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. .� .. . . . .. . . .. . .,. . { . . �. . .. . _ _ __ <br /> C. . c . t , ` F� ��_.�._,...� .���• ��i7'Y'�`.�...J..!,�'�4�.• `�/� - „_-.'.��..... � - _ _ <br />_<.. . <br /> 9� �.0��'6 �`:�: <br /> Y cov�aar,�ss '�` .�'.- <br /> " 7, payrrc�. Earrower egrees to rnake a[i paim+arrta on ths sec�ued dabt wh�� due. Urstesa Borrow�cr and Lcr,Q�r a6rus othsrwi°w. enJ �=�c-_;_ <br /> ' payme�Lertder teativGO from Barrow[et cr far Borcowsrs hertefit will Ce app�ed tIrst to any amounts Banowar owos on the securad Qabt _`J•,_ <br /> rtct re6u�ce or oxeus9 anyiechR,dulud paymor�8m�I114ho 3A�da�at i�RCatdin Suilaf prepayme�t oi the secure9 dett ocaus Sor any�vll1 ,;�f;:`. <br /> '; .r <br /> 2,�,a psa�at TiLS.8orrower w3�t paY efi taxes.asseat�€n�a,a�'�Q 4t?tet charg��amibutsbis to t!�pro�s.srty F+lrn d�!e and will deterul tina -__ _ <br /> ` to tho propsrty a�inat anV ctaSms which woutd(m�atr ths Gtn qt this dsed of av3t.leaQer may require 6nrrower to assign ar►y rt�flts.ctaims a► �. �•;: <br /> defan:a�vltdcP�Eatrower may Asve against pae4lw who atrg8S11�of or mateHdla to impcavo or mafntain tho proparty. ;. „ <br /> �..�, _.,. <br /> �.Nuu�c�. BaROwBr wifl keep ths P�aDenY insured undat temtis accaD'�ate to Lendar at Barrower's expanse and tar tsnder'e benefi4.A!1 , <br /> irtsivanee poficies cha0 inctude a standard inortgage dauae tn favor of Lendar.lettd�r�rit1 ba named a9 toss payea or as the insured on any sueh '�;r.,!: <br /> or to tha aRC�cred Qebt if Lortder re4��oartpage ins�urdan�B�o ei egre s to mair►tain u�h insuranra far as loAg es Landerarequires r��� � � <br /> , �, <br /> t; q,prcyaYyr,Eerrasler rril!keep ths proPeril�in good conditinn artd make a11 repairs reasonably necessary. ' ___ <br />- 5.E�ense�.8orcow9t agrees to pay all Lertdafs oxpenses,tncluding reaocnoDlg arivmeys'teas,if Bortovrer breaka any correnants in this deed F°.--°.- <br /> , of trust or in any oblipaUan secured by this deed af Vusi_Banower v�nll pay tPsaso amoun4s to Lender as Drovided in Covenarrt 9 of this deed of <br /> Vust. <br /> g,prtw gactaFtU lrmeraste.Untess Bortower ffrst o�4airs Lendar's writtan consert4 @onov�er v�n"11 not make er pemsit any char:ges ta any priar "' " <br /> sacuriiy irrten3tts. Harrawer milf pesform all of Borrowe�s otrligatEaea undcr a.r+Y Priar mortgage. deed af tn�t or other seciuint agtaemern. Y :•'.';;- <br />-�f; incfudirtg 2arrawe�s covenar�ta to maks payn:ants��rhen duo. a':�., <br />��•`'���' 7.Assk,g�te�c8 4�iszCS a�4 Ptuf$s.Botrovrer assigns to leccder the reaa�nsffpTdsL�s a!ttt�Gv�TertY.UNess Barrower a+:�w;aa�ter h�ra�e� ' �'� •. <br />=-'s�•�t oth9rwtse in u;^,di�,�cr'ativ.•ra�rsa-5 coilect and retain the rer.ts ss�mr3��is ia rt�.ir,Catautt If Hr.-rcwer�'?a�,.i�caY'r,CFxc+:iu`s .., <br /> ��5 2gent,cr a ca��cc�4'.Pi'•:at���e�avac :rtay talie GossessIa�er.�m�s�7e t!'