79- (1G~07~
<br />Urttroxts Cavaxatrrs. Bon'ower and Linder covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. Paymenf of Petne~rtl and Iatittast. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtedaeas evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as pravided in the Note, and the principal of and interest
<br />on say FErture Advances secured by th:~ ;dortgage.
<br />2. F for Taam and Ioattnce. S1tb;cct to applicable law or to a written waivee by Linder, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Leader on the day monthly installments of principal and inietest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full,
<br />a sum fhetein "Fuads'~ equal to one-twelhh of the yearly texts and assessments which may attain priority ovtr this
<br />Mortgage, and grottnd tints ~ the Progarty, if env, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance.
<br />phis one-twelfth of veatiy ptrmiwn instnllments for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />ti~tt to time by Lender' oa the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />'rBe Fonds shag be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which art insured ar guaranieed by a Federal or
<br />stagy ag<.atcy !irchxi!ta Lc."de~ if Leader is such an i~titutioa). Linder shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessmcnts,
<br />ittst¢aace ~ettittrtts attd gtourtd rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account,
<br />or verifying and aampiling said assessttunts and bills, unless Lender pa}s Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits T,.endir is make such a :.barge. Sorrowu and Lender may agrtt in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Mortgage that intitest an the Ftttu's shall be paid to Borrower, and unless su:.h agrcemtut is made or applicebk law
<br />requires such interest to be paid, Lander shat! trot be rtquired to pay Borrower any interest or earnings oa the Funels. Leader
<br />shall give M Borrower, without chatgt, an annual acceanting of the Funds showing cttdits and debits xo the Funds and the
<br />purpose far which tech dt~t to the Funds was mad:. The Funds are pledged as additionat stcutitc for the sums secured
<br />by dds Mortgage-
<br />If the aawunt of the Ftntds held by Ltttder. together with the future monthly instalitrttnts of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due ds~ of taxes, asaessntesra. instrance pretniurrts and ground rents, shall excttd the amount required to pay said texts,
<br />assestatstats. ittcuraact premiums sad gnwnd rentx as they fall due, such eccess shall bt, at Borawti s option, either
<br />promptly rtp9tid to Bcerowr, x sallied to Bortew~ as monthly instalitt>•nts of Funds. If L4c amount of the Funds
<br />head by Lea~dee shall eat bt st~ieat to pKy texts, assessmcnts, inuurance premiums and grcun3 rents es they fall dui.
<br />Bottttw+er shall pay to Leader any artxwnt necessar}' to mace up irx deficient}• within 3Q da}s fram the dale notice is mailed
<br />by Lev ~ Barro*es requdaing pa}ment thtteoI.
<br />Lpaa paYtstem in fall of all stuffi secured b}' this ivltxtgagt, Lender shall promptly rebund to Borrower any Funds
<br />herd by Lender. If under par~gtapb la' Irtra>i the Proper} is sold ar the Propcn} is otherwise acquired by Lender. Linder
<br />~_ _~,,, ~. ~ use :_ ~~ z~ ~.t. ,,t :~ pn,»f~v „r its ar~..Rnt;oa hs• Ltndtr_ my Funds held by
<br />Lestdrf li the trese of apptiatien as a credit agnrut the sums secured b} this Nattgage.
<br />3. ~ of T>grmeale tJttless spnli:;ablc few pro,°ides ilthtra'ESt, 9ii paymtMi rtcttved by Ltt>d.:r Uodtr the
<br />Nate aoEl gatagrapdas l and ; Sts~a>f shall be appiu+d br Linder first m pactntnt of atnaaints payable to Lender by Bttrtnwer
<br />tinder parat~ap6 ~ he:raof, sheet to rufetest payable an the Nat, ttxn to the principal ai the Nat, and then to interest and
<br />praagsal as say Ftner+e Ativaotxs.
