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<br />79-- UU31~3~
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<br />ORDINANCE N0, 6435
<br />An ordinance creating Street Improvement District No. 970; defining the boundaries of
<br />the district; providing for the improvement of a street within the district by paving,
<br />curbfng, guttering, and all incidental work in connectian therewith; and to provide for an
<br />effective date of this. ordinance.
<br />SECTION I. Street Improvement District No. 470 in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br />is hereby created.
<br />SECTION 2. The boundaries of the district shall be as follows:
<br />Beginning at a point on the easterly line of Shady Bend Road and 206.2 feet,.
<br />ar fi2:850 meters, North of the northerly line of Gregory Avenue extended;
<br />thence running southerly on the easterly line of Shady Bend Road for a distance
<br />of 462.4 feet, or 140.440 met~zs; thence running westerly on a line parallel
<br />_ ._,.• -~--~~'-, r~ .~.nd a06.? feet, ar 62.8;r ~..2t~zs, eau";' ai th'c south<ri`y line of GYegozy
<br />~ Avenue for a distance of 1,352 feet, or 412.09 meters, to the Southwest Cotner
<br />~~ ~ of Lot 3fi, Sass Second Subdivision; thence running northerly on the westerly
<br />. E~ ~ ~ line of said Lot 36 and the westerly line of Lot 35, Sass Subdivision, for a
<br />r m ~- distance of 556.2 feet, or 1E9.530 meters, to a point on the westerly line of
<br />~ ~ < said Lot 25, said point being 300 feet, or 41,440 meters, North of the northerly
<br />• ~, ~ line of Gregary Avenue; thence running easterly on a line parallel to and 300
<br />p feet, or 91.440 meters, North of the northerly line of Gregory Avenue for a
<br />t 4 ~ distance 474.2 feet, or 144,536 meters, to the westerly Iine of l.ot 18, Sass
<br />Second Subdivision; thence running southerly on the westerly Iine of said Lot
<br />18 for a distance of 93.8 feet, or 28.590 meters, to the Southwest Corner of
<br />said Lot 18; thence running easterly on a line parallel to and 20b.2 feeC, oz
<br />_. 62.850 meters, North of the northerly line of Gregory Avenue for a distance of
<br />-'-- $77.$ feet, or 267.553 meters, to a point on the easterly line of Shady Bend
<br />Road, being the point of beginning, all as shown on the plat marked Exhibit "A"
<br />attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
<br />SECTIOt1 3. ?he following street in the distziet shall be improved by paving, curbing,
<br />~t[ering, and all incidental work connected therewith:
<br />Gregory Avenue from Shady Bend Road vest 1,2B6 feet.
<br />Said improvements shall be made is secordance with plans and specificacians prepared by
<br />the Engineer for the City and approved by the Mayor and Council.
<br />SECTION 4. The improvea~*_s shall be made at public cast, but the cost thereof,
<br />etcluding iatersectioas, shall be assessed upon the lots and Zands in the district specially
<br />benefited thereby, as provided by law.
<br />SECTIOR 5. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage,
<br />approval, and publication, with~t the plat, as provided by law,
<br />SECT1ODi b. This ozdinaaee, with the plat, is hereby directed to be filed in the office
<br />of the Register of Deeds, Hail Couatp, Nebraska.
<br />SECTI09 7. After passage, approwal, and publication of this ordinance, notice of the
<br />creation of said distziet shall be published is the Grand Island Daily Independent, a legal
<br />gaper pnbliahed a;rxd of g~erai eireulatian in said City, as provided by law.
<br />Easetad lU~r 1#, 19TH
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