79-~ ~,c=349 11-~4~iTGACE
<br />THIS INDENTISRE, made this 16th _ day of ~...--__ I9 ~~, by and between
<br />Thoatas J. Woitaszewski and Robin R,_Woitaszewski, husband and wife, each in his and her
<br />own right and as SDOUSe of the other, _ _________, ____
<br />of ~~- County, Nebraska, as tortgagor s , cad Grand Island Trust Company of Grand Island, a corporation
<br />organiza?1 ~ eaisttng under Lhe laws of Nebraska with its pri~tcipal office and p3ace of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as mortgagee:
<br />W ITNF.SSETH: That said mortgagor S , for a~ in canaideratioa of the sum cf
<br />Six Thousand Six Hundred Seventy Two and no/I00 - - - - - _ DoIlarsl~ _T6,672.00 1
<br />the receipt of which is hereby admowkidged, do by these presents mortgage and warrant unto said taortgagee, its successors and assigns,
<br />forever. all the folbwiag described rrsl estate, shunted in the County of
<br />aruf State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />Lot Thirty-Six X36) in Potash Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />Ta~thts with all heating, a¢ coadisioning, lighting. and plumbing equipment arul fiztures, including screens. awnings. storm windows and
<br />doors, amt window shades er blinds, used on w is cwtnactioa with said property, whether the same are now located on said property or hereafter
<br />1~ .
<br />TO HAVE AND Tv HQLD THE SAME. tagMlter with all and singular the tenements, hereditatnenta and appurteaanees thereunto be-
<br />Iu46htg. ar is anywise appettaiaittg, forever, xnd wamnL the title to the same. Said morgngor _.~_ hereby troveneat -with said
<br />~ that _ t he Y ate , at the delivt~• hereof, the lawful oa-ner ~ of the p.~emises above conveyed a~ described,
<br />sad are ~ seised of s good sad iadehsstble es4rc of inheritance thtuein, free sad dear of all eaeumbraaees. and thatS_he }twill
<br />ttratrant sad defend the title thereto forever against the claims sad demands of all persona whotn.~ever.
<br />P1ibDVIDED ALWRYS, and this inatrum~t is mecuted and delivered m galore the payment of the sum of
<br />biz Thonsanrt SiY Ht,ndred Seven C9 Tvo and noji00 __ - - - - Dottarslg b,672.Op 1,
<br />frith ~taera.*. iheraoe, together with sack dtargas sad advaaom as may be due and payable W said aortgagee under the terms and conditions
<br />at the ptatniaerny note of even date herrwith and aectvad h:eeby. atuecnied by aahf trmttgagot ~_ :v said mortgagee. payable na eipressrd
<br />in said rote. sad W neea:e the perfmsneace of all the t.~ and corsditiosa rnataiaed therms. The terms of said note are hereby incorporated
<br />karem by this .
<br />IL ie the iatetstian and agreameot of the parties herds that this marigsge shall ahto seatre any future advances made m said mortgagor ~
<br />by ~ mortgagee, sad say and a!i iadebtedaeas in additi~ to the amwsnt strove stated whirl. said mortgagors, w any of them. may owe to
<br />said mortasges. however evid~oed. whether by rote. book accottnt w otherwise. This tnortgagr shall remain in full force sad effect between
<br />the pertiee basso sad their heirs. peraoael reptea~iatives, successors sad assigtrs, until all arnaunts secured hereunder. including future
<br />advaaoes, m paid in ctrl: with iruettms.
<br />The tarot$agar-~ hereby assig~to said mortgagee ell tenu sad inrnme arising at any and all times from said property and
<br />hereby authtaire acid mortgagee or ire agent, nt its option, upon default, [a take chsrge of said property sal colloct all rents and inrnme
<br />tlSSedeam sad app}y ~ agar to the payment ~ iatemt, pritttipal, iaarnnx pemniume, lazes, assesamts+ta, eepaira or imprwemt~is
<br />aeoemary to keep said property is fentntabie mrtd:tiaa, w to other charges w psymatcs provided far betels w is the rote hereby secured. This
<br />rtaat aasigsamt shall oaetiaua itt faraa natal the unpaid baiaace of said mtz is fully paid. The tnldng of possession hereunder shall is ao meaner
<br />pes++~ s atrard said .m tis eaBerbaa of seed anon by farer3cwasee a athasrise,
<br />T`.+e failure ~ iha m saert say of its tights hernsader ef. say lima shall ern. be rnaserued as a waiver of its right to assert the
<br />es®e st my kttar time, sud w insist ~ and emfosrs staid tsmpliaaca with aIl Lace teams and praa-isiana of said Hate cad of this mortgage.
<br />lI veal g shall ciIIBB fO he patd to avid mmigggee The mrtare amwtat due it hereunder, and undrn t}ce terms and provtabns
<br />of said rota hanby asearad, iarhtdiat future sdwaees, attd any estenaions w renewals cheteof in nceordasx with the terms and provisions
<br />ikessat; aed ll` eeid tnoregegtr ~_ shall comply with a!1 the peot5aions of saki ante sad of this tarotgage, then throe presanta she!! be void:
<br />et~a~3ae to teameia ia~ foatw sad efleet, ydd ae3d shall ha entitled to the paasee®oa of all o! said prupdty, sad may, rt its esption.
<br />daelaw tilts tsApie et'+aad eats send ill eaplmstmffed thereby W ba immediately due and payable, and say foreclose then mortgage
<br />a salts dq trtLt legal adisa to psateci iL rfglsi_ Appraistmaemi. waived.
<br />7Stie dull hs hia~ aptta and shell emus to the beoa@t of the baba, executors, administ3ators, suecesaors sad assigns of the
<br />f -
<br />I~ SATI't14E5S tY#iCsRY~QF`, said ldtutgsgew _8_._ is -YE_ hdettato thwi r _ _ band _ [he day sad year first above
<br />wnitxm• ~ r
<br />~- as J. itaszevrski ./'" ~--
<br />Ct~~ni ;.a ~'c
<br />_- Robin I2. Woitaszewski;9
<br />