79-~.~t+3182 ;.
<br />,flowed by law or federal rc-gelation. Principal amOUn*s; ;repair pri<~r to maturity must
<br />lie in amounts equal to one or rnare subsequent principal menu.
<br />P-'i",
<br />T;,at in addiiion to, and together with, the rra,,thiy ,r:sta{ irr:ents provided tar
<br />s:,daresthe terms of the afcrasaid Promissory Note and any ~,t"',Er n:J':es or agreements for
<br />:dcitienai advances as provided herein '`tarfgagor will pay =_ an advance payment to
<br />',sortgagee on the first day of each month ur,ti! said trote ,Jn^, the total indebtedness
<br />sneered hereby is fully paid, an amount estimated by ~%rJrtgaar~e *,, he sufficient to enable
<br />5', ~. .
<br />five i~iOrtgagee to pay all taxes, assessments (general or ,,.~.iel?, rents, and other
<br />similar charges against the above described premises, as tr.e >acr.e t,occ=mom due. Such
<br />a,ivance payments shat I ba paid each mon"ti1 together with 7n•~ r.mthly instal irr:ents provided
<br />~rsr under the terms of said °rornisso^{ ^iote and any other notes or reements for
<br />additicnai advances as provided herein in a sincle nayment and _f:aliJn:;t ,;e, nor .,eemed
<br />_~ be, trust tends but may be eommir,eied with other su~_h funds c,r the general funds t:;f the
<br />:rtgagee, ar,d no i merest sha (! oe pa'; ab i c: , ., spect thereof . '~;ort.;agor shall prompt l y
<br />'.>r-,card to P~iortgagee ai{ mils ~~r tei:ES assessments and rents and 'r~r'gagee will use
<br />~•.id advance payments for the ca;+rfznt ~- _,.-„ biii_,. '-ort:laoee may,~from tim= to time,
<br />1# it, option, waive, anc ...ter such wai.~'r, .,.ns'are am{ and ail ;:rorisionsyof i-his
<br />;~a;'agraph requiring such _.,,ance :.ayme'_ r~o*ice to 3~b~tgagor ir, writing. f/hiie such
<br />., ._;ver is in affect, Rt~:rtacar =..... .: a!I` axas, .._scssmants .,nd rer:ts as otherwise
<br />:videa hereir,aftar.
<br />v. .f the fetal ,.. -ne o`:a-.~, _ ,.~~:_;..s r:ade by tne^•iortga^or steal I exceed the
<br />t:, r.; o; payments ac'uaiiy m-,;2 ~ *ga_;ee for taxes, 3ssassments or rents, as the
<br />`ase T•ay oe, such ex::ess, ~, T`~,c _, - r< tr,.~. '~artg3gee, sha; I , t, creditad by the
<br />~acee on s nse ~e-i ~rr~?-~ n v ~ -„- ~ _~ ;
<br />., 7q,.g.,: ~ ~- uo_ .c the ~,r#faycr.
<br />, however, The tip.,, ,,. adv.:_~ ,R~ _ ea Fu.y tnr °.rrtgzg,:r ~^al l~^,ot be 5!.fficient
<br />:: poy such taxes, assassrr~n?s a dire:,ts., :as tr,e Case ^ray be, whet; ?he sarr,e shat I become
<br />.:tea and ;ayabie, 'Then the ;-k>r'ga_or snail ay :,, the "ortgagee any amaunt necessary to make
<br />the deficiency, or; ar before tha da'e when cayment o, such taxes ?sse=s?sr:ts er rents
<br />seal ~e -due. i r` at any' , .,.,~ the '.5or-~aG~r steal i tender to `he cr+ga.^ee, .,. ao^ordance
<br />~n itr *^e provisions of the ,.cte se~~red r,eraby, #u!i paysant f ... entire .^-debtedness
<br />represented tnereb•y, the- ~"~r-ga`ee s!-:3i;, in ~~mpu?inq the a."!oun'TC= such ir,deb7edness,
<br />,~• eLi i? to the aCCaurit of t`he '•v rt Co-C^,r ~^~r' CrEC i t .,,~! ZnCc aCC~mU i a'E?d ;1ndEr thc~ above
<br />.ragrapn. It 'lore ~nai! pe a aef3'~ „,,:der any of ... rovisi<,..s ~, this `~rtcace
<br />__~!'i^a in a publi:: saia of the ~rar-;sas coverad 'nereey~or the '.~.~ga~ee ac<guires 'he
<br />_- otherwise after detae!? tt;2 !."~,r±gagee sha! i apply ,,. sac`s ,,a.: ,er as Rlcutaayee
<br />~i3 ;;etermine tae balance of ad~ar,ce p;,y;nents then remasnint. ... the ~~r,ds accumulated
<br />--.per tFte a0cve ;,ara~raph, as a credit against the inda~~edne~s ~a~ured hereby.
