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�`Y �wi� .i�f":t�y�;}' . . '� I•t ,,;� ,;ti��Fy�;.� �L:L.:..L�r:t- �.-�,m <br /> ,.� �r':y.� . ���5.: .^z_ <br /> '7+d4'' ------ —-- <br /> - � - y --- — ---•-._..�—�. . - ---- <br /> _ y< '-�.�„T._. <br /> . : " ' ,.. ...;�` -. � . <br /> - �.' ._��'.4°i; .!!�..L.. ., .. <br /> ' ---w.fl�w._.... . . <br /> .µ'::i•ysrc�..:x..�.�_, _ _ _i!`':'._: <br /> �M1. ' —._' _ —. . <br /> �.��__-- �-=--� 92-10037� <br /> � � <br /> ''` -��''�� TA(iEfHQR WITF#aikt#ie improvemenic now ur hereaRer erected an the property,and ull eaxmenlx, uppunenance,, <br /> _ --- - - pnd fiztur�s now ar hercnflqr u pan of the pmperty All replocementx und additioos siwll also ba covered by Ihis Securily <br /> -���_�_�,,=� In�trurtKnt. All of thc fotegoiq8 is referned to in this Security Insuument ar ihc"Propeny." <br /> �:. <br /> %'_�''�`•� � �QRROWER COV�NA.NfS that Burruwer is lawfully seised of the estate hemby conveyed und has thc right to grnnl <br /> : ._, and cunvoy�t�s Propcny ur�d thu iha Property is unencumbered,except for encumbrances of record. Bonuwer wurran�s end <br /> ° -�--. _ <br /> �: . wil�dafend generally�ho tiUu to the Propeny against all claimx and demands,subject to any encumbranccs of record. <br /> .. 1.': � <br /> -- - - �° -• THIS S&CURITY IiV$TRUMENT cumb{nes uniform cavenants for nndoe�al use and non-uniform covenants wlth <br /> li�iled variadons by judsdi�tion to cons/iwte a unifam s¢cudty instrument covering real pmperty. c <br /> ` .:"`' UNtFORM COVENd►N'1'S. eo�rower tu►d Lender covenant smd agree as follows: <br /> .- _-:�-.;�"aiwr 'i,�.. <br /> -- l. P�ymeat ot Prin�ipa�and Interc.wti Prepoymeat aad I.ate Chargea Baaower shall promptly pay when due thc <br /> ����`'..,��`,_,_� p�incipal of and interest or►Ih�debt avidenced by the Note and nny prepuyment and la�e charges due under the Note. <br /> �t. . , N�,{ - 2. Ftiods tor 71�tees Alad Insurance. Subject to applicaMe law or to n written wniver by Lender,Borrower shall pay to <br /> _ - i.ender on the day manlhl;►paymcnls ure due under the Note,until the Nae fs paid in full,a sum ("Funds") for:(a)yearly <br /> �� ,�.'"�p''�"�•'' taxea cind assessments whi�h may attain prioriry over this Security Instroment us a lion on the Property:lb)yeorly leasehold -- <br /> -- -� `',�•s�. payments or ground rentA on the Property. if siny; (c)yearly hazard ar property insurance premiums: ld)yearly flood <br /> _-�_�'�`.•-=--'�-'�� • inRUrance premiums, if aqw� (e) yearly mortguge insurance premiums, if u�y;nnd(� uny sums puyuble by Borrower to _ <br /> -- � L.endar,in uccordance with,the provisions of parc�grnph S, in lieu of the payment of mongage insurance premiums. These <br /> ��'-��'��� items are called"Escrow Itqms." Lender may,at nny time,collect und hold Funds in un amount not ro exceed�he maximum <br /> --- ,:�;.;..: <br /> �.`e:�a•: nmaunt u lender for a fRdarally related mortgage loun may require for Borrower�escrow account under th�federal Reul — <br /> -- --=�_�:�;;+„;. . :' � <br /> -_��;;-:--•�...4; . Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 ns 3mended from time to time, 12 U.S.C. �2601 er seq.('RESPA").unlrss anothcr __ <br /> �-:,,��,•;-: � , law�hat applies to ih�hUn�se�s a lesser amount. If sn.Lender may,at nny time,callect and hold Fluids in on omount not to _ <br /> •=:��-@+� '- • exceed Ihe lesscr um�upt. Lender muy estimute ihe amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonuble <br /> -- r estimates of expendilu�s of future Escrow Items or otherwise in stccordance with applicable law. <br /> �Y'-'-`�t.�' The F1+nds sfutU hu h�ld in an instirotion deposits are insused by a federal agency, instrumentality,or entity <br /> ' ' � '"• (including Lendcsr,if Lendur is such an institution)or ia uny Federal Hamc Loan Rank. Lender shall apply thc Funds lo puy <br /> �___��... <br /> -y� '-� the Bscrow Items. Lenditr may not charge Borrower for holding n�d applyfng the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow <br /> -��;t.' �� account,or veritying ths �'scrow Uems,unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and upplicuble law permils <br />�:=1'; "�'fi Lender to make such.