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` .. . ...r... � ' `�tC:. '. . . � . � - . • . , . • <br /> � ��., . � . - _ r - . . ' .. - . . <br /> 1' . • ' .> . . . ` . � . .. " - ',�.� <br /> . { ' co <br />_..r. —_ <br /> .. ' s �V iY7�+rV ���.�. <br /> :!��a_ <br /> - payments may no loaner be rPquirc�.at the option of Lender,if mongage insnranae�v�ecu�e iin tlsc arc�unt a�i for Ehe�riad =__ <br /> t h a t L e n der requires)p m v i d e d b y a n i n s u r a r a p p r ov e d b y l.endcr a gain bccames avail:dsle and is obtain�d. Bormvr�r shall pay `�: .. <br /> the premiums tet►uired to maintais�mortgage insatntcce in effert,or to pmvide a lass reserve,until the requirement for mottgage �: :�.. <br /> --- ic�urnRCe ends in accordance with uny�vritten apreemeni�.veen�urrawcr and Lender or app4irable taw. —o <br /> g�Inspectium. L,ender or its a�ent rre3y reasonabfe eniries ugon and inspections of the Progeety• Lender sha�l gi�re _ _ <br /> Borrower notice ut the time of ar prior to an inspection spECifg�in�reasonable�use for the iaspectian. �=�� <br />� `• 1�. Condemnfltion.The proceeds of any ativard or�taim for damlges. direct or mns�quential, in connecrion with�uy ,��°�-. <br /> ` � of a» art of ths t'ro rt or for canveyance in tieu o f�ron demnation. a r e h er+efn assi ed snd , <br /> co�tdemnatian or other taking Y P P� Y• Y $n '�—�---�- <br /> �; shall be paid to Lendzr. ----- <br />� °` . In the event of a total takin�uf the Property.the proceeds sha[t be ap�lied to the swns�xured by this S�cariry Instrument, �'�___. <br /> iKw'�-;•._ <br /> � wheth:r or not then due. with any eaccess paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property in which the fair 3ii,+y; <br /> �•.' m�rket value of the Property immediately before the taking is equal to or greatcr than the amount of the sums secured by this °' ' _ <br /> m,rk <br /> '.'' Secvri ty Insbvment immediutely 6sfore the taking,unless Bnaower and Lender otherwire agcee in writing,the swas seru�by <br /> this Se�riry lnstrument shall 6e reduced by the amount of the proceeds Q►ultiPfied by the following fraction: (a)the total <br /> �.. <br /> amount of the sums secured immediatety before the catciu�. divided by (b) the fais.=.t►�iet value of the Pro;e*iy immediatety ��.:�-_:._ <br /> before the taking. Any balanoe shall be paid to Bosravrer. In the event of a partia!taking of the Property ia wtuch the fair '�%;�_ <br /> _,',� market value of the Property immadiately before the taking is less than the amount of the sums sea�re�immediatelY before the � r <br />',;:,�, taking,unless Horrower and Lender othera'sse agree in writu►g ar unless applic�ble law othenvise provides,the prooeeds shall �. <br /> • 6e applird to the sums secured by this Securiry Insuument whether or not the sums are then dae. __ <br /> � .� If the Property is abandoned by�orrower.or if.after notice by Lendet to Borsower that the condemnor offers to make an �� <br /> r4°£� award or setile a ctaim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to I.e�er within 30 days after the date the notice is given. __- <br />.t���� Lender is audwri7ied to oollect and apply tfie proceeds,at its option.eit�er to restoration or repair of the Propeery or to the sums ---- <br /> • ;., secared by this 5ecu.rity Instru�►ent.whether or nnt then due. �,aw; <br /> l7nless Leader and Botrower othenvise agree in W+*�tinS• ar►Y aPP��on of proce�ds w principal shall not extend or �:_.