<br />That the Mortgagor will pay the indebtedness as hereinbefore piovided.
<br />That the Mortgagor is the owner of said property in lee simple and has good right and [awful authorty to sell aril
<br />convey the same and tha€ the saini.is free and clear of any lien or encumbrance; and that Mortgagor will warrant and defend the
<br />title to said premises against the -_clairns of alt gerttons whomsoever.
<br />To pay immediately"when due and payable ail genetaT~taxes~ special taxes, special aswssmcnts, water charges, sewer serv-
<br />ice charges, and otter -tares and charges against said pmpPtty, sect all taxes levied on the debt secured hereby, and to furnish the
<br />Mortgagee, upon iequest with -the original of duplicate receipts therefor. The Mortgagor agrees that them shall be added to
<br />esch monthly payment required hereunde: ur tinder 4he eaidenci• ui debt secured hereby an amount estimated by {he Murtgagc^
<br />fn bP sufficient.=w eriablg -the--Mortgagee to {:ay, as trey became due. alt taxes, asse>sments, and similar charges upon the prem- -
<br />7~es "sutiject-thereto; any "deficiency° because of the inaufii+~ieniry of such additional payments shall he forthwitfi deposited by the
<br />'r'~62origagor with the.Muctgagee upon demand by the \iurtgagee. Any default under this paragraph shall hr rlecmed a default in
<br />~tayment of taxes, assessments, m• similar charges reyui:ed hereunder.
<br />1'hP Mortgagor agrees that there shall also he added to each monthly payment of principal arci intereot regal reel heze-
<br />~i.^.Eo. a^ °[^.ount cseima{:,<t by t,':.^ *.~forigagec to-b:• s::,aitiert to rl;:a.^!a t}:^ '`.Sn:-•~agr< e.;_ res.,, ay ie F.;s.r.,n,as. rf u.,, Lkr? ;ncurancp
<br />premium on any insurance policy delivered to the bfort gagee. Any deficiency twcause of Ehe-insu~rien[g• of such additional pay-
<br />ingots shall be forthwith deposited by ihP Mortgagor with the Mortgaser upon demanri by the '.~fortgagPC-^. Any ;iefault under this
<br />paragraph sha}I be deemed a default in the payment of lose ranee premiums. If ttre policy or policies deposit>rt err such as hcme-
<br />(~ owners ur alt risk policies, and the deposits are insufficient to pay the entire premium. the Mortgagee may apply the de pasrt to
<br />~ gay premiums on risks rewired fo be insured by this mortgage_
<br />Payments made by the Mortgagor under the above paragraphs may, at the option of the Sfnrtgagee, he he~d'hy' it and
<br />commingled with other such funds or its own funds far the payment of such items, and untSl u, applie$ such payment; are hereby
<br />plcafged as security for the unpaid balance n€ {hr mortgage indebtedness. -
<br />Tu procure, de}iver ta, and maintain for _hr hen^tit of the A4ortgagee during the life of this mortgage origiral policies and
<br />rey~~nt~ r}.,,ror>t' .3atzv-p.~...? a} t>nct tns` ria~•c t,.,Fr.rc {i,; , ~~,,; rn t..,~ c.f ~.>~~ _.,..ti ti~i ~r.~.,. - -, ,t fi rP a,^,d other .e?`ie
<br />-..,.._~. ~_.-._...~ _- ., ~._ __-. .-_... - ...., .-... .. „_-... .. ... ;n_u..ng age:^.: mS .....,
<br />hsrarda, casualties, and ivntingencies as the Mortgagee may require, in an amount equal to the indebtedness s~rured by this
<br />lortgage, and in companies acceptable to the ~iortgagrr, with loss payable clause ir, favor of ana in form acceptable to thc• Mortga-
<br />gee. In the event any policy is oat renewed ++n or laefore tr-n dacs of it< rzpirat ¢,n, the Mortgagee may procure insurance nn the
<br />impruvemenis, pay the premium therefor. and such sum :=hall t~c>c->me irnmedtately due and 1:_:; t.l~ with interest at {he rate set
<br />forth in said note unfit paid and shag be secured by this mortgage. Failure on 4he part. of the 31or{gager to Furnish such renewals
<br />as sre hemin required or failure to pay any solo. advanced he;eunder shall. at. the optirn of the Mortgagee, ccros4;tute a default
<br />under the terms of this mortgage. The drlic~en• of such pnlic;rs shall, to. the event of drfau}t. c•r.,nstztute an assignment rf the un~
<br />earned premium-
<br />Any sums received by the Aiwtgagee by reason v( ions nr damage insured against may hr rrtainrd be the Mortgagee
<br />and applied tcwvatd the pay-meet of the debt hereby secured. or, at the nptrnn of the Mortgagee. such sums either whrlly ur in
<br />part may be paid over to the Sfortgagor in 6e used to repair such huildingc or to build n<'w budrlmgs in their place or far an}-
<br />oiher putp~e or ohyect satisfactory to ihr ~forigagee without a{Trcting lha lien :gin ±hr m.,rtcage for the h,l': amount se-ru red here-
<br />by before sur'•. payment ever took place.
