39- UG3#37
<br />ORDINANCE NO. 6414
<br />Aa ordinance creating Street Improvemmt District No. 475: defining the boundaries
<br />of the district; providing for the improvement of a street within the district by paviryt,
<br />oasbiag, guttering, and all incidental work 3n connection therewith; and to provide for
<br />• m effective date of Lhia ordinance.
<br />SBCSION 1. Street Improvement District No. 475 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br />is hereby created.
<br />$ECTZON 2. The boundaries of the district shall be as follows:
<br />Degiaaing aL a point on the east line of Hope Street and 175.6 feet, or
<br />53.523 meters, South of the South line of Hedde Street; thence running
<br />southerly on the East lice of Hope Street for a distance of 104.4 feet,
<br />or 31.821 meters, to the \orth line of Lot 5, Grand Island School Additiaa;
<br />thence running vesterly on the north line of said Loc 5 for a distance of
<br />15 #~' 4.5'2 meters, to a point 3'u'u feet, or 41.44 meters, Aest of the
<br />vesterly line of Sylvan Street; thence running southeasterly and thence sou-
<br />thazly oa a line parallel to and 300 feet, ar 91.44 meters, Wesc of the
<br />vesterly line o£ Sylvan Street, to a point in Lot 4, Grand island School
<br />---~ Addition, located 42 feet, oz 12.802 meters, vest of the vesterly line of
<br />t ~ said lot 4, and I8C feet, or 54.8b4 meters, South of the northerly line
<br />of said Lot 4; thence running vesterly on a lice parallel to sad 180 feet,
<br />- or 54.864 meters, Soath of the northerly line of Locs 2, 3. and 4, Grand
<br />w`
<br />m ~ Island Schoai Addition, zor a distance of 134.6 feet, or 223.906 meters,
<br />La a paint oa the c-esterly line of Adams Street; thence running northerly
<br />ea ~ oa the vestezlp line of ddara Street for a distance of 480 feet, oz 146.304
<br />oa .,o-i meters; thence running easterly on a line parallel to and. 120 feet, or
<br />m n 36.516 meters, South of the southerly 13ne of Hedde Street For a distance
<br />of 295 feet, or 89.41b eseters, to a point on the North line of Lot 13,
<br />~ ~ Smmy Acres Subdivision, located 25 feet, or 7.620 meters, East of the
<br />~ Yorihwest earner of said Lot 13; thence running northerly on a line parallel
<br />to and 325 feet, or 58.560 meters, East of the easterly line of Adams Street
<br />- for a distance of 16D feet, or 54.864 meters, to a point on the northerly
<br />lice of Hedde Street: thence easterly on the northerly line of Hedde Street
<br />for a distance of 430.22 feet, ar 131.161 meters, co a paint on the easterly
<br />2iIIe of Hope Sr-eet, being the point of beginning, all as shave on the
<br />-plat marked Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorpazated herein bg reference.
<br />BEClZON 3. the folioving arrests in the district atoll be improved by paving,
<br />-aaa3lag, gmtezina; sad all {^~i~~tal work connected therewith:
<br />Chinch Bawd from Adams Stzect to Hope Street, sad Hope Street from
<br />Cbarch Bond Ga Hedde Street.
<br />faSd improvements shill be made in accoxdnaee with glass and specificaeions prepared by
<br />tie Eag;aaer for the City sad appsaved by the Mayor sad Council.
<br />3LCII0l1 4. the improvements shall be made at public cost, but the cost thereof,
<br />esclodiag intersections, shall be assessed npaa the lots and lands in the district specially
<br />bssafited thereby, as provided by law.
<br />. EBCSIClN 5. Shia ordir~nee stn13 be is Force and take effect from sad after its passage,
<br />mpproral, and pahliestioa, vithaut the plat, as grovided by lair.
<br />b. Phis ord*•+~^~e, with the plat, is hereby directed to be filed in the office
<br />of the Resister of Deeds. Fall Coonty, Nabsaska.
<br />7• meter i'assage. appxvrra2, and publication of this ordinance, notice of the
<br />Cimstion of said dia~ct shall be pablLh~ in the Grand Island Da11y Independent, a legal
<br />pchlishsd and oft smerai cireoiati~ in said Gite, as pravlded by law.
<br />Ai~st- ~' L. Aetsllick Ebert L. $ri -.
<br />er Yor
<br />