4.2 Revised 1978
<br />Hutiman and Felton 8 W'eH, Walton. Ne. &Bv61
<br />79-- ~ t~ ~ Q `~ ~ JOINT TENANCY WARRANTI%` DEED
<br />Donald R. Ray and Judith Ann Ra„v, Husband & Wife, each iri his and her own right
<br />and as spouse of each other
<br />..................................................................................... Grantor. •a~hether one or more,
<br />in consideration of ~?6~,,COQ;00„{Or;e,hundr.c~,sixty.nine-thousan3,five„hundred,and•no/1GG-}
<br />.............................................................. receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, conveys to
<br />„Donald L;, Heeren, and, Marilyn M;, Heeren,,,Hu~band. &. Wife .,,,..,,,Grantees,
<br />..... ..........................
<br />as joint tenants and not as tenants in com zon, the fallowing described real estate i as defined
<br />is Neb. Rev. Stat. 6 76-201) in ................~~........................ County, Nebraska:
<br />Plat of a tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter (N~') of Section
<br />Eight {8), Township `~ttelve (12) North, Range Nine (9}, West of the 6th P.R1., in
<br />mall County, Nebrasl~, mere particularly described as follows: Begil~riir>o at a point
<br />Orl the north line of said Section Eight {8), said point being Forty (40.G) feet
<br />west of t)ie northeast corner of said Section Eight (8); thence westerly along the
<br />north line of said Section Eight (8), a distance of One Thousand One Hundl~~d
<br />Sixty~ight and Fifteen :{tindredths (1,168,15) feet; thence deflecting left 91° 25
<br />Minutes and running routherly, a distance of Seven Hundz~d Forty-Seven arxt Two
<br />Tenths (74x.2) feet; thence easterly parallel to the north 1~ e of said Section
<br />Eight ($), a distance of One Thousand One Hundred Sixty-Six and Two Hundredths
<br />(1,166.G2) feet, to the westerly right-of line of U. S. Highway No. 281; thence
<br />northerly along said highway rigt-it-of-M~y/, a ~istanee of Seven Hundred Forty even
<br />and Two Tenths {747,2) feet to the place of beginning and containing 2fl.029 acres, more or
<br />lessGrantor covenants (jointly and severally, if more than one) with the Grantees that Grantor:
<br />{ 1) is Iawfully seised of such real estate and that it is free from encumbrances ....................
<br />excet7t easements andzestricti_ons of record
<br />{2) has legal power and lawful authority to convey the same;
<br />{ 3) warrants and will defend the title to Lhe real estate against the lawful claims of all persons.
<br />Executed : ...............................1G 1~79•-
<br />tiE$R.'~~.. r ~._
<br />G~~~
<br />a
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<br />~ jF~ .R~~lS / j
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<br />.......-=_ AY -... ~.....-. -. JtYdith i111T1~ .. ~r~Fr~4.~.~.......,.
<br />Slate of Nebraska
<br />County of -..'fa:?1 .................
<br />The foregoittg instrument gas acknowledged before me on ......,.T:~.Y. ~0,- 3~74.....-.•,,,•,..,
<br />~ ,,,,.Do~7,d R;-.~- ~*ri-J~di"~ Rte-; ?iav Husband ~ iv'i_*e
<br />Cwtaty of ........,... ................
<br />Filed #cr r+ecord gad etiteTed in Nunt>Prical lndeax on ........................... ..................
<br />at -.... o'eloc& .....M., and. recorded in Reed Record ......................... Page ..................
<br />BY: ....... .. ..... .......................
<br />County or Deputy County- Clerk
<br />Register of f3eeds ar L7eputy Register of lleeds
<br />