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<br />IT.
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<br />3iJ`Ir~h a„'ress to keep the proaarty insu~;d in an amount at no tine less than
<br />$2Q,OOO,C~, xhich iczsur~::~e coitzact shall be for the benefit oz" the SFLL~.'R,
<br />their snccessars or assn;.°~~, as Title ::alder, against loss or damage by fire,
<br />:.end stogy, hail or tornado, and Liaoility Insurance in the amount of y~~0,0~0.
<br />~~J'~'R to pay t<'?s first ysax's i_.sc:~~.nce wre ium at si~;nint; of this Agreement,
<br />r-~= tc ,,ay ~~ ins~~a:.cb. p,.*t.~=~_== 4ao:~~ year as it becomes due.
<br />Il_.
<br />^=a: x
<br />-:~.i ~'? a<-rees to pay the 19^, 5 a :d ail prior year's real estate taxes, and
<br />~~aarate ~:s 1970 taxes to dale ai' ~assessia:.,SU:'~ av-rees to pay thv 3970
<br />a:.d a13 subsequent t.:xes as t.':~~~~ '.,ecoe due.
<br />~ti.
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<br />It is a£'zeea between S:s°LI.~ a..d ,4~~ 3 t:.at bins,? shall h~:~.rs possession as
<br />3~
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<br />It is a,~ed t<'~°.t iui case ~,y ;a:~^-:u^:., ei*..hcr principal ar i.nterast, resain-
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<br />s~..=Mace t~z PaY any ts%es, assess~nt.~, o= ~...~ ::.ces ai M hs ti,-aa ti^,ese same beeo~
<br />~~, t?.s__ in :.x.t case, tns x~?~ole :.s:~:.::: ::?.~c a.. ~::;..~ c~~~xa~c~ s`,ali csca ~e auz
<br />au' ~~~ble s:itk;out -,aticc~ a^. ,.....: del' _ _ ~.. ~~-:~nts, ar .„,e ~..il.~^e in
<br />o~:as respects ap she ~u'~~~ iu a:.Y'a~ w:e sti i:iat_o:s o~ :.`:'_s oauw~.ct, ar :awy
<br />part of then, shall enti~,le sh$ =~~", to iiw~adite pos; _~..,_~ : o the pre:~isas
<br />d~suribes herein, a~s3 the .~.~w st~..._ ...._;eit :.li ~:.;~-•e:,.., .,~_~.. ;nde_ a?:is c;k:trae*.
<br />_.te e;.ec.:ted teed and ,:as rraot ~_.._.. -«:..~ _~. ~.. z._..._ U , ~. - ~:.~ :..~ ~ _ ._ ~. ~:,
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<br />:.s the ~ c# avey..# ~~r ~~ tsar c~s;#~d. ~L~.R shall not co_~it,
<br />~~ tic suf3'et s~ '~us#~ mf 3.~ prcpert;~~.
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