~{s~Fcr_rs~r pg. ~pg~AGE--Coxparailon ern. xns~,.n Oenere! BnFII1T Hoaaa ldneoln, Nebr.
<br />Itv C£~ii'Slc'~PRt1 i tt? ~` of the Aayenent of the debt named therein, the Bank of Doniphan
<br />~3pnlphari, Nebraska hereby releases the mortgage made to
<br />- JQe G. Jessee and Ba~i~.eatta M. Jessee, Husband and Wife,
<br />ox the foltotrirg desrribrd real estate, fo-utii:
<br />Lot Eighteen (1$} in Bartelt Subdivision of Part of Lots ?, 15, 16,
<br />1?, and l~ of the younty Subdivision of Part of the South Half of
<br />Section Five {5) Township Nine {g} flange Nine West (9) of the 6th
<br />P.~+I. in the Village of Doniphan, Nebraska.
<br />of S.rtisa ire Toxs'ruhit Rawge ~g~,~t~ 1 P. l~f., Hall
<br />Caasw3y, Statr of Nebraska udeich i; re;a+drd is Boo X14 0~ Reu! Estate Afortgatgts. iPnge
<br />aj #&e rrrm-ds of sold t:awctr.
<br />I?4~ TES'Tt3fDN3' Tt'HEREt~F, fiat said Bank of Doniphan, Doniphan, NE has caaassd
<br />esr ~€scs=s t;~ br Fxfca:rd ?±y us t~rr!sdrai zui s:s t r~rratr Seri tts lea o~i~srd hrrato toss Ilth
<br />day of ~9y - tg J~
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<br />avcd ikr rsrr~tioa thrre j to ~ Isis :~tatarp act msd drsd ru ssuk oyfxrr, e,sd :hr ca~lraRS,m° act ~xaat dtcd
<br />sf said i:ar,~rsttic+x-
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