<br />P42OOP~f2TY~IMPRQYIaMENT Loan Number__='t7~540 ___ -e q~'n_ _.5
<br />FOea{ Na. 2T T {Rrv. i 1~7`7m
<br />79.... avow ALL :~rl sY z~ P~F.SEfa'I'S
<br />'THA3`_ Ti~.athr 3_. iasee and Sav.ena ti. ''ash.~..Asd_::Az~a^.~._.dAd..b.;.i~....2Cisirl}:..as3..~;,ck,..in.~heir
<br />aT.-n right> ---------------
<br />~ Mme, in caasaderatsan of the etTTa of_SV1F.~:-.Ti3flliSati --s~-k~.~'i~&8--s&KII~-,k\D
<br />dt~i'1flL~ ---------------------------------
<br />(i ' , n©~ . b~ ~ ppj~,~, ~ rapt of wltic5 is hereby ~owl~edged, do hes+etrp MOR'fiGAGS
<br />aTTr2 t:U4v'L'RY an aheolTm#e ~t3e> int~SadiTTg all the ~~ of hoa~tead asd iahe3itaTxme, T3II{~o FIRST
<br />Tr~~~Ri1~ 3AY~d~-S AbTD Lt))A.TV A':~iTI4R f)F I.INCQIh~, NIaBRA.SI{A, hermaafter eal~d
<br />Mort~ee, its auooesaaf asd aaTi~tte, the 8 described sal estate, sitT~ted is.....1ia33.
<br />Cz+uaty, 9ssta od r1RE4fiASI+:A, ~rsrit:
<br />;`fxe S.-~u.herlr :iinet~ L'.G ?'gat {`?i'? of Lot 'Six (c3 in ~ulatk `?'s.~ert}. Fire {?5}
<br />is G.3sazles 5:asx~r'~ ~:diti~n to the Cix~~ a, Grand lsland,~?all Caun*_l~, ?v'ebsas?ta,
<br />and ~es:ribed as :ollat>: ~eginnin3 at the Southwest corner of said l,at it> thecae
<br />runniag easterltiā¢ a3ang and uran t'ne sautharl~ line ai :aid lat o to the Santheast
<br />oornez of lot r., t?:ente nortixezi~ along and upon the caste-l?~ line of said lat ~,
<br />a distaste of ~1 =eat theste wasterly and parallel to t~r.e Sutherltiā¢ lire «~f said
<br />tai e, to tsxe kart ?='ae of said 'sat t~, thene2 sauthzrl}~ along anc~ :.p,Ar. the vested},
<br />line of said lat r, a distance aY 91 feet to the ;-.mint ._ beg,inninr.
<br />T(? HA~'$ AAID Tf~ HtII~ tine real esbatc abo~ee described, vita all appsrtaoanccs L'h~etTatn
<br />b smea the aead ~ irtte~ peerrided ahrsya, ssd this mae~e ~ TTY t3+e eapeese cas}-
<br />d~as ti~at ii tt,e a titer esatuta:s, ad>3giTai~Tt~a to aeai~ shall pay ttr cruse
<br />m be psis ime t#~e sad diaet~yee, its aTSOmxasemus eu aao~, the dal eras heze~abnvr +Net fcatli. atl
<br />anoeet~ to t3te teamer and e~ct e~ a aeataim it sole c~ aT~' ~ eivm shta with
<br />this ao, and ~ pay ts~ea asdd lerisd aid ~ Asir, as{fatha tTems,leviw
<br />sssi sasase ievrei tms mas~le or the sac wbies thmt esost,~e iu gTSeat m aseae, owe lima
<br />eatae ar asp " tha~mf hea~ee deiingaast, theTa this meetp~e m be vcsid, nthertT~e to rataain
<br />ffi ~ ieefle.
<br />TT IS P4.~AT AG'~EE.D f 3) Zlmat if the said ~ s fail to~s p euclm tame. the
<br />>aap 3~y the aeaTe asd the etas ao advmoed wish lea shall he paid bg acid Rows,
<br />aBd ~ awl atasti a aee~c~ Oar ti,e arms. tom) R'fset ~ i wstb the ~
<br />tLat tlaag~liy eeiaed ed said :tier eeltatme sad c»se®amt t:o raxtaaot. a>x! de#~ad tau said tael e~rLe
<br />s~ ties Iawf~tl t~ ed' a~ pereeems X33 That is sue of a ~ of 'bile mc~s®e.
<br />rite rs~ta~ ffi sHCh p~to~ shy be es3;tatisd to taRaptats~aee~ta~s z~ the , Pt'o~ fire ease smd
<br />sr~ect t#me rea!tm, iasuas anal thert+af. (4) 'Tltet a Teo pap ar{y ~ said sTOnev a< say isa~li-
<br />sTma woseem ~e saTSU sec+r~ee {use, a a fai3ar to y Tetth aa} of tau ~ assts,
<br />t3~e whole eeusr ~f sTOne4 hem aecurad tEr become due asd txalkctz'b1e sT rice at the of
<br />the
<br />tip _._._.-dap °f--- ---- - ~=-- -----------~ ---- ~------ - _, I9- --~='~ ,
<br />r r -~>
<br />. ~ . ~ . T ~_ ~, ~ ~ L,
<br />-.r-.-,..,K..~- ~' -`-- ---- ------
<br />-- -~~: `.
<br />~° 3yase==
<br />..
<br />~, ' "
<br />_._.5.~..._~~: _S~- -. ..__ ._...
<br />t- ----..
<br />ra nvi:a ~:S` ao2~°
<br />~m~ tff !d
<br />fall a
<br />. ~ i i
<br />~~
<br />8a ttiir __._...-.~-.~ ~ at _.__....-$~A3' ---_.._.., 3!_:. ~ tare me. 3#~ee u~t~, a I~i+Ra:7 Pai~sc, ie sod for
<br />old LSedti, T sew .... ~'# ~., aa~~ atTd ffra 1. %aaer, ix;~s'vand and Kiie, _- _
<br />~~ #rrsw is ar is M tlrt iittMie~ T+esmer Arian: a®s oe ~ i« !ie o~are sad a aa~ea3, sa
<br />mee~e0en, sad oei adr~eealsdard mid isetrrrrt #o it its o #NS whey' set sad dent
<br />aw Tsai easd aaaral seat .. ~+raTTi4 ?=_~nd,__~ig~raSka _...____....-.. .
<br />t!a daame Ls aiuRS w~ea.
<br />_ :.
<br />-, r
<br />=a~~CCaH~11E t. im+~tFS ''noun' F'{ihtia
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