<br />- ...-
<br />_ - ,-_ - ;
<br />~ 52-A-REA L~E,S,TtA~TE MORTGAGE-(With lax Clause) (Reviasd 1962) 7tu- Hu9xrwz~ grant euuoty }louse, ~inwtn, Nebz. -
<br />~.-~~-L7"ETi3~__._ -~_ ~_._-~__._--_._. ._~___._v_..._._____ __
<br />i KNOW ALL NfEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That ,iOhri Ward and Etta, Jean Ward, husband
<br />' and wife •
<br />' of Hall County, and State of Nebraska -----~in°cc-r=id~r~tio=af the sum of `
<br />Onto T~aisusat'~i and Naf100-------°_°-----°-..°---.--_-- _DOLLAI2S
<br />k in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONVEY unto
<br />The Archer Co-Operative Credit Association, Archer, Ne.
<br />t of MerritSk County, State of Nebraska the follottvtg described premises situated ;
<br />in Hall County, and state of Nebraska . to-wit: -
<br />'_~kss west half {W-~) of Iot eleven (11) of Islarzf3. Acres, being a
<br />subdivision of part of the west half of the southwest quarter {WSW})k '
<br />of-section eight (8) and part of fractional lot two (2} of section
<br />-seven (7), all being in tt~wnship eleven {11) north, range nine (g),
<br />west of 6th PM.
<br />The intention being to convey hereby an absolute title in fee. simple, including aft the rights of homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises abuse described, with all fhe appurtenances hereunto belonging, unto the saw ,
<br />mortgagees} and to his, her or their heirs and assigns forever, provided always, acid these presents are upon the eapt~
<br />eoaditioa that if the said mortgagor(sl, his, her or their heirs, ezecutors, administrators nr assigns shad pay or cause to be ;
<br />paid to tin: said tnorigagee(s), his, her ar Yheir heirs, executors, administrators or ss`:gns, the arincipal sus: of $1QQQ. QQ-
<br />payable as follows, to wit:
<br />X100.00 per month until paid
<br />=i
<br />with interes! according m the tezmr and effect of the mortgagors w•riiten Promissory Hate taearint, ec n date with these pt-eaenfa - -
<br />I and ebtll pay all fazes and ssst~ssments levied upon said rest Mate, and all other taxes, levies and as~~ssrtents fe~~ed upon this '.
<br />6¢ or the note 'which this ttmrtgage is given to secure, before the same becomes delinquent, and keep the tatildittgs on
<br />_ aid premises iaaured for the sum of S12,QQQ.QQ ,loss, if any. Payable to the said mortgagee. then tlteae preaeata ;
<br />!c tK veld, ^r!y-""'= to ~ a~ =~+~in i_n full forte-
<br />- S
<br />li' I5 FUR'f'HER AGREED (l? That if the said mortgagor shad fail to pay such fazes or procut~ such inatrance, the
<br />_ acid mortgagee may pay such razes and Ptwvre suet; insurance: amt the sum so advaru~ixl, with interest at C~ per
<br />Deal, shall he repaid by said mortgagor. and this mortgage shall stand as security for the same. (21 Tlu.t a failure to pay any
<br />_ ~ of acid moKy, either principal or interest, when the samr ba.~canea due. or a failure t~., compl~~ with any of the fofrgoing _
<br />agreemettte, shall cause the whole sum of tnoortey herein sec;zred w bectzn:e due and rnltectihle at once at the option of the `
<br />i mort~gce. .
<br />Signed thu i'S-~ day of ~~~ 19 7~ .
<br />!
<br />In presence of ___ __ ............ ... .. .
<br />)
<br />r ~=~r{.i _ .. _ ........
<br />f r
<br />~.~ $`1'ATE QF-._-__-. ---~aa!.--.._-.., ~ln2nty of.
<br />-- _ Bid me, a rotary pubtli~c r}ua~tyf5~ed far avid aunty, i'~rsonaTliY cants -
<br />-~ - - _ ~I ri t't iYa Red `~ti ~( ~~'T~$ v~2a rz YyLt R-y, ~i~~
<br />known-bit sae tp be the idmtipt petson or persons who signed the Eoregoiag instrument ~`~lu
<br />! tlto be ills, hen or their voluntary act sitd deed. ~~it:tiiil
<br />Wihtes ~ htmd and notatvaI seal oa.._._. _. ........._...__..---.- - ~~ 8.7.~...°.~i -~-/ '
<br />~ a4i Mires __..._.;_ ,__ t~.`.~n.... , 29.~,~. _....._ .~.. _ ...... ,__!_:..`._~2~S~azTl6tary Pu61ic. ,
<br />- R 1
<br />~~; - - ..,.. _ - _ Y .~ _ F.rttered on nutneriea: itidea a~ filed for r•€eord
<br />{ ae. in the Regiefer of Ditods Office of said County flu
<br />~ ~:
<br />._...:.......s.~..:+dty ad,...,... _.:. _.,_. ._..._...,....., 18..__,.__., at.:..,.---._.__..._.......,a'dock and.. _ ....... ..........minutes .M., i
<br />aed a6C6addd in Book.._......:.~:..._.....::.w.__...d:.r._.._._.....:...__.........._at pa$e_.__.._...._ ............ . _ ... -
<br />_l .....
<br />Itt ..........._....._......_Reg. of Deeds'
<br />} - - - _ - - $y......_ ..................................... _.... ..Deputy ~.
<br />