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<br />REAL ESTATE MQRTGA6E FORMi FLB 2oa (acv. i-n) -
<br />~9- t.,1t?2ti~c~3
<br />pate MaY 3, 1979
<br />Commercial National Bank and Trust Company of Grand Island, Trustee in the Matter of
<br />the Trust Estate of Alice L. Riesland, deceased
<br />Mortgagors,
<br />of Hall county, Nebraska in constdenati:.., ,,.
<br />Gh2 advance of the principal sum recited in the note her2lraf ter dascrSDed, ,-~.,e1Pt of which 1s acknowledged, hereby
<br />,~+~rtgage and convey to
<br />THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMANA, a Corporation,
<br />of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address
<br />is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68100,
<br />~MOrtgagee (sub;ect to oil, gas, and mineral rights owned by Parties other than Mortgagors; existing easements of
<br />record; reservations Sn United States and State patents; and Lhe rights of the public in all highways), the following-
<br />descrlbed real estate ir_ Nall County, Nebraska
<br />SEC. TMP. R_f,.
<br />Lot 1 Island; and all that part of Lot 1 Mainland
<br />which lies in the NEB; and NEj. NEB (except a tract
<br />of land described in the deed recorded in Book 32,
<br />Page 320); and S'~NEr~-------------------- 5 9N 11 W bth P.M.
<br />eontalning 1~° acres, more or lest, together wit`: all of the right, title, and Interest
<br />gnaw awned or hereafter s.:yilred; of the !!artga~-ors Sa said property, Sac!uffi~z ^li Dt~..ldings, imprevemeats, fixtures,
<br />or appurtenances thereon ar hereafter placed thereoh; all water, irrigation, and drainage rights; the tenements,
<br />hereditamen*_s, a.^.^_ app;;u~*_enances thereto and th>_ renis, Sssues, crops, and profits arising from said lands; and (if
<br />the i~rLgsgvrs~ rights in tke public damair. are required by Mortgagee for security purposes; all leases, peftsits,
<br />licenses,nrprly"loges, appurtenant nr nonapp+zrtenant to said mort~ged premises,now or heresICer issued, extended,
<br />ar renewed to ti:e Mortgagors by the United States ar the state Sn which the above-descrSDed pr aperty is located ar
<br />~~, departme_:t, Du.-eau, or agzncy u:ereaf.
<br />;his ~ rtg°.,ge ,., „_ .n to secure a prnmissa:; note ci even date herewith, executed Dy Mnrtgab.,rs to Mortgagee, Sr,
<br />the prinaipal sum of TNtE3dTY-Ti~ THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND NO/100 - - - - - - - - - rDLLARS,
<br />pa.YaDla w1Lf! in Lerest according to the ter?rs of said Hate, the final payment Doing ale and payable an the firsC day
<br />ar December, 2003 ihls car.vey once shall De void upon the p~};ment of said promissory note.
<br />T111s mortgage Ss sub~ec± to the provisions of THE PARY, CP.EpiT ACT' and ail acts ame.^.datary thereof or supplemental
<br />Lheret.e. The prx cods c_' the lash secured hereby will De used for the p•rposes specified in the Mortgagors app11-
<br />ca*_SOn fur said loan and autharSZeC by said Act.
<br />,~ iiertgagars, sad each of them, hereby warrant that they are fez corners at the mor*_gaged real property; that they
<br />xili deiced the title a¢sinst all claimant= wirv",saever, and that sold property Ss free fra^ a". encumbra*rcas; that
<br />they wi 11 keep ail *.ne *mprcvements, fixtures, and apptsteaances occupied and in goatl repair and permit ne sots of
<br />icasta~ and they will rellnQulSh awl rights of homestead in said premises, and Covenant sQ agree with the Mortgagee,
<br />as falla~:
<br />~2; ^irEt they will pay when due ail taxes, liens, ;u".,~aents, ar assessments which may De lawfully assessed ego±.nst
<br />rite 'property herein mortgaged.
<br />{2I Thai t3:ey sill insure and keep in=ured Gulidln~ ar other improvements Haw an ar which may hereafter be placed
<br />on said pr~is=s to tae sat "_staation of the !iortgagae, such iP.suranre policy shah he endorsed wl th a mortgage clause
<br />with the lass thereunder to be payable tc the Mortgagee. Ar1Y sums received ~y be used to pay for reconstruction
<br />cf the destroyed improvements; or, it not so applied, relay, at Lhe option of the Mortgagee, be applied Sn payment of
<br />any iQdatrtedness, ±satured or nurse*.ured, secured by this mortgage.
<br />(3) :o pa_v all rents, fees, or charges now dua ar to become due under the terms of each lease, permit, license, ar
<br />Dr1Yliege on the public doryain which Ss spp~tenant ar ncrappurtenanL to the mortgaged premises, whlr,.h has Deen
<br />is~=ed,ex±ea~!ed,ar renewed by the ;molted States or the state in which the above-descrlDed property is locateC; and
<br />LD pe-form cad observe every act, covenant, condition, acrd-stipuiatian necessary to keep each of the same Sn good
<br />stan• ng; and to take every necessary step to secure the reisste, r?rewal, ar extension of each o*. the same; and to
<br />ass' :r, waive, pledge, ar endorse to the YArtgegee each lease, permit, license, ar privilege if Mortgagors+ rights
<br />it ,:uDlic daenin are required DY Mortgagee for security purposes,
<br />14) 1711aL lit ttte-event Lha Mortgagee Ss-a party W any 1±t1gatlon affecting the security or the lien of Sts mort-
<br />gage, iaCludi~sg any salt by the Mortgagee to foreclose this mortgage br ati,Y suit in which the Mortgagee may be named
<br />a party-deteridoatL la ~Qti.eh it 1s abllgatati to protect its rights or lien, including condexuiatlon and bankruptcy
<br />prarsedings, the Mortgagee may Sttcui' expanses and advance payment inn abstract Sees, attorney _*ees (except *_o [he
<br />exert prtxrlblted by Saw), costs, expenses, and other charges.
<br />(51 That-Ir. Lae event Lhe Mortgagors fall to pay wtien due any taxes, liens, ;udgvents, or assessments, or fall to
<br />maintain lasurance es hereinb8tore-proYided, ar tali t0 pay rents, tees-, or charges under *_he terms of any lease,
<br />permit; Slcense, or-prtvilege; er-lbrtgagee Ss requireQ to incur expenses for absirsct Sees, attorney tees, costs,
<br />experaes, and other charges 1n connection Kith litigation, Mortgagee may make such payment cr provl de such insurance,
<br />nr 1"-:ar.~'-!-,"* ^~11°°'1~^. ~^ th° ;sn~ ^"-^.. •h€refvr °hali :,aa.:a:~ a poi' 'the ind2bt2dn2ss secured her2Dy due
<br />and payable latmedlaLa3y,~and small bear lttteresi from the date of payment atVtlre same rate as j:rov7ded for default
<br />in Gee note.
<br />