a3-A-REAL. ESTATE MORTGAGE-With Tax Ctaust (Revised 1962) The Huffman General Supply Houee, Liacala. Nebr. j
<br />t~
<br />n
<br />xrkaw ALL MEN sY TxESE rxES~rkTS: 2xAT Timothy P. Boehle and Jane A. Boehle,
<br />husband and wife ~
<br />s
<br />(Mortgagor ~ ~ s
<br />of Hall County, and Sfate of ~ebTaska , inconsiderationnf the sumaf
<br />Thirty thousand and noi1Q0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - nozaxs
<br />in hsn3 paid, do harehy sESt and C.r1~vvEY ~t~i~~ Citizens National Bank, 721-7th St . ,
<br />St. Paul, Ne.
<br />(Mortgagee }
<br />of i~ioward co;~..iy, and stn=~ of Nebraska thefolio~uingdescribedpretnises i
<br />situated in }Tall Counb'. and state of Nebraska to-wit:
<br />Lot Fite (5) , Block Two (2) , Morris Addition to tike City of
<br />Grand Island, :?all County, Nebraska
<br />i
<br />' ;'tee aatemtx.a heutg to n>n.~y ?1r^rbi~ as sttacilu:e Title in fwr sim~.?: :nduditt5 aif the righu ci hotaestead atut datMrr-
<br />'fa }iflV~ x`:11 7i' HtIL73 tftr *enrmi~ attn~~e dr~:t-ribtd., w~vth akt the anPUrtana~-es ihere~:rttt~ belot4.in6 tta~ Stir
<br />i~ SS1lL LB5y5DS5
<br />ami t>. 1t t 5 =i>crs arw asstgzts, f`~~<rr, pxx-ided a;>s-ayes and ttte~z gtrse.nta a.re upc.~ the ecpraes
<br />eaaditsea tAat ~ Life afara~saio sr:e+r-gaFcu ' ~ tiYBiT 3xsrS ezHrutc,rs. a.3m~ti~.za:rrc cr x~rg~ shakk Pav er eater #+ E~
<br />!ci ttsa said mtnt, >tF~r' 1 L t S -t~~ C~re~~ ~aanisirau.ts er assi,;tts, the sum of
<br />ahirtg3 thousand and naii~tk3~-~7~~yy~~- - - - - - - - - - - ~~a:9,payastp~.w-.ic:
<br />'~~kree ~isusdred. L$irLy-Ilit? ~nk9`ttnire lsL day°o; Jkkt~' k9 ~4 j
<br />zee hk~rsdred thirty-tuso ~n~~+==h~ ist da. ~t each £ollcwin~ month kwntil
<br />Qatar. ~~ ~• day ~,t Fail in Tull , k9
<br />i~rasar3 .,n the day of . k§
<br />1?:dfars ~, xbe da~• of k9
<br />tt»t! at:~tau t ~laXXJ:XlC7E~78iFPIC XX]CPP xti~udtag in Site trmu tad rdatt of.
<br />. ~=~a ?imoths~ P. Boehle and .3ane A. ~oehie, husband and ~rif~l
<br />- a+rsr. dame rsi~ ttcear Frewrstts.. sad shsk3 pay- aL r...~ sad aaezrgtetxta kt+~trd u-,xrr taicS c.;.al eattaie. and mli ether tazeo, s
<br />- invite ~ 1ea5ed :,,tam thin, ~ cr iise pate w4iei: tt~ >~d"~' rs ~'e~ ~ ~c~rt, tte4rue the arose treoeme~
<br />-: 1ei+mgt~. smut k+ ti,e twiidusgz ca said pT~r-ice =asr:,.~ Sat the mtrtt zd f j ~ , Q (} ~ . ~ ~ lam. il nay, kvsratar W '.
<br />-• lit! and ~- ~CE+em titr+r ;'+rrwe;t+u u, br ~Ud, t~rr-.vet tv 3se seed feamrsa isr fzd2 #iva~.
<br />7"T is--~s~'°n`~rI nfist'atW€ 3' a k ~ T'~ath` :~ ~~ ~:a-,ga€~ ~:= to : _=_ ;~sy at::c4 _r~ ~ gas ia~at the
<br />end s' ratty i>r rtxe~ ta>tas atxt ;xcnvx swu~# ,~,.sr rte: aeci fist sam ~ ~.-. ~:~iL isx~t+a'.t at 11 pet teat
<br />'. ais~4 ter t~~ ~* `~ axz~'. sad this xa:~rts~r shai Rtr.eki as twexrr3n f.3r the .atxtc• a'3t met a failure to pay any of said ;
<br />~~' r k~taty=sa: ct tatrrxrl c xt,-r setae tK.~r~zs due su a fatis+re tc a-~Taty a>ith ses of she ieregaing agteeeaeats,
<br />tiu~ nrcme tttr .rt~r atrmr: td taztaey t=xrx:a arac:;rwd s:, lrmmx~ 3;sr sad :ndiat^t;~Nd.° ni w+cr st :he rgsttcm of ttee ~
<br />iiit~rwl ttse 9Lh ~~~ ~ A18}' ,. 73-"~
<br />it Fte+eemttt, td '3 ?. i-It--~+~~ ~~ -~ ./~ ~~,
<br />_ .r - _. _
<br />_ -..-
<br />!~t's~ o~'- -- ,t+~ebras~:a. t~rw.ty ~ I~awar3_ - _ _ _
<br />~.r tea.. s ~ t rrsd cEwaty, ptwsaurktir tame Tlmoih~' F'. Boehle and
<br />J !1. Hot'hle, 3~kasbtuid and rrif+~
<br />' tmrwr i +<r s Per ~r i k ar ~, idea cha 'mat aav -~'~-`~ the e€a +::~ ~:
<br />E ~ it Sir, ire a sRr+ ,Airm~st'x' an vd
<br />1'
<br />7lillre~+ aer ~ and smrtrnnat rmrd ~ . ~Y _ ~ - -_---.-- -~._... 19._~_~ J
<br />- ~ ~ - - --- _ _ i
<br />.eE~"w'Pk7s t~ -...-....---»~-_.._______. entered as ns~saa ;aeez .oa sbaa[ f~ r«atd
<br />c~.+Mt1r _......_,.^^..-~.._._..._..~~..._. j~ Sic rir H~+er ca i9~ Q~ct trf pia Czatnty for
<br />~ i
<br />__...._._-~!' alo.-, ri ~ . _.__ _-.. __ 'c~# srv1.. _ _ - . tainuus -' - -- ..-..~~ '`
<br />{` afrml rarmriri is ~_.. _~~€..__..._.___.._-_...-_._st k-__._...._.._~._..._._ ..-- _ --
<br />___ __.__ -' ---- ------_ _ - - _ ~'-+ra- ~a new
<br />. n $y-.._..._...__..-_.._..._.._. _._.- ..._-...-. ___._. -_._-1leputy .
<br />