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<br />_. <br />'; 1 REAL ESTATE M6RTGAGE FGRM Fte zoe (acv, <br />a ~~-~ ~~~~~~ Bate May 18, 1974 <br />Yau1 E. Graham and Elaine E. Graham, husband and wife <br />mortgagors, <br />of Hall Co+,~ty. Nebraska in conslderaticn of <br />the advance of the principal sum recited in the note hereinafter described, receipt of which is aokrowledged, hereby <br />mortgage and convey W <br />THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA, a Corporation, <br />of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address <br />is farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68100, <br />mortgagee {suh~ect to 011, gas, a.-~ mineral rSghLS owned Dy parties other ch sn Mortgagors; exi sung easements of <br />record: resen•ations in t";iced States end State patents; ar.Cthe rights of the puhilc Sn all highways), Lhefollgwing- <br />QescrSDed real estate Sn Hall - ~c,:;ty Nebraska , <br />SEC. TWP. RS. <br />NF~S' AiF}E and the N 21.5 A of SE'.sNE~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19 lON 11 W 6th P.M. <br />:~ coma+ning 61 5 +iFQ nc ~_ z a~ ~ h +ght tit12, and Sn*.?rest <br />+ ;new ~sedor*ere_fter +red' a. -.: ?r+ '~ g ~ ~ 'x^rov?rents, flxtnres, <br />- or appurtenarc?s L'ie.^. 5 r 2~ :e v wa- ', + .. -o... - 3 +~ts• .he tenements, <br />- Dared±t-amen ts, a. a;,;._r.._ r-. -7~_ pr•~f::_ .,+ _ -said lan+s: an3 yif <br />. I Lhe tbrtgagar ~gh is :n t;.ey; ,. .~m 7; ^..-LS D see -3 -'r n- , ail 1e25as, p?hits, <br />( _iransas. ar^r+}1 ~ 3?s spp~"?n s. - e. _~aa q ., ~:,r -?r a ter issued. rextended, <br />+ renexed to t':? yrr g:~._..: .s ~.e _ .te-_ S„__> __ ....r .., ... ~c'. .. _..= a..,.r2 ..?sc. Sb -,. r2rty !s lacatee ar <br />dzn~cmx L. S~^?au: .-- eve ;ry ;.']er_.._. <br />_ i ;g:1S marl: &c .. r,i': 2!'. .. 2•. _r'2 ~....__ _ .._~_ _. Pl'c~ ~S'_? .. c.. ?rc!..... -_'xP^.. _c,. by `t0'.':iZ'-a^ ~'-3 .`Sgrts-gat. Sn <br />she p in Fa: s',m tf EIGHTY-SEVENR THOUSAND YOUR HUNDRED AND NOJ1OO - - - - - - - - - +30L~AS, <br />-~ q payaDl- with ?merest. z,.ca. _ine t:. v~P *__. _ _ ss.~_ .._ ', ,... ._.... ~~,^~°:+'. :>Finr del s*.d payat+la on the first dsy <br />-. + <br />a, June. 1999 :^:t: ._r,~e ::'r .... :__ De 1. ~.C ._.. the f:=.}*.~.._ of _,aSd prgm!ssory• note. <br />Thls mortgage is subyeM a tie ,^.rovis,i ons of :2?E ,Fait. Cpl'. ACT A^.d `al'_4ac is amendatory *_hPraof or suppler.:ental <br />_. j Lhe+^ato. :Ea pra:.ea^_s of ~t^e ;_~sn seeut~tl *,er?by w1 i'_ Ge -_se1 for the F~^Feses specif iz„ 3r, the '4ortgaggrs+ afip11- <br />+ cation far Bald loan anC a;thc-lzeC bti sai•^_ 1,t. <br />-: ( 1'.~e Nortgsgo-^s, sad ea;,•h c* *. !:e^. ;-^e3v +c=,^a,^t t?:a* thzy ~ =fee ^wners of the ^aortgs3ed r _ proper Ly: that they <br /># will defend he 'ills _aimar.:, w?;~~se?. that .~.=-SO ar o rty ! - free .=r encun+n^ances: tnat <br />t.Sey will Reap Lhe imprev>,:+ izt'res, ar. _^t2n,^ces ac~spleC}and +r goeC ra + ar fiarmit nc acts ^.* <br />r~asLe• snd they-will relSryui si: --- _ ig%=5 t_ h~.