<br />79-- u(~2986 MORTt~AIG~
<br />THIS INDENTITNE, made this 14th dey of Mal' __ I9 79 , by and betwoen
<br />David E. Lentz and Carole N. Lentz husband and wife each in his and her own right and
<br />as spouse of the other,
<br />~ Hall _ Cotmty, Nebreaka; as mortgagor 3 ,and Grand Island Trust Company of Grand Island, a corporation
<br />organized and existing tinder the laws of Nebraska with its principal office and place of business at Grand Island. Nebraska, a.s mortgagee;
<br />WITPdES41<; TH: That said mortgagor._ , for sad in coneideretion of the sum of _
<br />Twelve Thousand Fifteen and no/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,iloliarsl8 12,015.00 1,
<br />the etieeipt of which is hereby aJmawiedged, do - by these presents mortgage and warrant unto said mortgagee, its successors and assigns,
<br />forever, all the following described r~l estate, situated in the County of Hal l
<br />and State of Nabraska.:o-wit:
<br />Lot Twenty-Six (26) fn Hidden Lakes Subdivision Ntitaber Two (2}, Befng a Part of
<br />the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SEA NEB} and a Part of the North
<br />Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter {N~ NEB SE15) of Section
<br />Thirteen (13), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine {9}, West of the 6th P.M.,
<br />Hall County. Nebraska.
<br />Tygerher with all beating. sir conditioning, lighting. and plumbing equipment and fatless, including acreers. awnings. storm windows and
<br />doors, sled ariadow abodes oz blinds. used on ~ in cannsc[ioa with said property, whether the same are now boated on said property or hereafter
<br />p.ated thraeon. .
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD'I HE SAME. together with all and singular the tacememta, haeditaments a~ appurtenaaea thetatnto be-
<br />. ~ is anywise appmrtaianog, fotetrer, and warnai the title W the acme. Said morgagor _S_ hereby eavertant -with said
<br />> thu -the Y are , at the delivery hereof. the 4wful ow~_;i_ _ of the pramiv~ above conveyed sad destttbed.
<br />sad are wired td a good ®d indP#easrble estate of inheritanre therein. free and deer of aU encumbrances, aml ibat~he~wffi
<br />wartadt sad de6e~1 the t9tle thereto forever against the r)aims sad demands of ail pawns whomsoever.
<br />PBGVIDED ALWAYS, sad thin inatruatent is e:eeoted and ddn-sed to centre the payment of the sum of __ . _
<br />Ttreive Thtsusaad Fifteen and no/lOfl - - - - - - - - - - - Daiiarais 12,Oi5.00 1.
<br />wir3 ice, tbaeon. '- with each cfiergra arsd advanxs as may be due sad payable to sax! nwrtgages antler t~ terms and mnditfosa
<br />of the paaraiasQy corn of ertm date betewith sad aenued hereby, ezecuted by said mortgagor __S_ to said mortgagee, payable as ezpressed
<br />m add cola, sad to azure the paformeoce of all the terms and conditions conuined therein. The terms of ~ note are hereby mttvporated
<br />1ffia® by this rekeeaoa.
<br />$n ttae itsteraram and agrasmeat of the parties hereto that this mertgage eha11 sbw aeture any future advances made W said mortgagar_S_.
<br />bg said taartgttgee, and say sad all inde6tednma in edditim to the amount :bone stated which said mmtgagora, or any of them, may owe Lo
<br />said nrartgagee, however evid®tad, whether by rote, book aceounc err othe~wwiae. This mortgage shill remain in foil farce and effect between
<br />the partin besets a~ tbes heirs, permsal repmmLStives, suaxssore sad assigns. until all amounts warred hereunder. includirg future
<br />advsoarns. are paid is tnL` with mtaeat.
<br />The m_~ hereby a®gn -._ to said mortgagee s11 amts sad intvaae arising at say and all tunes item saw property and
<br />aatlsarize nkf saartgsgae or its ag~t, at its , aeon defaalt. to take charge of said property and tntd}sci ail recta and irrmae
<br />lloiieefram sad aplAy the aloes to the payment ~ iatetest, principal, iastnnce premiums, term. aasmameeta. m imprw®mts
<br />traoeasuy to keep said property ifl ttrtmiable toauitim. tx to other charges or payments pstrvided for herein or in the cote hereby seeutcd. This
<br />~ ansgnmmt shat! rnatiaue is kale amid the unpaid baianoe of said ante is ftttiy paid. Tlse caking of poaseesian herntnder spell in rw tnan~r
<br />m ratsrti at7tl atsrts ~ the ro9tesiest of said aa~ h7 foret9es~e err .
<br />Ttra ht7mts a€ the mortgagee fo assert say of its rights henamda at arty time ahaD cot be anstttzsd as a waiver of its right to assert the
<br />scene at say lets tie. tmd +a ~ t¢sa and :sefaroe ~¢ wish all the torn-a and prxrriaiaaa a said r>tMm artd of chin mortgage.
<br />!f acid ~aart~at S shag non tOlie paitf to said moetgagm the snore amount dce it 6ereuader, and tinder the [arras aruf provisions
<br />d add safe trtab' saetatad, iadtritrK Gttora advnroes. sad say mtenaiom or renewals thsereof in accordmce xith the tertrs sad provision
<br />~€. sad ~irid aaartmt`ar..~_ el;raeQ y with aS the proviaioae of said rota sod of this mQrtgege, them these presents ahaU be void:
<br />atZlfwitato tamda~faAfoearred e6xs, aMiaaidteaet~esaiafl be eatitbd W the poaaeaaioa of aII of acid p:opecty, and may, at its option.
<br />dadaea tIr wlllda fil said cop aetd a$ eepeaamtted thaabp t0 be immediately dim sod payabb, sod may fotecleee thre anrtgege
<br />4e Wte saJ a6~larlpt ~ M pttataat {ea !~. Appetiaass~t waived:
<br />'~ a3FRi~a 6~ Le sapd afrdi same to thri haradit of ilsa hr~ra, aaenttme, atfminista~ators, moors acrd assigns of the
<br />atrpae~as psaifas farreto•
<br />ti~i WIS'!II?8~ Wf~88HOP, add S ~ ve heaonto set th it hand s the day and year first above
<br />arrfRan. - .
<br />.- en z- ; -- -
<br />Carole u_.t~:tz
<br />
<br />