<br />That the Mortgagor will pay the indebte.-t-'Hess as hereint,efore provided} ~ -
<br />That the i~fortgagor-is the owner of said property in fee simple and has good right and lawful authority to set! and
<br />convey the same andi fhe! the satire: is free and clear of any lien err encumbrance; and that Mortgagor will warrant and defend the
<br />title to said premises agaitlsi the claims of alt persons whotnsoaver.
<br />To pay irn}nediateiy when-rive and ~aya63z all genera! taxes, special taxes, special assessmenks. water charges, sewzr serv-
<br />ice charg s, and attter taxes and charges against said property. an;2 all taxes levied nn the debt ecru red herehy, and to funrisb the
<br />Mortgagee, aeon zFquest. Huth the anginal or duplicate receipts therefor. The hiortgsgnr ague; that there shall he added to
<br />each monthly payment required hereunder err ur+der the ovidence of debt secured hereby an amr.unt est9mated by the Mortgagee
<br />to t>e sutficirnt to ena#tle -the Mortgagee to pay, a< they become clue, alt !axes, assessment c, and ~=imilar charges upon fhe prern•
<br />- ~ tees subject therzto; arp deSciency Pause of the Sn_arfhziea: y of suc}i addiGonat papms-vt. shat! be Corthu~ith deposited ty the
<br />- ~ Mortgagor with the Mortgagee u?mn demand ty the Mortgage r- Any cleiaui4 und+•r the. pa ragrph shall hr dNr•mrd a default in
<br />payment pf. fazes, as-kssmenk:, nr similar charges required irereunuer. ,
<br />Tte blot-!gagt•r a _ _s ih-nf there shaft ales he sdded t:, eat!+. m„nth+.v rnt .,f n mci!sal and +merest required terz-
<br />"~ under an amount rstirnafed by Lte Mortgagee to to sufEclent to enable ih- M ;agev h: pa c.r a- it }a-ct.mc. doe, the !nsurance
<br />~ ,
<br />prenuum on any msurancr fwlicy delivered to the bf vrtgager. Any defitir~ncy M>cau>r ,d lhc~ m:u~cn•rn-y o` sack additi~mal pay-
<br />mr?nks <h31t t+e forthmith deposited by the Merigagar with the Mortgagee afu,n demand t,> the ttnrtgagrr Any default antler this
<br />~- paragraph shalt he deemed a default in the payment of insn ranee pmrniums !f ihr yx.ficy c.r policies.: depncitrd are such a5 Ix+me-
<br />owners or all risk pa&c:ac, and the deposits am insufficient to pay the ent; r,~ pee=mmm. !Fe A{urtga.ree snap spp}y ihr drponit fo
<br />pay premiums en risks required to he insur~[t }>y this mortgage
<br />Payments made ty the Mortgagor under the atm~e paragraphs may- ai the .+ption of the Mortgagee, he held~by it and
<br />- commingled with other such funds n: its own funds Enr ihr payment ~,# <urh +tems, and until sa applied, such pacments are herehy
<br />pierlgtd as szcurity for the unpaid balance of the n:+rrtgage indehtrdne•ss
<br />To prxure, deliver to. and mainta;n frx the t>r•nefit •~f the Mort lager during ttr lift of this mortgage original policies and
<br />renewals thereof, delivered at least ten der>~s f>+-fort the ••.cpiratiur. of :my .uch ;~•!irie<, insuring against fire and ot};rr insurable
<br />hazards, caxuatties, and roatingencies a_s the 2.forigagrr may require, in an amount equal to the indebtedness secured Ey ih19
<br />4tertgage- and in wmparies acceptable to the '-1lortgagrr, •., ith ins> parable clause in fav+;r cf and in form acceptable tv the Mortga-
<br />gee. In the event any' policy is nut renewal un or t>afnrr ten rises of ns expirat;on. the Fvtartgagee may prrxure insurance on the
<br />amprovemznG, pay the premium therefer. and sa+ch sum :hall }x•c:.me imn.eti~iah•ly due and !uayatle with interest ai the rate set
<br />iarth in said note anti! paid and shall br srcu red 6 this r:rvrigace Failure on the part of the 3lortgagoe to furnish such re necvals
<br />as are herein. required or failure to pay any sums advanced hereunder shall, at the option of the Mortgagee, constitute a default
<br />under i!ie terms of this mart~agr Thr deliver} of such p+.lrrirs :hall, m the event of !iefaul t, cnnstit ut<• an assignment of the un-
<br />eaned premium.
<br />- wry sums reeeiv~ed h}' the \iurtgsge'e by reason aE loss or damage insured against may be retained ty the ~l ortgagee
<br />and applied toward fhe payment of tree Behr herehy ~•rure,?, or. at the option of the '`t n: tgagee, such sums either ;vholly or in
<br />part may be paid over to tte \forigagor tr. tx• used t., rr per+r >uch buildings or to build'nety buildings in their place nr for any
<br />other purpose or object =:ti+sfactory t+, :h+~ \4:+rtgagee withc:ut nftecting the teen nn the mortgage fee the full am.ru nt ~rcumd hrrr-
<br />by ttefure such payment ever took plarn.