~es ~_._.. Sr: maid . eris_ , and ccv2n sat ~r:d agr2_ ..nth the mortgage=. <br />') as failoxs: <br />_= ~ ri) That U,ey 8111 pay rtH;?n d•ue Ali Laies, liens, lidgmerts, yr assessmer.LS which may be lawful.y assessed against <br />) L'l:e ;,roper*_y here±n mcng~~gad. <br />{gj ghat they ~rlll '.n-u,_ =_nd keep Ls!.rcC huil4lr:gs or ether Smprovzments now on cr which any her?after be placed <br />~', ~ bn said prc~lses Lo t>~e satls_*act2on i f *_he ncrtga3?e, such ;nsur.~ ce yk,licy shall D? endorse!' wT th s mortgage cla+ise <br />wit; the '~. **er=,,.n_*+er L,c Da va ? C^ t_hn f>^rtgag??. qr3' snaes recei+ed msy be used L,- pay far reconstruMlon <br />'^ 3 of Life destroyed improvements: er' if no*. se aA^lied, may, at the option tf the !%artgagee, b? applied Sn psymert of <br />-' 1 aaayy 1~ebGednes3, metered ar ut~ati~ed. s2cu:2d~by '.his mortgage. <br /># {3) To pay all teats, Tess, or charges now due or tb Deeome due antler the terms c_* each lease, petit, licens?, cr <br />Drivilaga on the public dci~nain xhich is appurtenant or renappurtenant to the mortgaged premises, which has been <br />I6~d, extsnded,or rene+oed by tpe 17nit•ad States cr the slate ir. wnSCD the aDave-described property is located: and <br />.'3 to perform and obasrva avert' act, covenant, eoadltion, and stipule±icr, n?cassaay Lo keep each of the same in good <br />stamSing; and to take every necessary step tc secure the reissue, renswal, or extension of each of the sa,•ne; and to <br />assign, waive, pledge, or endures to the !rortgagee each lease, permit, license, ar yrlvilegs if martgagors+ rights <br />in p~lIc'dca~in are required Lt' 7~z•tgageE for security purposes. <br />! ' <br />" i#j 19~t-1a the event the tgirtgagee is a part; %i, any 11t1gatlon affecting the security or t3:e lien o_* Sts mert- <br />.. gee, iatii7YQIl~ atiy atilt-hY the lSOrt~gee to foreclose this uort~:ge at' any suit in which the riorteagee may be named <br />S%: - a patty dafettdaiitln a9iich it-SS obligated-to protect Its rights or lien, lncludiag condemnation and hankruptcy <br />'°? 9edinga, the-mortgagee-mnq Sncnr etcpensas and advance payment fqr abstract lass, atteraey fees {axeAp± to the <br />szt~t yiVhibitsti:by I7kS, costa, eapens+~»., attd other Charges. <br /># {5) SABL fn.-fie event the .iSprtgagoss fall to pat when. dne any „axes, liens, l~ dgme^LS,u or assessments, cr faca"co <br />i snintain itESUranee as hsreinbefore rn-avlded, or reel to pCy r~ ~a rags r e y U say 1-- <br />_i Derm,t; !icsnsa, or privilege: or TkSrLgagee is required to incur expenses for aDStra•s *e s t~., nay fees, costs, <br />_ i a~p~ra~, aid dt~er ~az~as in-aa~nectian-r3th. liti¢ati~,-Ht_u'tgat?ee may maY.e ..uch paymen.. or ,~rnv+de ,urh insurance, <br />- or inCas` such obligation: and the--.amounts paid therefor shall become s part of the in~ieUtednes; secured h?ruby due <br />and payable imo+edlatejy,-and~tali bear interest from the data of payment at the same rate ns prrvided for default <br />- Sa t3te note. <br />( <br />