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<br />~Ir ~ - - - - - - - -- ~ ;li
<br />~~{;l 'Date- May! 14, 1979 i ~;`
<br />i~ ~tl i
<br />~1 ~~{
<br />~ I
<br />,~{,_.,~
<br />This is to cert{fg that there is pending in the Countl Court of HALL Gauntg, ~ ''
<br />4'
<br />',~ I
<br />Nebraska, a proceeding entitled:
<br />uz.~~~
<br />a~ IN-THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DlELLIE A. ENGEL, lleceased _ I~r,
<br />- -- t t,r'r!~i,,
<br />F No. 37-18 Doc. 3? Page 16 {t {~ .
<br />i~
<br />Informal Probate j';
<br />.', which is a proceeding tnvotving
<br />(probate of witl, administration of estate, determination oJheirs, determinalian
<br />~~ ~t Iii
<br />•;,~ t in which proceeding the following described teat ~ '~t~
<br />_ of inheritance las, fluardianship, or conservatorship
<br />~r estate is inaohxd, to-wit:
<br />r:
<br />;~, I,
<br />',i`
<br />"~ Lot Three (3), in 31ack Three {3)> Qrigi.nal Town, in theVillage of
<br />.r. :.+v.ai}.iiar, ;":all ra:.... _ , --.lehra~k~a ~ '.~ __
<br />The Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (N1~'/,SE'f,) and the South ii ~~i~
<br />-~; Half of the Southeast Quarter (S'~S!•.'e) all in Section Eleven (11) , „',
<br />~~' Township I4ine (9) , I~Iorth, Range `Ten (10) , .'lw~est of the 6th P,9. , Hall !,s
<br />' ^~ 1~:
<br />x County, Nebraska. !~-
<br />~:
<br />~{t The Northwest Quarter of the Southv.est Quarter (13Gv'';SW',,) and the Northeastl~
<br />Quarter of the Sauthwes~ Quarter ('+ES~''/,) except fer the South Twenty-
<br />~"~ eight (28') of the !doutheast Quarter of_ the Southwest Quarter (P:E'/SW/,)
<br />~;
<br />^~, ali in Section Fourteen (14,5 , Township Pdine (°) I'Iorth, Range Ten (10)
<br />West of the 6tii r.i~i., Hail Caunty, :Nebr. •"
<br />~~r~
<br />F
<br />ri
<br />.f
<br />El~~~ CpUR'r
<br />V Richard L. Lei3acker
<br />~ ~ ~,
<br />~ 't =t :.'ount() Judge of sQid counfy
<br />7 L ,- { . ~~~.I
<br />~ ~ ~ ~~ t.'1Crk O,P the COtlnt(f COW a ~<'- 3
<br />Iai39. ^la any pssoeedia~ is lJse musty esurf tnseloiafl (!)the probate of wilts under the Prooisions ojChapler St1, ortide tl.
<br />~ {$} the admtntatratiaa ejsrrtatea !auto the praaisiaae rJ Chaffer dfl, artidc 8; (3) the ddermind ion oJheirs undo the proaisions of f; ;
<br />Jtt "srrt~de i7, (()''the dctomin ~ inherNana tas uadu !ht prorisians of t;hapter 77, amide 20, (5y guardianships ,~
<br />wgdr the pror~iaas ~ Chi $$, artiste t, 2, ~ a ~i, or (6) crnserardarahips under the provisions aJ Chaplet 3$, article 9, where ~ I
<br />red es6ot< is eAp pent ~lhe auets ci'the mate m pretrediap, tls magty judge before whom the proeedlinfl is pending shat! issue a
<br />edri€h actsall rx fiterl agth the ngi~er ~ dads of the County in which the rest e~a/e is totaled within ten days after the
<br />~utpkrn±d the text! safatr 4likd in th w«a~atiry"..._ ................................... ;'
<br />-~, _ ... _
<br />