<br />VSRNA F. DI3BERN and ELAINE E. GRAHAAi, the duly appointed and
<br />qualified Personal Corepresentatives under the probated last WiI1 and
<br />Codicil to last Will of Herman J. Lautenschlager, deceased, acting
<br />under Letters of Personal Corepresentatives issued to them on
<br />Noveasber 17, 1978, and under the last Will and Codicil to last Will
<br />o€ Hers~ar. J. Lautenschlager, deceased, duly admitted to probate in
<br />the County Court of Mall Cou_*~ty, Nebraska, on November 1?, 1978, for
<br />distribution of part of the real estate to the person entitled to
<br />distribution under the probated last Will and Codicil to last Will
<br />of Hewn J. Lautenschlager, deceased, Grantors, convey, assign,
<br />transfer, release and distribute to Grantee, ELAINE E. GRAHAM, the
<br />foliowing described real estate situated in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />The South half of the Southeast Quarter iS~ SEA) of
<br />Section Eighteen (18}, Township Ten (10) North, Range
<br />Eleven {21) West of the tith P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />except for a tract of land located in the Northwest corner
<br />of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW~ SEA)
<br />of Section Eighteen (18}, Township Ten (10) North, Range
<br />Elec+en {11) West of the 6th P.M, in k3a21 County, Nebraska,
<br />sore particularly described as foliovs: Beginning at the
<br />~_r~_~_ ~~. s~ua~ _ r.f ~a c~,.zth~.eQt n..~~.~s~. ~~ t~
<br />a vs 1...., a..v as wa-acwcv... y..ca4 c.c
<br />Southeast Quaztera(SW~~SE~); thence running easterly 30
<br />feet along and upon the ?forth line of said Southwest
<br />Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW~ SEA) to the actual
<br />point of beginning; then continuing easterly 267.5 feet
<br />along and upon the North line of said Southwest Quarter of
<br />the Southeast Quarter iSW~ SEA}; thence deflecting right
<br />9#3' and running 176 feet southerly; thence 3eflecting right
<br />9fl' and running 247.5 feet westerly; thence deflecting
<br />right 90° and running 176 feet northerly to the actual
<br />point of beginning, containing 43,560 square feet (1 acre}
<br />sore or less,
<br />and
<br />The Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter {N8~ NEB)
<br />asd the North Twenty-one attd one Half (2i~} Acres of the
<br />southeast Quarter of the Northeast (}natter ;SEk ?iE~},
<br />all in Section Nineteen (19}, Township Ten (10} *~orth,
<br />Range Eleven tll), nest of ttae 6th F.M_ in Hall County,
<br />N~shlCas,1[g
<br />toc}ether with all tenesents, hereditaeents and appurtenances thereto
<br />beloesging intt snhject to covenants, conditions, restrictions, reaer-
<br />vatioa~, easements of record and visible eases,ents.
<br />This `orrection Deed corrects the omission of reference to the
<br />Codicil to last Will of Herr, J. Lautenschlager o~ai*_ted in the
<br />csris}iaal Deed of isistrihut3on dated March 20, 1979, filed as
<br />Tsocuw~emmt T6o. 7§-{~;~1536.
<br />ute~ ~~~ ~. , 1979,
<br />_ ~t'~d $. H' sE sine E, Cra an
<br />_ t1Q.B.ESiEI-SiYB& i3t 2'Bfi ESTAfiE GF ~?$RISi#S J. LAUTENSCHL1lGRR,
<br />fo~gg ~g~**y~at ~s ackaorledged before see this
<br />'" : 1 ~. ~ 1-sraa ~'. Dihtoex~ and 8lmine E. Grahaue, Personal
<br />*~,tMM~ s,~f t~-e~~``aefarie of H~a~an ,i. Tauten$chlager, deceased.
<br />"-t ,. ji1
<br />~`
<br />s "-sue t ~' ~~_~, ~~
<br />
<br />