<br />f. ~ I3e~e Beta'oxtr shah pay all Cates. assessrmnts and other rhargts, fitter and impositions attributable to
<br />tax RttQe¢fy tiisirh >m~ attar a peiaiiYy over this Aitsngagt, and kave3tald payments ar gttw~ rt:nts, if any. in the manner
<br />psavided tmdc past 2 htteof ter, d tint paid its strcli manner, by Htvrov,xr Winking pavetatnt, whin dui, disroetly to the
<br />pa}ae thexacd_ Hexmw~er shall ptttmptt} furnish is Lrndtr all ttaices of araouriu dui udder this gara~raph, attd is the event
<br />7 shaft matt pa}mmst duecUr. Harn~,.=er she"? paomiptl} furbish w Len~r rrx~tiptz t><idr~ttg such payrntttts.
<br />i+asm~ aha~ ptoespfly diar2targr any lien wtti:.h has p~rnxrity over ahis Mortgage: provided, il;at B,imJUt: shall ncrt be
<br />ttsq~[ad ro elwchatge amr srh tia-i sa trig as Borrvw~tr shall a$rx io +srinng n, the ps}mtnt of the abhgatiatt stcttrmd by
<br />taa~ >ir~ ~ a > ~ Linder. ar slsall is 8x'd faith coatesr strclE lun b,', w defenri tnfarctrrttnt of sorb tiaE its,
<br />le>pl psomtdines vhidi opetaY M prescat the tsionxment of ttte litr. or foafeature :,f the Propert} v,- any pan theutat.
<br />3. l~ai mote Bsttraweu shall tiep the ttep•ovsaoeots tx>W esiRtng v 4xrtafttr ttectM a,a tilt Pr. ptrty ittsrsrtd
<br />laic by fort, ; iachteted withiri the term "tattndtd ei,Merage", and serch ether hazards as I.tackr may rcyuirc
<br />and m each atantmss asul for pexk~ds as l.vtdtr may :rquirr: pm,idrti, that Linder shat m~ i~trire that the atttatrat of
<br />torch tic ihu amcsuat of cn~eragc rtx}uimd to pa} the sums strutni by this Mortgage.
<br />The ittastraorr citfitntr provie§tsZ, the iiawusact sisals bt chasm b}' ~at7VMY7 subject to appraval by Linder, pmxxied,
<br />ihaa aprpeaved sltaB teat be tmrsascmaN} is~ttthcld. Ali premiums an insirrattx pnlixrtzs shall bt paid ir: arse ttutmer
<br />pevstidad tsaeki pavapsph 2 htmmf or, Ef zxx paw is sixclt ~+~m•. M Barrstis~er making paym~:- whoa dot. dirtxYty to the
<br />itatspe tarsia~
<br />~ iot~noe pales and rcars,als tt~t dtaL be is ftxnt a:,ceptaidt to Ls<n3rr sad shall in:itsdt s staaiiatd rtx~rtgaat
<br />eltare m layer ai :~ m farm s t. Lender. Linda shall },art the ttghi t, b,~ ;}u r~~,lwiex atsd terrt,sals dsttmf.
<br />>r~ 1 l qty F,a~ ,g, I,e~ka ah r~att.ri t~-tuais atsd all rc~^ripts of paid ps~niums In the t,~tnt of Aga.
<br />I ahSli pn nassnt m the iftewattx ur_~r sad L+ntder. Linder lira} zsale ptmi ni lea it rfat rtsaie prt,ntpel}
<br />by Harfcyrc€.
<br />i<txl~lt~x aaei athcav'ir agree in aritiag, inssaratwx prr<x~'{s sl'sail be appla:d to tt:sscuaticui or u of
<br />the lhsapm't~ dama~sl, ptrntdod sra~ rts:~Hauas ax repeat is ss"tsE~~tttnaity itasablr and aht stcurt} oI t[us Martgsgt is
<br />eat ir~psrad if testoauxn ~ tepee is not ta,m+msalh =instill :v ai tlx seaurnn ttf taus Mortgage wztttld
<br />he hp¢~+ed, ehe iaaursnae paasods shat! he ~ to the sutra ra~irrt<9 ti; thcs lleatgeje, w,tli the txttss, i# any. paid
<br />ser )s+assmor. if xhe An3pa=} a ahaedtraai b} Bt,rrrnr, c,; it Bayrrt-ttser ia.is :~ rtspaa+3 to Ltadtr w°ititio 3f1 da}s trcun the
<br />data snmar is mairfad bw L to $arrover rlut the iaatuzenre eamtr tt7tss to seals a claim fsu irtstrttut,^t ;tiaifits, Ltndtr
<br />ss aunhaFeasd m t~mx sad apply thz taststsnea pr.iedecls at Lettdtr`s 'a txtlttr tc, xtstaratiun x repair of the t''•ropeer}
<br />ac ~ sitiars ~ t~ ~.