•;�_ <br /> � postpone the due date of the montiily payments referred to in para�ap5s 1 and 2 ar change the amount of such payments. —�- <br /> 11.Bonower Nnt ReE�+sea�;�orT�earance By Y.ender Not a 6'Vaiver•Extension of th�time for paymPni or modiftcation <br /> of amortiz�iion of the sums s�red bY tlus Securiry Instrument grante�by Lender tc+any successor in interest of Bomnwer sha11 <br />.', � nni operdte co ce�ease the liability af th�ariginal Borcawer or Bomnwer s suc�essors in interest.Lender shall not be cequi�d to --- <br />., cornmence pracxedings against any su�r in interest or refuse to extend time far payment ar otherwise modity amorti7ation � <br /> .. � qf the sums sequed by this �urity Ii�strument by reason of any demand mad�(ay tha ariginal Borrower or Borrower's , _ <br /> t <br /> snocessois in eaterest. Any f�..'b��bY Lender in exercising any right or rerr.�i� shatl n,ot Ee a W+an'et of or preciude the � <br /> �.�r s' eaercise of any right or rem�. ._- <br />.,'��,� 12. 5u�ors und A��tu{��oint and Several Lta6ilIty; Co-signeis. The covenants and agreemer�ts of�is �-�.� <br /> �:- <br /> Security Insuumeni shail �i�and ben�.�2 thc saccessors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to ths provisioas of __ <br /> �..�agraah 17. Boaovrer's�-���ants and agreements sliall be joint and several. My Borrawer w6o co-signs tWs Secvrtt5+ <br /> . �.: an '• <br /> l�a�ument but does aot ea,r�x�tg the Note: (a) is co-sigring this Security Instrurnr.�i.�nly to mortgage.�and convey that f; <br />'-^�� Borrower's interesc in the Q'ruFertY under the terms of this Seruriry Iascntment; (ti;3�uot petsonally obligated ttx�ay the sums ���,�; <br /> '�w�1�.. __-- <br /> ;�u��;: seauod by this Security Instnunent;ancl(c)agrees that Lender and any ather Eoma�r�may agree w extead,n�'y.for�.ot <br /> �;�k' maue a�r accommodasions with regard to the ter�ns of this Security Insirument or tiv:Note withorji thai Borrotivgr's eonseat.'. : . <br /> • i • 13.I.osut Clisuges.l.£rlie loan secured by dus Security Instr�ment is sub1c�t.t�.,�law wluch sefs maximum toan clia�"�es, <br /> and that law is finally inti:r:�reted so that the interest qr other loan charges aol3er.��i�3r ta be wllected in connection witU the � ��,:., <br /> �;.�,,�:.��-. lonn exceed the permitted�iu.then: �a)any sucJ�1�,�s charge shall be redaced�y:u�:e amount necessary m reduoe the charga . ��;�,: <br /> to the pe�nritted litait;and(bj any sumr,.:�1�udY coll�from&scm����ahich exceeded per��ed�imrts will be refunded to <br />�r�� Bonower. I.end�r may choose to mak�.tt�i3 refjmd hy redacirsg dir;�:rinctipa! owed undes•rts�:Note,or by making a direct � <br /> � (�ayment fo B�trrower. IF a refund reddcc5 princi��:.�tl�e reducdon.w;ll be br��c! as a pertiaZ PrepaYme�t witiwut �Y ' -- <br /> � :��„^�ayment charge under the Note. . . - � �' <br /> , ��4.D(otices.Any aotice to Borrower provided for in this Secutity Instrumeni�!.r�:l be gi�en.bY�iveti�pg it or by mailing <br /> ;.5�}��• it by first ctass mail untess applicable law requires use of another melhod.77►e notice shail:fs.d�rected to the Property Addresa _ <br />,,;�; or any other addmss Borrower designates by notice w Lender. Any rtotice to Lender shal�.tse given by first ciass mail to <br /> ���"�' � 3,ender's address stated herein or any ather address Lrender desiSnates by norice w Borrawer.Any norice provided for in this <br /> �•,, ` <br /> �•y•• � � �ecurity Instrument shall be deemed to have 6een�ivesa tu Borrower or l.ender wt�given as provid�in this p�aragcaph• _ <br /> ::!���?.; • � 15.Governing Law; Severabilit}'. 'Fhis Se�ri�x� Instnunent shall be �r���emed By federa! law and the law of the <br /> '%°"�'` ,jurisdictioa.ia wiue6 tha Praperty is Iv}:at►�. In the t�'e.�t.that any p.-ovisioa or ctause of this.Sec�riry Instrumens or tha Nate __ <br />-�r:;;.••�. <br /> �r� eonflicts wifF�:rspplicable law,such contiiil shall not afiiect o!her�rovi�ians af thfls Sev�tity Instcument or the Note tivhicts wu�fi3e <br /> ' given effect without the conflictiag provisfon.To this e.^.d the p�ri.�it�s of th:�Security Inshumen2 and tite Note aze %� :la� <br /> to be severable. ••_� <br />