�i�'�'�s.d cdfe�the rer.ts_d:ry=:.'r.0�.���f.��;�a�R ha� � �t� <br /> �� ��efl£�zi Tfs�is�c':r�s��ma�3+Sse�:'��xrty,indud�:-e w�r�5:s racd a:iomeys' feas. cam�s:i��rs -�..�-�E � arrp cv''-v� � ,�: <br /> -�`.�i"- :�ssa'H�PJ�;r��,�as�-Tra^.aTS�mc:3 sm�.ur!t vf renta vaif.�`�as.�lir tv E:atjmertts on the seeured deh2 a�p�viaa�in :►er.ant 1. t��.�r.- <br /> .v� - <br /> u ��f,�ip;,����+,�.,xy;�i�i�.Rrt_�ps�esc�.Ec,c�wPr ay—,e-�tn compty with the provisions ot a^y[eas3 if th's deed of trust is on ';�j� , <br /> �k ra laasd�c;d.lGt ilti�.�cE ttvsC fs on a ez�7�x+.roYiQom:..^6�m ar a pi�nnsd un(t developmerrt,Borrowar w+fl gerform st!of Henow3fs duties ,• ,�, <br /> �� cmdar the ce�.�-:w fir-�ar� regukuios��.'!�r�condominium or pfanned unit dnvelopmartt. �;; f� <br /> g,A�rity a�t�r to p�rfom�tar Barraxaac. If Bortov►er fa�Ts to perfa�n anY oi Bartawe�s d�ies un4er U�ia deed of trw^t,Lender may � �-_- <br />';;;'� � peAorm the dutias ar cause them to be pe+fatmed.Lender may sign Qoaroivara name or Fsy er�y arrtaurtt_"rf necsssary f6r arry � - <br /> c9nsUUCtion a�thoproparty fa Qiscontinuad or noi carried on in a raar.�nD �A mannar,Londer may Eo�vhatnvar is nscesserll to proteet LertQsre <br />= seciaitY Ir�Lerest in the property.Thts ma/3n�ude comyfetfnp th�cansau�vr. �- <br /> ;' �� LenQers ht(we to peAotm wili not Frecluda Lender trom exetcisinp any of ita oUter Hghts under the law or thts dand of truat. �.. <br /> Any emaunts pa(d by Lend�r to protect Lendefs searity irrtorest wi0 te secured by tAls d�od o!uua�SucA em�unts wiil be Que on Qemand �!"_ <br /> end wilt beu intarest trom tha dete of the peyment untii pald In tull at tM Intenst rats in eftect on the aecured Geht. �_�— <br /> � 70.Fi�f�Wt�rW A eNwatlan.If Bortowe► taifs to mike �ny psymsnt whsn du� or hrealu�ny eovenarts under tAls dsed o1 trust a onY �_�Y <br /> f cV <br /> . d9mind tmm,d��piy oM,�d�msY rnoke�ha power o rte�li end ac�ip ot�her�eme�NS permittad by ayyt caD�te ew Ity o4 th�sscured Qnlst�nd �_-v <br /> �'T` <br /> 11.R�Ntt ta Hatic�o!� b hereby�aqueated Mat eopEas of the noticea at defeuit end Qato be aeM to each peraon u�fno ta a party . _ <br /> hereto,st ths addre�s ot sarfi�ucfi pereon,as aet forth herein. � <br /> � 1Z.Pow�r ot 8N�.1f the LenQer invokes tha power of$ate,the Yrustes shafl fir�t reeorcD fn tt�e office af the rapister ot daads of erAh•cnttnLy <br /> " or eome are m parcof theroof Is situatod e rwtfce of Qefauft conta thfl{McrtmaUon roqutrad by faw:T(!a•YiYi�tao ��.