79- ~~ ~ , `~ ~? ~ 0 REAL ESTATE 1V10RTGe~GE
<br />TcRRi R. FR4"JKER A;~D DOROTHY '~t. FRANKER, husband and w i te; AND DUANE A. '?dESTPHA~EN
<br />~~, JA:'+A K. WESiPHACEy, husGand ar,e wi to
<br />e>f the Gounty of. nA~L and Crate ni ~+E£Sri.ASKA tiereinafter called the party of the first part, in
<br />S l X i ~~n Tom: y.. ANC ,~^
<br />~' ~_ _S';D ~ 'UD--------------------------------------- n
<br />coasideratlon Of OLLAItS,
<br />fa hand pafd, da hereby giant, bargain, set sad caarey unto the Honte Federal Savings &; Loan Association of Grand Island,
<br />Gram! island, Nebrasta, sad its sacceaeora and assigns, the foliamring neat eatatt, situated is HAL i_
<br />G~T> State ~ ;dESRAS~.A _ . tasrrit:
<br />;_y` TWENTY-TwO t22: lU fta>'E;v~D SuSu1ViSlON, nAiL <~;iiNT1', NEBRASiCA.
<br />r ',rate alt tee Taerea~o betosgiag, smi au eoveaaafs in au the tine tieeas raBairFY tirsh seta r'eai a:fata,
<br />sad art the renm, iasuaes and prafi4 arising theertrom after defautt is petfoswance of anq coveoaot ~ conditlaa he:eln aroa-
<br />ininad: 3lmd ~aexxnats ter t3th teereto perfect and beat eanrPt tar this mortgage.
<br />tlae time tlra mmlga;+e is 18 Estee the ~ a~ee'
<br />*sast. 2b pRy aI! tares a~ spedat assts levied against said prem}aea, itxludiag all toes tad as~sameats levied
<br />Sea most, •a tae debt sactrrcw bs this mortgage.
<br />Secmd. 3`a teep ail balaiags there+ma wed against loss bS fire, tigrstaiag and tax'ssdo is sosae eampsay, to ten ap•
<br />P~ b'S tat said Home FeaRral 9av~s i Isar A.moeistioa of Gtaad Island is the sum of S ' - a' 3 " e i-v ! ue fair
<br />the heae3if of tee pid , sad its aaa~on ar assigns; oral to dearnsit said policies with said Ataoosatioo, sad shall sot
<br />ea~frit ar say ease oa said pry, a~ ahaII Pat sad keep said rtal estate trcdidings sad imptosxemetrts is gopd
<br />atlas
<br />"i3utd. 4'o pRy ar tease to iK Paid to the Some Federal Saeiaga k Loan AraLeiatian of Grand IsLmd, its soereman or
<br />p~ as fo8oarc
<br />
<br />>~seeR titeeeem paw, S to flee ienar anE e#fect d the a~ exttaia Esser mortgage sate ssd eels! ~,
<br />t r~ lase a~ tic Ptasents. Alps mF said taesfd shave iaueemt zY the txtt ~E>~i$et ~ pc aeae~,
<br />~ sa3d '!Sans sad waaas„>e~ are ant Paid vtaem Sae, or if t!K aiasl~ats oin said pehmiaes see amt iawred as zbove pro-
<br />er ~ a~ d raid iaatrrgt u Ant P~ ahea ekx„ ~ Baia y~ shell trexnrar doe imta:.xli:2elg. ar t>~ agues sd Lhe
<br />~ Aaao and a6all dsa+s iateXeat at the rate cs~ east par aaanm.
<br />2tm mott~ar~ b~ "'~-:" m ssbl tie aD marts and inemaae arisfog st ant` sad ail timm from said
<br />p sad lrort+Uy antler saes ~ ~ da . a3 fES op#os, upon defsotC to fake risatge sd ,,aid prvpraty sad
<br />eeSsa# +~ tees sad ire and a}gel7 tae same m tae pagmc+at of iMat,era, peiaxsptd, ~afntss.~e premimm, tares,
<br />awetmeams, or s to leeP said prapeety to tm+aatattte eoaditiao, of to enter charges ar pay-
<br />t pset+c far isea~ rs im ter ~ 1aa rmst asait ,~;~~ its face eats! irk ttapaid tta.-
<br />aeaoe of acid ~ s faz~v pass.. 'be tatissg ffi peiae bcreuad~ shalt is ao toaaaer preve~i ar re•tard said mrrtgager in
<br />dm ears d aaad aa~ 4y f3oastm ar trt~arsaz
<br />said deafat tt~ br lapse td tied or i+f aeaatm ea# the failsex ~ tlr party a# true first Peat to mnnpis
<br />vim ssf caeca l She eaiti Some P'etisaal Sites # Joao .Arsocutioa of Grsod island, tbt aurcesaots sad .
<br />~ Bsaa tf;m ~ ESS rd th3a P ~ nm+n em the rrhule aeb^_ herzts£ as+eared, aaei fs iaeittdt
<br />tat~aeeiya ~ tsar ire paeraiarms sad , past by it ear fleets; at eels 9msaati~, its au~ or
<br />art3~, seep eaip w m th ~ pea ;~, Ytt;ttrs to iha tnrutgape, or the daevmeat car iffipairasant
<br />#.
<br />11ad i!e sad f+teas patty sad Lhs maims ~ aa~ aeae, eia11S• agree and declare Chad the rxparate carafe ~ each sad
<br />t ~ ~''~. ' t~ ~°~' arar '~rsrst~ st~.Qit~, is pla'gEt! aa:. f;~ the ~I-m~` ~
<br />fie Aa1d ~ seaavad.
<br />AcfRUC tea ~ sad ae8 ie t+ae+eeie~s tdra p3ti~ th~a ire mattiled ter the iesmedisu pameasirrn td
<br />iadd Deasfaae sad ~ a~meeetmtf aF a rvoaieer tlamsdst, natrritlaas~gg #iaey maq be t~ if ~ the ereaertpant sad
<br />t!e pssiies stable pot #!ss debt aaH &ee anlveeeA, seed Stae f§aR 9 hatebq tw®amta to the ~,~..e..,..,t ~ a
<br />~aa4~ar aeper firs ge~iaeR3aia d :ids , s Mbar strtdeeoe-
<br />3lre faae~{ aadiitaas and r~sasaaaaisr, ads asd sia6atla:; t f pa<f+aamed, tkia amvegaeee shall be void, otlasr
<br />flee ma ie sal > bs ~ laseaee awl eidset
<br />Sipadt#de s'a#tt --'~ ~ ~°~{ +t D-. lti ;~
<br /># 1PSaamae of ( 'v`± i„~ ~,.'~ _ .s~ d ~ _'
<br />rya rank ~- ~~rc~,. e, ear
<br />llu ~'e ~~ --:tai-T'.^,-^~~c.~ _ ^~y .. ,c. ~.. ~~ai
<br />