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,. - _.~__ <br />COU.ITER OFFER <br />77 ~, y ~, `t)~s6S ~- BATE'J Au uc~ st 4, 19;8 <br />The offer ra urchase the real Lots 4 and 5, <br />p _ property cammon~u knch•n as------------------------ <br />Blocic 7 in Dill and Huston's Addition to City of ,Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Charles E. and Jo ce ll. Webb <br />Made by---------------------Y--------------------=-°--------------------------------- <br />Tiuqus;t 3~ 1)7H ----- <br />dated=----- ,:; not acce~pt,~rT in itS present form, bvt the fo?.towing <br />counter offer is hereby Yurr•h asc l~ri crCO be J14,oDO.UV. <br />~ sithmitted:-------------------------------------------------- <br />s <br />J,.eg_~ c~e~c><,i~i<ion on offer. to be corrected to read :tots 3 and 4, Block 7 in <br />D~11 apcj~~uston's Addition to Citx of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />OTHER TERMS: all other terms to remain. the same. ` <br />EXPIRATION: This counter offer shall expire unless a rnpy hereof with purchaser's <br />written acceptance is delivered to selie* or his sgeht within----°-°E'- da <br />--------- ys <br />from date. - <br />- - -- - - ,{itf /~~ L. r.gR <br />SE;.:.ER <br />2'he undersigned Purchaser accepts the above counter offer. <br />,/~~ ,,~a <br />Subscribed artd sworn before me this j'_=,~`_'day of _G ~"L./ `-~,z.~i~ <br />_ -------- / J ~LY/SR <br />_~19~ _ ~FrGi.°i-{'_~--i_ !~ l~z8CT1'F.R <br />_al ~7liCNERAt NOTARY • Sete at Nekr~sAa <br />NOt7MAN t. ANTONS~N <br />tAy Comm. Exp. Sepi. 2D, l981 <br />Signature of Notary Public) f <br />{Note 's A (My miesicin' icpi~rea~ <br />C~~ '~` <br />~ ~-. ~ J <br /> <br />