C.Cc~ 7~ ~)UNTY CCER~'S L~FF:C~
<br />HACC ~CUhtTY, h3E8RA5!~w
<br />%AAR10ri'.E Fr`AUn4?C~, COUNTY CCERK
<br />,~ r r 1 9 i973
<br />~~ Ptg~
<br />7{81~~10~i1}?g! ~ i~~~f~l~}Y
<br />(j) To adopt, apply for, obtain, register, purchase, lease,
<br />and otherwise acquire, and to maintain, protect, hold, control,
<br />own, use, exercise, exploit, operate, introduce, develop,
<br />pledge, sell, assign, grant licenses and other rights with
<br />respect to and otherwise dispose of, and generally deal
<br />in and with inven-tions, improvements, processes, copyrights,
<br />patents, application for patents, licenses, trademarks,
<br />tradenames, designs, labels, picturizations, distinctive
<br />marks and similar righ±s of any nature and whether or not
<br />granted, registered or- established by or under the laws
<br />of the United States or of any state thereof or of any other
<br />country or place;
<br />(k) To pay for any property, securities, rights or interests,
<br />aequired by this corporation in cash or other property,
<br />rights or interests held by this corporation, or by issuing
<br />and deliver-ing in exchange therefor its own property, stock,
<br />shares, bonds, debentures, notes, warrants, rights, scrip
<br />or other obligations or securities of any nature howsoever
<br />evidenced;
<br />(1) To advertise, encourage, solicit, and promote the welfare
<br />and good will of this company, its purposes, products, and
<br />property;
<br />(m) To the extent permitted by law, to purchase, or otherwise
<br />acquire, hold, cancel, reissue, sell, resell, and transfer
<br />shares of its own capital stock and its own bonds, debentures,
<br />warrants, rights, scrip or other obligations or securities
<br />of any nature howsoever evidenced;
<br />(n) To conduct its business in any and all branches thereof,
<br />so far as permitted by law, in the State of Nebraska, other
<br />states, the District of Columbia, the territories and colonies
<br />of the United States and in foreign countries, and have
<br />one or more offices out of ;,he State of Nebraska, and to
<br />hold, purchase, mortgage, and convey real and personal property
<br />both within and without the State of Nebraska;
<br />(o) Ta promote, institute, engage in, conduct, perform, assist
<br />or participate in every kind of commercial, agricultural,
<br />mercantile, manufacturing or industrial enterprise, business,
<br />work, contract, undertaking, venture, and operation in any
<br />part of the world and, to the extent permitted by law, to
<br />exercise all powers, privileges and rights enumerated and
<br />expressly granted by the Nebraska Business Corporation Act,
<br />as are necessary, suitable, proper, convenient, or expedient
<br />to the accomplishment of such objectives.
<br />Recitation herein of particular objects and powers shall not be held to
<br />limit or restrict in any manner the general powers of the corporation. The
<br />object and purposes hereinbefore specified shall be regarded as independent
<br />objects and purposes and, except where otherwise expressed, shall in no wise
<br />be limited or restricted by reference to, or inference from the terms of any
<br />other provision of these Articles.
<br />IV~
<br />The total number of shares of stock which the corporation shall have the
<br />authority to issue is Twent,~ Thousand (20,000) shares and the par value of
<br />each share is Ten Dollars ($10.00} each. The minimum amount of capital with
<br />which the corporation shall commence business is One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00).
<br />