<br />Llsitsm I.aidipr' ~ Bart;wrv ~ ag+ei in writusg, anp ssn-ti appti:str~ . f ptta~ds to prun.ipal shall teat tsttr~
<br />er ptswpcxrc tine titsc Guae of :at moaUUtt}' aims refarmd to in p~ara6rapbs i ally = lurenf ar c}tangt the atrwR;ni of
<br />seems If ttsder para~splr 18 hert:cd the Pr-,pexf} is a,:quertd l+} Lestsr~r. aEl ngltt, tilt and interest of Borrwer
<br />m ~ lie rsi ittaaxaoa: poirss and m star to the prt,ciasds thtseof rsxtsttittg frt±m darrsagt to the Prs,ptrzy pricer to the tale
<br />tic saxm t pas m leeada is ti3t taztxit ui ~*~ stmES 3exxtred b, this Alongagt ~tnrae+diattly prior to such sab ?r
<br />ire 3iaasg8an lord A~isr~ sd 1 lxene#tsi$ Ceiaiea Y~ei L"ail De~ptmrsfs. Barmwtr
<br />t~ ! rht Pta~gt}' ~ ~ t ~ ~ ^^-m=t ,Faa~ ar : v*~gw_irzfrEnt or dstsa=~statitm of the Proptry
<br />tired aisaR ~J' wffi the td any ieme iz this Idor~age is •os a ltasiholil. if this M?rtgagz is er. a uns7 ii; a
<br />- s;~ a i ~ ~, z .iii p~~f:.rai a1 .~A rcwi;"a ~!+>=gai:i~ ut~tr !ht d~l¢rr~t>ts
<br />ar eta~sefaissa t tr tt~ t14t ;zwrdim~aaitan ur ptanntd lien drvtk~pmrtaz. Chi by-lavra and regtelatitxss of the
<br />ar emu >3e+raiep. aed a dncaxs. If x eaasduszsiniurv ~ planned unit de+ela~patcem
<br />sydt a !y iiotsrwer sad r+mcattdnd r w,3h this Motfja~e, Ilse cswtaants and agreeeaeat: of su::h nder
<br />tlMAi$ bs soaepapsad lives and #ati amod and ~ she a~eaertru and agteamtmta td this lliortggt as if the rsder
<br />ysmR s pis htaaa[.
<br />t1, ltaslet9aat tR tara~ If I~r fads m penfeat>f Chi t~yinaats and ~..n,~ cuniaiaod in this
<br />. ~ 7! stsg aeries sir } p cotameoead which qty a$exts Cinder's inaerest in the Ropers}.
<br />ilLj. ors ~d to. eslaia~aert e6otsY~i. isaals~ey, aide esnltxst:aaeat, 3r arrantttnitsts t+r prc,ctiditrgs tnvalving a
<br />isadR'apt err a5aetedrat. titan Leothi ad Lssfda"s apam, replan mtiee to Stxtttwer, may matt sorb appearan.°es. desburse sloth
<br />amps aad ~ ~ ae~oo as is ' ta+ paw L'c iattt~, itxfrttliag. but tint ibntxai ta, drshurstmtrt of
<br />t aaamssa~s leis and aatig its 4hi Peopeny ro rtrakt te!furin- If Lendir required rttt,rtgase insurance as a
<br />eaaediBea Q[ ma1r.» ~e lean scared !~ this ldetatyage, Barr~wsr shall pay rite preatiurns regwrti3 to trraintatn such
<br />S ~.. ~ ~ tiee >u ri+:~ irdurimOeet fix iss:,h c1!#i31'ar~ ti~i'it~irurttc in ?i flra~3nr~r u~+th Rnrmu;rf: =._v
<br />