<br />Tv prexnpt!y repair, restore •.r rebuild any buildings +ir impru.rmrnk+ nv.. ur hrreaft+-r an :he premises wtich may :.e-
<br />- come damaged of destrocad; to keep said pre:niaes in gacxi rnndi lion and repair and Erie from enu mechsnic-s lien of other lien or
<br />storm of lien rat expressly subordinated to the lien hereof. net to suffer or permd any unlawful use of or any nuisance to exist m:
<br />said pt+opcert}• nor to pernut waste on said premises. nor to dv any other act w•hrrebc the property hereby conveyed shall became
<br />less valuahie, nor to diminish or impair its value be any art or omissinn tv act: to cnn;ph with ail requirements ut law with respect
<br />to the mortgaged premises and the use thereof.
<br />-f mat siyaud ihr P•z"-^i~s -;r arse pa •i rl;.,rrot :.., taken r,r dan.aor--d t±>' r 3!.n of any' publi: imprnveme•nt ter c~andemnation
<br />peace-ceding, or under the right of eminent domain, r•r in any ot}ser mannzr, the Lt crt gagee stall h~- ent:tted to all cum!xnsaticr•=.
<br />awards, acrd say othe=- payment or relief ihercfar. and shall be entitled, at its option, to commence- avpzar in arx'- prosecute in its
<br />- own name any aCfian err proceeding, or to make any ttmpromise or settlement in c:+nnectian with such taking ur damage, Alt such
<br />oocaperx»tinn, awards, damages, right oI action and proce~ads are hereby assignx2 to the Mortgagee, who may. after ducting
<br />iiterefrrvm alt its expenses, release any moneys sv recen•ed by it or apply the same on any indebtedness secured hereby. The Mort-
<br />ga[ar agrees to execute such further assignrnenkw of any cc•mpensation, awards, damages, anti right o! action and procrrtls as the
<br />Mortgagee +naY wire.
<br />That in rase of Iailure to perform env of the ct»enaats tenet n, the Mortgagor may der an the Mortgagors behalf everything
<br />- ao rnvenant,ed; that the Mortgagez may also do any act it ma_v deem rrrcrssa ry to protect ihr lien there o(: that ihr Mortgagor will
<br />- repay upon demand anp rtraaers paid err disbursed by rte fkforigagee for soy of the above purposes. and such money togetter with
<br />- iatPreat thereon at the rate provided in said note shall hrc•+:me sn much additional indebtrclness herehy secured and may }ee in-
<br />ritided in any decree foreclosing this mortgage and bye paid a+ut of the rent or proceeds of sale at said premises if not otherwise
<br />pain: f}taY it shall Hat be oWigatary upon the Mortgagee tc inquire inter the validity aE any lien, encumbranc:zs. or claim in ad-
<br />vaeriaa meata7rs >~ above authorised, but m>fhiixg heroin rnorained errs!! 6e consiived as requiring the tiiarlgagre to advance any,
<br />nasnstya for any wets purpose tmr to do any art ltcreunder, acrd that Mortgagee shall not incur any pe rsunal liability because of any-
<br />tttlst(, it may ~ n; omit to der hereunder.
<br />- in the evert of the default. t>y efurtgagnt in the payment vt any insta!lmeni, as rcqurrc-d by the late secured hereby. or
<br />in Lbe performance of the at>ligation in this mortgage ur is the note secured thereby, the '•tortgager sF.ali be entitled to declare ihr
<br />dr# asauw' $er~y dry and payats}e a;f}.•aaat ::;tics, and f!•~ 4i ur Magee stta!! br entitled at i!s option, +.vitht,ut nurser. either by itself
<br />or Dy • teeotiver io be aPprrintett,hy the rwrt thereof, and without regard to the adequacy of any seta rrty fur the imiette•rt+.ess se~
<br />cnzzii taereb9', to enter ttpon and take pt>sgession of the mortgaged premises, and to collect and receive the rims. issues and profits
<br />tltersod, and apply the aat>+e« Jess costa of operation and rxtlleMion. upon the indebtedrttse secured by this mortgage; said rents,
<br />iaetses uad pno~r6eing !tetchy sam;reed to the Mortgagee as further sonority Ion the payment of alt indebtwinrss :xc•i•urer! heresy.
<br />Ttte Mortsagee steal! haver the power to appoint any agent or agent., it may desire far the purpose of repairing said prrm-
<br />toes; ttarstint tht aRme; wUecting- the rents., revenues and income, and it may pay out of said income ail expenses incurred in rent-
<br />itq amt! taarta~ins the- st+me and of -cotleetirtg the rentals therefrorrt. The balance remaining, if any. shalt be applied toward the
<br />~i disdrarge d the mox;gpFe iadsfiRedneas- This assignment is to terminate acrd laecvme null and void upon release of this mortgage.
<br />