- <br /> wtiereln th�truat vropenv P w <br /> � sM11 alsm m��:!copies of the notice of do�rautt to Ytie Bonowor,m ecicti•person wfio�S a parN eraln,ond to othar persons aa pmmcoitlaJ by <br /> applicabie law. Nat less t4�aa one mortth e'rtar the Tro�tae records tifv notico of defau}t,a�two montl►a H tha vust propercV ia n9t�6».QnV <br /> incorporated cfty ar vplego end la used in fartning op erations wrrieA on by ffie trustar,the Trustes sha11 ptve pubiic notice of sate w tH0 p�r6onm ���'�"' <br /> and in the manner prasui4e4 by�epppltcebte taw.Ytustee,w(thnut demand on Borrower,ahafl seil tl�e property at puhtic aucticn w 4tio tit�hast ��°-" <br /> bidder.If raquiraA by the Farm Homestoad Pratecttan Act,Trustee shall offer the property in two sepuate ss[as as requ'aed by appCcaEto taw. <br />" ' Truatee may postpone sate of aU or any parcal ot the proaerty hy�Itc arsrtouneemerrt at tRe Ume and piace of any praviout[y sdsodutad sa1s. ;,�.,,�.. <br /> tondar ar ita d�iigrtoo rnay purchasa the psaye+N et any safe. _ -_-_ <br /> Upan receint af Rayment o4 the pr(ce Cid,Trusa�e shail delivar to tt�e parchN::�Trustee's deed comreyicu�tS�property.The recitiafs coeYlctnc�in �����+�� <br /> ;-.,�, <br /> ;;, �:, Trustae's dee3 chall be Drima tacte evidiertca aE Lt�e uuth ot tho stetemertts ccntained therein.Trusteo shal!apply tl�e proeeeds of tha ss.:�n ths �,;�. ,,- <br /> qpRew:rtg crCer: (a) w a11 exponses of the sa's, incladLRg, but not fttn:�d W, reasanam�e Twtes's fees, reasonz�le attometra fec-s end ',ff•,;. <br /> ec�srcta�:r.ertt fees;ib)to a11 sums secured by C�ls desd ef�ust,and ie)the bafance.�aay,to the percons teQalty ertfi�t��to reaBiva iL �;+�„= <br /> ..:,. : �:�r�� <br />;;;r�j�,' E3�.C��s.At Lendera option,this deed ot Vust may be 4aroclosed'vs the manner prarci�by aFFfiqbte law(or faroclnsare of m'.•rtgages -� <br /> on reai Fra�s�•. �1., <br /> ��'tt�� 14.ktspsaUar�•I�der may erner tfee prcG�"a�to inspect it if Lendor qhts.B Borrovier noucs Qoforeh,-iufi'Ptrs notice must atate Yne raaffuitnb <br /> t�`�'�� cause tor t�.dtff�in i.lspectian. . <br /> �5,Ca�d�maod�sn.gorroLx�r wsigna to Lendar the proceeda of arry award or claim fcr dWnu,,-tea eormaccod wlth s conQemnation ar athar dltin0 <br /> of a0 a amf�c�•t8e PraGeM•Such proCeeds wiU Oo apyiled e�proviQBd in Covanart l.Tlus aasignment Fs subjeCt to the terma of a'ry prW� �_ <br /> security s�an�z. . - _ <br />`.-"��r t6.Waiwr.liY;sxercising any romedy av8�tahis to Lender.Lender Qats tasV ptve uD any�lghts w toter uae arty ath�r romady.BY n¢t axxnrJtinp �;s;. <br /> `;: '�; arry remedy�,.on Borrower's detauft,LenQer�oee not walva eny�igM ta•!�crc�onsider the evert a dofnult if tt happens apain. _—� <br />'����;� <br /> ,;�.�. 97.Joint�nd S�wwt t!� Co-si�rs: Succ�ssara tatd�I�r.:cs9. Atl duUes unQar thia deed of uust are joirtt and several.My i•"-.'