons and in the munner prescribed by applicable law. 'Irustee.without demand on Bor�ower. �` <br /> sball sell tUe Pro M at ublic auct i on to t he h i hest b i d der a t t he t ime ap d I wce an d under the Ierms desl gnated in �•- <br />_.=_•�''. ` Pe Y P B P <br /> the notke of sale in one ur more p�rcels and in any order 7lrustee determines. 'I�u�tee may poslpoae wle oP�+II or Any �_._ <br />�'���,!��« ••'%'�'�%- parcel of I6e Property by public announcement at the time and place of�+ny previously sc6eduled sale. Lender or i�v __ <br />�`�...: designec moy purrhase the Property at any sule. <br /> . Upon receipt of payment of the price bid�'ll�ustee shall deliver lo the purc6�ser 7lrustee's�eed conveying the <br />�=T�'�' " Property. 7'I�e recitals in the'I�ustee's deed shall be primn Pacie evidence oF the trulh af'the statements made the�ein. <br /> �rf,�""Z' 'IFustee shml apply Ihr proceeds oP the sale in the following order. la>to aM costs aad expeases of eaercising the power .- <br /> . :.:i{�.1�..: . . <br />--_:ti V�e . - <br />-_"�� <br /> _ �. <br /> . ,:,ti. <br /> . ;.;a�,�•; F'orm 1e21t 1�90 i� f�r n�wve�� ,,. <br /> �., • � � ; <br /> ,•�•, -r�, � <br /> i'� ":�r�-�:_�v�rlSiT�dJdYk' ',}K����S.'4�.[' . . , . . .. . ^.�-- . �_�_.�--_.._..... ....,-. ..,s.a„�,�,r <br /> h+ " � <br /> . <br /> , <br /> '�siii,s.. ., ' .. <br /> �+ " <br /> '� . <br /> , + <br /> �i�� . '� . . . <br /> , .��� . 1 <br /> t <br /> 1' t . � � _ � - <br />