�chprge. However,Lender may rcyuire Borrowe��o pey a one-time charge for an independent real <br /> �. ' estnte tux ceporting sorviGB used by Lender in connection with�hia loan,unless upplicable law prov�des aherwise. Unless an <br /> "_``�,� ,~ �. agreement is mada or npplicable Ic�w requires interesl to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay BoROwer any interest or <br /> � :i��• earnings nn the FundK. Bqnower s�nd Lender may agree in wriling.however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender _ <br /> �":.'-� � shall give to BoROwer.without charge, un unnual nccounting of tho Funds,showing credits and debits to the Funds und ttie =.__. <br />`:3i-"• purpose for which eaGb drbit to Ihe Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as uddidonal security for all sums secured by �j° <br /> ;:— `- "' fhis Sr�:urify In�i�vproni. <br />... ,�.,,_,.. If the Funda held by I.ersder exceed the umounts permitted to be held by applicuble law, Lender shall uccount to <br /> �• ;;:°; �r u' �`' Borrower for tha oxcesg Funcis in uccordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by <br />• �'�:`� • ° Lender at any�im�ix not sufficient to pny the Escrow Items when due. l.ender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in <br /> '�''. a . <br />- , wch case Burrowor shall pny to Lender ihc amount necessary to mnke up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the <br /> )'"' ' deficiency in nc►more thnn twelve monthly payments,at Lenderk sole discretion. �.,__ <br /> ,. .�•;:• :' Upon puym�nt in full of vll sums tiecured by this Security lnstrumem, Lender shall pmmptly mi'und to Borrower any =-- <br /> „�;,��';;�,�" Funda held by L.ender. If,under paragrnph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Praperty.Lender,prior to�he acquisition ur <br /> � ' „ sale of the Propcmy, shull upply uny Funds helJ hy Lender at the time of acquisition or sale us a credit against the sums �'� <br /> • secured by tbin Security Instrument. <br /> : . 3. Applicalion ot Ppyments. Unkss applicuble luw provides olherwise, all payments rrceived by Lender under — <br /> ,,,,, � paragraphs 1 and 2 shull be npplied:first,to uny prepaynxnt chtuges due under the Note;second,to umounts payable under - <br /> ::.{°` •• , paragraph»;third,to imere,�duc;founh,to principal due;and latit,to any lute charges due under the Note. <br /> ;�. . ;�,�',. 4. Charges; Llens. Borrower shall pay all luxcs, assexsments, chnrges, �nes and impo�i[ions attributable to the <br /> • ,.;. Property which may uttain priority over thi�Security Instrument,and Ieasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Borrower e. <br /> • ' _'��° shall puy lhesc obligutiunri in�hc m+umcr providcd in pnrngr:�ph 2,or if na paid in that manncr,Borrower shall pay them on ���r <br /> . timc diriccAy to the person owed puyment. Borrower shAll prompily Furni,h to Lender all notice�of umounts to be paid under <br /> • this parugr:�ph. If Borrower mukez Ihexe payments directly, Borrower shull promptly fumish to Lcnder receipts evidencing �_� n <br /> • , ..t the paymenta. ---- <br /> � ... Burrower shall promptly dischurge uny lien which has priority over this Security Inslrument unless Bartower:(a)agrees -- <br /> ;�;�, in writing to thc p�ymcnt of ihe obligution+erun:d by the lien in a munner xceptable to Lender, (b1 contests in good failh the `'"' <br /> . � lien by,or defends against enforcemenl of ihe lien in,legal praeedings which in the Lender's•opinion operute to prevent the �''�` <br /> � �nforcement of the lien;or Ic)secures from the holder of thc lien;ui agree.ment wtisfactory to Lcnder wtxxdinating the lien = <br /> „ to thls S�curity Inswment. If Lender delermines thut any pun of 1he Property is,ubjcct to n licn which may attuin priority a;,.: <br /> � � over Ihia Security Instrument,Lender mny give Borrower a no�ice idsntifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take r�u <br /> one or mare uf the actions sc�forth ubove within 10 days of the giving of notice. `� <br /> ' S. Har�rd or Property Insurance. Borruwer shall kcep the improvements now cxi��ing or hercaf�er erec�ed on the <br /> ' Property insured ugainst loss by fire,hs�zards included wilhin the term "exlended coveragr":ux1 any other hazards,including <br /> . floods or flooding, for which Lender reyuin�.in,ur:uue. This insurancc shall be maintained in the nmoun�s and for the <br /> . �. : <br />. , Foro J027i 9/9Y �/w.¢r�ule��� l <br /> . f <br /> . ; <br /> ' ':.�, .,:�-,. . , • . .r�: <br /> _ � <br /> • � <br /> • R � _ _. , <br />