79~- v t) ~ 017
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23423
<br />KNOt'rALLMENBYTHESEPRESENTS:Tnat Robert S. Gruntorad and Linda S. Gruntorad, each in
<br />his and her own right and as spouse o` each other,
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in consideration of the sum of
<br />Thirty Four Thousand and No/140------------------------------------------------- DOLLARs
<br />ioarred to said mortgagor by The Equitable Building and Loran Association of Grand island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 340 shares of stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION. Certificate No. L 23423 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />described real estate, situated in HaL G^nnty, Nebraska:
<br />togethu with all tht tenements, hereditameau and appurtenances thereunto belonging, including attached Roar coverings, all window scresns,
<br />window slta~s, blinds, warm w°indnws, aw•aings, heatiag, air conditioning, and plumbing and water egrtipttxnt and auxssarirs thereto, pumps,Aaves,
<br />refrigerators, attd other fixiwes and egttipmeat now ar hueafter attached to or ttsed in cannecdon with said real estate.
<br />Acrd whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and doe=_ hereby agree that the tnort¢agar shall and will pay all Taxes and assessnenrs kvkd or
<br />asststtd sport said pttmises and ttpon this mortgage and the bond srcure3 titerebv before the same shall beatme deiingttent; to ftttttish approved
<br />iasitrartce tipoa the btzildittgs on sai3 prerises situated In the sum of S 34,044.40 payabk ra said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION zhe policies for said insu[ancr: and not to commit ar permit any waste on or about said premises:
<br />la mse of default in the performance of any of xhe terms and mnditians of this mortgage or the band secwed hereby, the mortgagee shall,
<br />on demand, be tntitkd to immediate possession of the mortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers and sea over w the
<br />all the rears, revenues and income to br dtrived from the mortgaged premise dwirtg such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall tenng:
<br />unpaid; zutd the tnortgagoe shalt have the power to.appaint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing said premises grid renting
<br />the setae sad ;xrllecting tlis tents, reverittrs sad inmmc, and it mry pay out of said income all expenm of repairing said pttrttistx astd necessary
<br />moons and expeaaes incurred in meting and mansgeng the same and of coIkctirig rentals therefrom; the balance remaining, S any, to br
<br />toward the discharge of said maxtgage indebtedness; these rights of the raorteagrs tray be exercised at any time dtuing the existence of writ
<br />~ault, ~ of any temporary waiver of the rattle.
<br />Thex Presents however, are upon the Coadiiiati, T1•at ii tits said Mortgagor shall repay said ban on or before the maturity of said shares by
<br />pay^ntent; pay tttanthly to said ASSOCI.4TlON aT the sum specified b the Band seaired hereby as intettr. any principal or, said loan, Ott or before
<br />t_he Twentieth day of each acrd rveyy rsmath, until said loan is fulh~ paid: pat aB latter and asssssirxnts levitd against ;aid premises and on this iNartga~e
<br />sad the Btmd sec-strsst thertby , befars delinquency; fwnish approved inswamx «poa [he btiitditigs thereon in the sttm of 534: 440.04 payabk
<br />to sa".n' AS~iAT'r~"N.': repay a said ASSOCIATION ;,yro.-. tle-.,.;x aB ,:.,rrsv b.. it ,A„ fcr s,.;.h t-;.es, ass~.~.enu :sd .^.sura.:...• witty :n;t~* at
<br />the nsaximusa legal rate thereon from dare of payrrcrt all of wfiidt Mortgagor hereby agaes to pay: pertnit nor waste an said premises; keep sad wmph°
<br />scab all the agreements and conditons of the Bond for S 34,444.44 this say given by the said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, and comply
<br />with all the segtriremenu of the Constitution and By-ts+s's of said ASSCbCIATIO'~: then these presents shall betrome m.ili and void, athrrwise they
<br />dtaH remain in tu13 Ewes sad stay be foreclosed at tlx option of the said .ASSOCIATION' after failure for three months to make any of said
<br />payateuts ut be ttttoe ttaxiths w anesrs in making said mwtihty paytrxnts, cr to keep and comply with the agrrements and conditions of said Bond;
<br />tmd Nongagot agrees a have a rtceivsr appointed forthwith sn suit fareclasurr praessditigs.
<br />If there is arty usage m awttership of the tea! estate mor[gttged herein, by sale ar atixrwiae, then tIu ensue remaining indebtedness hereby
<br />aecrsteat shag, at the ogaiaa of The Egtdtabk Building and Loan Ataociation of Grand 1sLind, Nebraska, besrm immediately due and payabk without
<br />furt#tr= r~iae, and ts..e artotr:it rr^~;;°+*+~ dttt under said bond. and any athsr band far arty additianaf advatrces :node thiretmder, shall, from the
<br />due of sxereaae of said optiaa, bearvtuttst az the maairntssn legal rztt, atsd this mortgage may then De forecloud to satisfy the amount dtte an said
<br />bond. ~ nary' awher bond far additional advarixs, iagsiher w7th all sums paid by said The Equitable Btu7dlag sad Loran Assoastion of Grand Island,
<br />Nsibradta for leasnastz, razes tad aaaesmentt, grid abstracting rztensiaa charges, with inursst thereon, Pram date of payment at the maximurv
<br />le>pl Tue.
<br />As m tIa $and te,:urcd hersby, white this sswtgage revraitrs in effect the mortgagee may hereafur advance additional sums to the
<br />eaekst: of sadBond, thrs ase~}is or arccsssors in interest, which actor rtiall be within the security of this mortgage the sacra as the funds ariginaAy
<br />aacured tisereby, ztte twat atnouat tt# p;indpal debt not to ezard at anY tittle the ocigioat amount o€ chit toartgagt.
<br />ll.tsd th;a 16Th day of pay A. n., t e 79
<br />its 8rutt• t~"^~
<br />-sf~,'es t~ tAStcA. m. On tbs i6th day of Play
<br />... ~~~~ i9~9 ,befweme,
<br />t't ~... ,~ ~.~ ~ $ . ~ torad, t!u . a Notary Public in and for said County, persatzaHy t:atne
<br />ldt~1 'Its #!~5 ,~ her cBr~ rit,~at $ cruse of each other, who art pertonsllykaownto
<br />toe ~ be Hro i8epttcat perta0a' $ artroae 'ki1~, 3}j to the above itutrwttertt as mortgagors and the}/ severally
<br />the raid ~tttmtaRt to be "'` ~ %iiis~f~Nty~ld tied.
<br />1Vf1'!'tFS3 my bmd sad t~etl~ a[are~"
<br />MY comm"sabn etcpi:.s ~ _~r ~~~~~~_
<br />_~,.-
<br />-~,. Notary Public
<br />aaaat >u 'z~ ~,~
<br />