_ <br /> Bonower who co-aig�u this dead o!trust Aut Qoess�a�m�m�te �ntfletivtnp dabt insvumartls) doas eo onry to grarrt and canvey that `�__ <br /> Botrower'�interaat in ths property to the Tntatee un[er Us�tNnr}�.o ob flti�GeeQ oTtruct in add(Uon,su�:h a Bortower��ees that tho Lender�nd <br /> - � detrt wWw�that Bon w�e wn ent ene w�'nlmiai�ct ee��iiifl ti dat Bor�raX�i+r s:e-�in tlse terCms ot U�ta doed ot vu��s dead af trust or tho s�cure0 �r_ <br /> e:•_: <br /> • The duties and 6ortofita of thls daed ot tru�t shall bind and 6aaofit tho cucca�aore and essipns of Lender and Borrowe�. �_ <br /> 1�.NoHe�.Unleas otherwkte required by law,any mUce 4o BoROwer ehall be given by dervering it or by mailing it by corUfted maSl eddreaaed to <br /> gone,wer at tfia prope�r¢y�dQrass or any othor aQdreas that BoROwar hra piven w Lertdxr•Barrower v+nll Bivs any notice to Lec�r by cerUflbd <br /> � maU to Lendars addrasa on p�pe 1 af tt�is deed ot ttust,u w arry otAer etldrora which LvnQar haa dusipnatct0.Any othar nottco to dendm shall -- <br /> tre aern to LenQor's aQQress aa atated on pnpe 1 of this daed of Vuat. <br /> Any notice sf►3II be deemsd to hava besn Qivon to Eonowet or Lando►whon given in th�manner stated abnvo. __ - <br /> ' 18.Tnmisr ot tM RoDdtY a a RSn+H�ia1 fntuut in t�Bo�owa•�f aU or any part of the proyerty or any intere�t in it is sotd or vsnsferred <br /> wtthout I.andoPa prtor wnitt�n eonsarti, L,er�da may demand Immedi�te paymerrc of the secured deln. Lender muy also demand immsdlate _- �� <br /> d imi n d �niin Uie atiove�ituatlon�f if it Ie pro ehibtted b feQo�oasi t�w s of tho dme of twhi°ia decB of tru t��tenad.However. Lender may not <br /> �..-• <br /> 2p,R�eonvsyane�.NIAen the obitgatlon aeeured by ttfis doed of truat hae baon paid aRd Lcnder ha�no furthe►obi?paUon to make aQvancea �`:�`�-- <br /> undpaerrttyitie inatrumarnn or agreemerrts secured by thia Qaed of truat,tho Troatae shett upon written roqueat by tho Lander,reconvey the wat � - <br /> ob1 gi etiqn so sa8sfla0a8orrov�er sfia i pa yarry racardatianecorco�wer's suecessor in Irtterest,the t�rust deed and tho noto or other ovidence ot the �,- <br /> sL_. <br /> " 21. Sncenfor TrusU�. L�ndar, at Lendor'e o�on, maV remove Truatea end appoint a auceeasor trustee by firot, moit3nfl e copy of tho �.;', <br /> 6uDDtituUnn of truotoe so roquirad by npptieeflle aw,and then,by fifir�tho substituUon of Vustee for recard in tha offieo ot the register of deeda <br /> of each eounty in whlch tho truat proporty.or some yart thareot,is srtuated.The succossor trustee,without eonveyanco ot tha proporty,shtill �- <br /> auccoed to a:J the power,dudos,authodty and titlo of tho Truotee named in the deud of trust and of any auccsssor trutstse. c;�'m. <br /> , , �A .- <br /> �° --- <br /> • �_ �- <br /> vi� ' �_: <br />"`.�,y�. 41a�D�2 0/21 <br />�`��=°;•::.� OILKRL-::a S"1773i15.�iC.ST.CL^✓JD.MN 66301 11-0.J 797-23471 iC:C!8 CG7�Y:".sF2 G!?Ltb'+ �r•a^. <br /> .._i C t���". <br />,;�t �� <br /> . --'^° � .� . .- . . .. <br /> . ,. . . . <br /> _ _... -. ....r- ...._......,,.. .:..�.-•� ��'- :'�"'.' - .���� • . - - . ._ . . �,r' � . <br />. � . - .. • .. .4_ . ' .. ' . . • . <br /> , � ' - ,. . _. '�,� . . " f. <br /> . . . ,. � r�: .� . • . .. . . • ., . . _, .. .. � ... � <br />