<br />31-02-0097 '"""'~ This form is used in connec-
<br />tion with mortgages insured
<br />~~~~~t~~~j' under the one- to four-family
<br />provisions of the National
<br />Rousing Act.
<br />~~~3~92
<br />THIS f~ft3RTGAGE, taade and executes this = lst day of Mag .A.D.
<br />19 79 ,byaridbettacen Wayne R. and Rtx~~ L. Stalk, husband and wife
<br />~~ Cwtnty of Hail .and State of Nebraska, party of tlx first part, hereinafttr caled
<br />~ ~~' ami Mortgage Plus Inccarporated '
<br />a corpoaaaioe orgastized aed existing uatker ttse laws of the United States of America
<br />PAY of Ilse secoa+d part, bertinafter called the Mortgagees,
<br />Wl'1'NF.SS£'!"ff: That the said Mortgagor, far and in ~ttsidcratian of ibe sum of Thirty Three Thousand 2Wo Hundred
<br />and fifty sad Qtf,t1QQG'ts--------------------°--- DaHars t$ 3 3 , 250.OQ ), paid by the M~t-
<br />PiE~, the rexeipt of which is hereby ackAO+riedged, bas Granted and SoNt and by the:sr preaasttt does Grant. Bar-
<br />ds. S+eti, Convey astd Confirm unto the Mang~tgre, its s~xxuon and assigns. forever, ibe fcdhiwit~-deseribad
<br />teat estate, sitwated ~ the County of Hall . ~ S4te
<br />d t+kbtsaka, to wti:
<br />Znt Seven {7), in Block Sixteen ilfi), in Sshia®er's Addition to the City
<br />of c~,3nd Island, Aa33 i«auntc , 'tebraska
<br />
<br />cf tYe , txswaaita<m ~ cit3r gzoPer^_y airs ~Y to Gc~w~sra-
<br />~ ttwvt§:
<br />to liA4*E ANU 7Y? f for prewtiaex dx*s°c desttibr~, yxsk ~ doe des tbrseta£c berg and
<br />at ~ f affi fixisrs asd sxr-~ tx 3xrcaftsx ist rfl or usc+d in said tad estate
<br />awnatie - and to its swoaecc.~+n asW asajgas, farvtx. The ftlors~tgtr re#~sestsb ta. sad ~~~~.~ raitb, the 3lastya-
<br />~, try +~ !tg °a t~ 4a as5d ~~ s~ tom= try am ftxsr frtsm brace: sad ~ the
<br />trssasr`. ~ # + .'fat s of ~ i~ cY~: ~ tle ~ 1~',tr ~~
<br />b3 ors ad at tstaaesaead, aed sSi rx, ~ ltw ~ ~ . awsi ad ot~x t anceests as the
<br />s tss~l s tlse shore wed ux• tf+r u~ntion b~ to ien~ h ao abtwtux t~ir. at ftx , isrbsl-
<br />is~ at# tip d , and atdser ~t tsnd mterrsis as aforesaid.
<br />f~U4 ALA :~l`S, and ۥrcae~s atx ex:s sited serd c3cfr~~rad the latk~a~ rosatitiruss, to :it-
<br />9'ie sa pay u+tfr ~. rsr ordex, the ~ cd ~l:irty= T_nratr 1'ht~:tsand SVo
<br />t P'i'ft; and Qs~,110Qt._~;s ~ ~ l3, 250. ~s~ t, with ~tenrst ftvws
<br />d;%t tt aae ,per ceattnua 3 1 v . !~ 1 per ante zm
<br />e+r isrrirmoe nsad i~ t oral intesrst tt ~~^ ~ n zrf ~rc~=vat ga::s tl~n°tzi^~r$t®u
<br />dlesaxsa~dcav~~+rrt~szgemt~~ado ~ ThreE H',zstdrt?d '1`woatanQ :3~ri~~Yis~tnexot--
<br />Dr+ltars tS 3D? . _~ M. ;~mcadina an the tint stay cif
<br />ISM ;~ , stsd ~ the ~; day ~ t~ ate ita°rexfter unFa the priacipd aeA in-
<br />at+e „ t ~~ tiarl payer ~ prsnc~at aa~d itaiwrtct, g r~ rases: paid, s be dsr assd
<br />tna+~ ss rise fetat~ a1 ~. ?'~Q4 : ad aczxud ~ the t~ras of a certain Pi'+-
<br />ans td e~ dtwe is ear for tom-
<br />1. 3ista fse t~ l~ tilt ~, as ~. ~ is ~ to pay ~e debt ~ male, €sr ~ as
<br />maws aXd s sa sr asns snards$ t~~ae~s ~a ttie ~rinc~+d tlna arc aet.Y dtre ~ the ante. an ~c frst tikuy of ~f' eawttb
<br />,grins' tr s•: ltins+sidest, Tine +avttes amliex ~ as hi et:esraar such ptitaiege is peer at kart tbgry f ~-)
<br />~n pirr ~r~
<br />~. '~isssl, Wit. wtrl ~ aitiiiiYaw tea, tlsr tey p`yasit of and pniyaa+ie awdrs the tense of for
<br />mete ~f ,dot liei+~er ~ ~slfir fdat~ee, oa rise ~ tt[ ewrA malt tfwe aetr ie fully pwid, the
<br />.r
<br />~naaatt ~ ~ pre^:~e w1c ftaidet b svi6hr fit tt; ~ ~ aster »> iarswrancx ~ettuttse if taus
<br />isartraaatas stt ~ carne aesote:esi sac fsatad, or s aBaerbf}~ t i+n Rear of a wu~rt~ inrs+ra~ a ,rc
<br />>Iwissw3 if #srr nr Laid 4r tiro fad of tdotttiag stai thbtat f]e+~aent, s fa#fotas
<br />~1 ~ ~~ ...~ ~_.__ ~.~ . _ e ....,tea; .tea
<br />'+twarta ttf ?iraieetd Aoi, ae tawaotst rttfis~taettt to aceuntniatr sre titr kattdc of ttte h~Ader c~rx
<br />3T'ATEOF VEBRASfi.t
<br />t~a+~+ttdttines~ttaa0tsrf Fns-2+t31d tsa-gar
<br />