<br />Tu prounptly repair, restore ur rebuild any buildings or rmprcroPmenLS nou ..r herrafirr un the premises which may he-
<br />txitrte damaged or destroyed, fo keep said l~.remises in goal .neat lion and repair and leer fmm any mechanic's lien or other Tien nr
<br />claim c~ lien not ezpreasiv subordinated to the hen hereof; not to +after ur {x•rmst any unlawful ~ve of nr any nuisance [n grist nr.
<br />said praprrYy nor to permit waste ort said premises. nor to do any other act whereby the pngx=r[y hereby cnrveyer{ shalt become
<br />less avtuahle, raor to diminish or impair its value by any act ur omissinn te, art. t.~ c:~mt>f} with all requirements nt law with rrstrr'et
<br />to the mortgaged premise:, and the use thetenf.
<br />That s}tould the premise's ur any part thereof be taken :~r ~iamayri h rrasaur i•f do". puhl:r «mprrn-emrnt or cundrmnatir,n
<br />proceeding, or under the right of erninent drxrtain. ur in any other manor r. the ~tnrtgagee shall hP Pntitltd to ati mmpensatinns.
<br />awards, sad any aUxr payment or relief the refur. and shalt be entitled, at its option. to tntnmexe. appear in and proaecufe in ib
<br />oxm same env ruction or proceeding, o•- to make any compromise or Sett{anent to ~onaection with .;uc.'h taktng or damage .411 such
<br />oaunpeneatiort, awards, damages, right of motion and proceeds are hereby as igmd in the Mortgagee. •+~tto may, after dtductang
<br />ttuemfr~ ail ifs ezpeases, reieace any moneys so received by it or apply the same on arty ntdebtedness secured hereby. The Mort-
<br />ar agrees fo ezecate such further assignments of any crmpensatretn, awards, damages, arxi rights of a[•tiun and procPPCls as the
<br />~fortbeFee ~y rnqurre-
<br />Thaf in cane of failure in perform an}' of the : ctvrnar.ts herein the 4t++rigat>x^e may dr::,n the '\inrteag<ar'c t,rhatf r.erything ~, .^
<br />so +.wrosnttd; that the Mortgagee may also sfo any act zt may deem nrcv~ary~ t*. pruztrt the lien thereof: that th:^ \furtgagor w~32 .,m
<br />repay upon Bernard arty moneys peed nr diclarrsed try the 44artgsgee for anti of t}tP above purposes and .each m:'tneys ee>getttrr with
<br />inieres: titearon at file rate provided in said note rhafi t?etome sn much additional indrbierines;. herei±y .reared and may fie in-
<br />i_•irt.[leef i_n arty dt<crer ts±rfr-l+lsrng t3+is mr~rf-gage' grad b€ paid .:«tf ,>f {izr t"tnL ^;r prc.t•?eda of ~tfe of sand ;tsem?_~ it tint niherwisP --
<br />paid; that it shall not br obligatory upon the hiorigagee L, +rpuirr rote. the vaitdzty cf any ben. encumtrsences. or claim rn ad-
<br />:-arata?rs¢ ttsmteys ~ abae sssihorizett, but ticXhirrg he•reia etattattx i shall be ce.-etruPd as rezft4ering the itiortgagPe to advattcr any
<br />mone7vs for asy atndt purpnx nor to do arty art iaetetrnder, and that Mortgagee shad cwt iM•ur env tx•rsorwi haf+ility because of any-
<br />v`dn[ tt may des or thnit to da hetetander.
<br />Ia tfte event of the de#auli {., '.furi;{agcr .r, t}u- pa}'meet of any tn8tatmrrl_ as rt•quirPd by the Nc.tr 4cu red her..-i: y°_ or
<br />in the performance of the tttttigaunn .n 4ftis mortgage or in L:e note sertired thereby, the MorfgaKer shat} hr rntitiPCl to dtx~.!arP the
<br />debt mtatred hereby dire and paysb}e without nottec•, and the Aior4gagee shall bc• entitled at i9= r:ptinn, without notim, either by ittir3l
<br />or by a teoeiver to 6e appointed by ihr aztttrt thereof, and wittwut regent to the adrgvacy nt any secu city for the indebtiKSness se-
<br />ttitteti hereby, to inter upon axut take prmsiesainn of the mortgaged premises, artd to collect and receive the rents, is:uPS and profits
<br />thercd; lard apply the aavoe, less c^irets of operation and roliection. upon the indrbtrrlne~w ceev red by tfiis mortgage; sai<! rents,
<br />iatates arm pre$ts trrtag ftetxby aieuiptrd ko the Mertgatsre as further aearrity far the payment of all indrbttdnPSS soured hereby.
<br />The Mar'tga;ae shall havt the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing said prrm-
<br />iaes; t~trag Nye ssrv+e; tai the ren4, revenues and income, acrd it may pay out of seed intntrte aft expenses- into reed in rent-
<br />lry and rnartating rite aatrae std of txnlirtixtrZ t}te rentals thendrvrst. The balance rPrnaining. it any. shall hP applied toward the
<br />rgr ~ ffse ma€lgage ~as. This assignrrtent -ts !o ierminatr amt beEwme null and void upon release of this mortgage.
<br />