~9- 1a~i2$ r6
<br />That «:2QOn ~llthe and- 170riS ?Q.Uthe_ ,his wife, of
<br />(li Grantor is not married, add words "an unmarried person".
<br />~~ County, Nebraska, in consideration of S l-°e'~ .receipt of whidt is hereby acknowledged, and the further payment of a
<br />sum to mike meat payment of Y l .~ for~__ poles and anchors and other nrcesearp equipment when set on the fallaming described property,
<br />do-~S hereby grant and can.-ry a„to the U;' l a-ter, of "~i ro and htebras'~ !=ublic Posner nistrict. Less~~
<br />(hereinafter mfrrted to as Grantee. whether or:e or more?
<br />its {their) lessees, successors and assigns, the oermanent right, privilege and easement of a right~of-way to construct, operate, maintain and remove all necessary
<br />poles, wires, guys, underground electric facilities and other necessary equipment in connection [herewith. nn and across the following propert}• situated in
<br />Ball County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows. A ;'1.Pe ~~ ~ f04t S9id° easeL'Snt ~.ying
<br />totally within and adacent to the east {rear} progertV Zines, extending from the north
<br />grogerty line to the sotlt~. ',r~erty .line incRusive, all r. ?as {, c:, 7, 8, 9, 1^, a~
<br />and 72 of Elcck b, cry ;final t„rz. of Cairo, Pall '~~~ +-,~, : ebr?.~ka•
<br />The electric line and underground n•Ircrric facliitic•s herein conermplated shall bz located on the propern~ appmximatrly as t~alaws:
<br />TI•le Bole is lacated apgraxi~.ai€2y 21 i'eet fr:v:~, td.,? north proge:rte 1_a~ and 3 feet fray;
<br />the east araperty Line or. iet l~. xarm era cand;<^t:•r o~erharrv ~f ape:raxi*aate~ 3 lost
<br />far ZC~6 feet on the east aide cf ~Icc,i 6.
<br />?lse Grantee sbai! aLw have the privilege and casemtnt of ingress and egress across the property to its (thev; oftia-;rand rmpieyrrs for any purpose ncceasan-
<br />in connection with the construction, operation, maintenance, inspection and removal of said line and underground electric facilitirs-
<br />The Grantee shat; also have the righ[ at aay time [o trim or remove such trees and underbrush as may in any way endanger ur in[erhre with chr safe operation of
<br />rht fines. uttdergraurd dtetrie facilities and zquipmem used in connection therewith.
<br />ltx Grantee shall ax all times rsercise all due err and diligence to avoid injury- or damage to the craps, livestock and a[her personal proQerty of the Grantor,
<br />and the Grantee shag indemnity and seer humkss chc Granter tram env such damage and loss arising ar o-curring to such properey sa.etY by reason of the
<br />canstrvetion, operation, mainunance and removal of any ovtrhead eiecaic lines, however, in the event that all or Dart of the underground electric facilities which
<br />taav be in..altcd ca sai3 easement right-of-wav !+ecomes defective or unsen•icrable in tltr sole yudgmrnt of the Granter.. the Cramer shall have the xight, x-ithou[
<br />adtlitiaxul paymrnt or considrntioa to the ~ranmr ar rhea successors m brit for any damage ar loss occasioned thereby, to mamtam, repair or replace such
<br />rmdergroand faexlitin; prov-ihed, if improvements ~a the proQretc make the ins[allatian of mc6 replacements impractical a: the location of the original tactmem
<br />gzantari hereby. the Grantor or their succeszxs in title skull grant and convey ro the Graptre, tar [hc same con.-tdrratian as given herein, an easement for such
<br />issztigr inuailaeian at a aeation on said aropem which is murusiiy vrisiacenry to the parties. if chr parties fait to agree upon any such ntw iocatiu:r for tin ers!rt-
<br />grotud eirttric facdities, the Granttt shah have the right to determine the most .vit:rbie location for xhe easevren[ therefor and thr Grantor agrees [o convey such
<br />raunsent; and if t}tt parries fiil to agru upon any arch nrva location fez w:dtrgrour:d electric facilvies, lire Grantee slvrll hoc obligation to replace or provide
<br />the uruletgratu~d electric facilitiez access M to env such pre?e+erty. ]n detrrminmg [hc locations for further installation the Grantee shall at all times esrr<ise due
<br />nee and d-afigrnce to avoid injttry• or damage to the proptrti of the Crarstax or their successors.
<br />The Granter agrees this should the lines and underground elrctrir t tiiitirs .. nserurud hereunder br abandoned fur a period of five years, the right~of-way
<br />ar easement hereby secured shall then case and [rrmirue, and tilts contrarc shall be of nu furthu force and effect.
<br />Signed theday of~ , A-t1-. 79
<br />Y9TNESS
<br />~ar~ a ?3 : t.~n2
<br />STATE OF NEBAASi~A, - ~
<br />Cr~r zryxry r,r _-~_ ~ I~
<br />On ebiz~day o __ 19.1_C , be lore rot the undtrzignzd, a ~:
<br />J~ in far Caunry and Sute, personally appeared j
<br />penrma~y to roe 1m6s+rt to be the identical person(a? who signed chr farcgoing ,
<br />incaumtnt.ap i'rratrissr .entl u~}ro acknowledgrd the tscrc:tiar. thcrraf to br
<br />.~_va15s*w.ty aet~and decd tar chr purpose tl,crtin ezprrssrd. -
<br />titdTNESS my hand and notsrial seal tht date abrwe wrinc n.
<br />. otary ~` biic
<br />