<br />,. Tna' in ?he even', any of The monthly advance payments ,;~ovided heroic, or monthly
<br />s,sSiments u-ovidea for ~,rder the term.<. of said Pro,issory '.v ._ and any other notes :.r
<br />~!er,ts for addi'urEai a.. `.antes .,aye not been made i,y e ,en--, day,' cf the rror,th in
<br />•r-..~,. such aymer.r was __ a late _-,z-ge et up ,~ ten ii1} ,-erc%,:t of the amcunt of said
<br />....,"„is payment r:~}' ue ass~_sed ?-:a Assaci~-ion. t~ cOv~r Th ~ -~ „
<br />_~ e expense '^.volved
<br />„~'+C l i t,ti (]e ! v.1c':,t :e:' . , . . ,,c .~ ~JC i ... . ~n ~. d I _ ,.c G_ 3721 1G ac~.ept tlnv
<br />ti,it payarent .madam of tt':~ +c. T, of t+:e month
<br />- ^c? ur' f -. nth i y~ Gay*:ant >h3{ i
<br />. _ ~~_„^~ani bV tYte fun ~ a.: x., u.:, ...: t"-.c ,cT2 ~^ar~9 ~>52>_". „y t7E As 50Ciati 011 a3
<br />uvi_ed heroic.
<br />_. Te, pay an-y anc~ a! i -axis ~__.assments C-;~aoerai ~._ -_ .~;ai i , a';ts oeu :;*ter Simi !,r
<br />. ;a~c5 iCY1eL'i a^~ rise- ~_., ^ _ '!'.~ Erg+ScS, ?nfti ~%i ~ac'2, .. Ir ,c~ - c,
<br />s G ~t ne eoY
<br />__ered, .. -,o c the;: : a__. ~ c.., .. _v _, .~r: . , „ , - ,
<br />L~ - ~ na1 uCn r~ ~v rc .....fire:,
<br />_. ~. ,., uetaufT triercU' ..~ ~r~ a. , rB _S ._. ar,,. ,., Ys e,s _.. .. .u .,~d n„'C;
<br />v-'`:t a# i I t- romx C _ _ .~. _~.;C .. ^'C-:7~1, tiw UC _ :1.. '.. ,
<br />.,t-r,an3, .. .. S". _,il be 5'_,Jre4 -,1,_ . 3dC.
<br />,. ,,:., `•i"'yagur will Ee;: - :._'^e~, s _ _a;,, ._.:i-e. :~t_,. ,7.-~ .._ _>
<br />. C'r}* .' iiy:h in-` .. ,.. ~:.._ '.a=~. .._ _i....dd .. .. .. ..~,~ _ v'::7_u ~_ J ... ~ `
<br />- __ ... _ "aye. ,_.. 'KSr ., ~ .5"r-.~. ~.. . ~_., _.. T[',e
<br />,1.:i_. ~ _._ _ .,,_...t. ~_~ scclrea her„••, ~., ~ ., ;y, D;J,ucl_ ±.~ ,,:ic
<br />-r '._, .: ~Ti, 1" o ~,..i":p any _'.. _v ~; a`iic> a_C;,.-,~.. ._ r,; .. >__.:1.~:1:.. .3 ,J .,,. mid ~.J C.^ :. ~i
<br />.. ~ ,_~c?c. ca^... ~ .. _. _r, .,- "''s" i. LT Tr._ ,. ~., a.:.,_ _~. _ ~ Ic._. .-, '.
<br />ay vrrE 8C~ e.^-t ., any , J55 dameJe Ulf try, ., ~ i ~ { i ~°v tJ' , ..r n i !^ ,_ ~~, - C, . ~ w a ;r--~,
<br />~.rv8 ~+'l:~u!'rt GS r-suraS?C T mac. Lr= ~G _'^aI Ic-_ i^ ~„ ;~CK)unt SU-+-.:~~r,? .3T of ~ , iRl__
<br />'.,.Ilv proTect the ~ssaciation. it.?~iortgagcr ,ails .c pr~,~.,re o- r+.air,-air =:uch ., ...r?^;-~,
<br />;;~ the n~arner spe:;ified herein, The a~s__ at.an .. .. i+' pure ,_ ,';'
<br />,:stn insursnc a:,d ai 1 r:aone s sa advan ^+ r + o~.+ _ ,
<br />y cod :+. .h r .eras? s I I erorr. the gate ~~-,
<br />.-..JCn papF:art steal! be repaid by P.ur7ga:d:,r upon. :Tamar:e, and seal! na secured by this
<br />;>~or tgage .
<br />3. That the RSar;gagor will keep the buildings ,upon said pre,^ises in gooe re;i:fir, and
<br />^~'+#he3' co~sri# nor permit wante upon said land, nor suffer the sarr~ premises t--'. '_;e us~rd
<br />f+ur_aay unlawful purpose. h7ortgagor further agrees that >ritnout the written c,~nse;,t of
<br />fig Federal-Savings and i_aan na buit~ings or additicns to ex:stinq`.uildinas r,half t:e
<br />ere>vted, and-all parking and lahdscaped areas-shalt be satisfact-Drily ^ai~,tainea.
<br />9. That in the even` the premises ar and r-art thereo' e .~k ,~.r ~ qc~' y rc.,_,..~,
<br />~# any public impravement ar canderrmation r ,,c2edin7s, or .,r,d~r r. _c,~ o{ ,.i=:.:r r
<br />x" in any other manner, ?~ortgacee shall be~enrit!ed at i* f,'i~~~ r: ornrr,-
<br />