<br />7'1 $~ns3ii~n Y 49E9 - - ~~
<br />~~. ~etlgn YiLO. 71riR ~II.9.C. ~ ~~~
<br />1~ffi IlYli3Elt1Z'[I~E, made this 25th day of Agri 1 _ . A.D. I9 79,
<br />be,re$a h1ax Cleland - , as Ad~iaistrator of Vateiyma' ASaita,
<br />anrffic~ of ~ (Jttited States of Ameraca, whose address is Veterans Admittishatioa, Washington, D.C;, Zt)4~,
<br />hpr re#erred teas grantor and Larry M. Merritt: and Barbara J. iiferritt, husband and -wife
<br />as t'~dint - terfants and not as tenants in common , whose lidd2+E816i!
<br />315 West Charles, Grand Island, Nebraska. 68801 hereinafter referred to as grantee(8).
<br />wITx7E9SETE, that the said grantor for and in consideration of" .the sum of
<br />Twef;ay Five ~'housand and no 100------------------------------
<br />~ ----Dollars 025,000.00----)
<br />~- receipt whereat is acknowledged, hereby grants, conveys and confirms unto the said grantee(s), the following
<br />descri2~ed Premises, situated in Ha31 County, Nebraska:
<br />Lot Fourteen (Ii), Block Six (6), Dill and Hus*_on's Addition to the City
<br />of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska__..___
<br />-"
<br />NEBRASKA 6JCL'"tiE~Tt=„~Y:
<br />STAMP TAX"
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<br />..__.~_____,_,~....._._.".:: BY
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<br />N : $TATEM~T ATT1~~~~r .:.
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<br />- _ /
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<br />r•=)a-beiag•the intention of all parties hereto, that in the event of the death
<br />of either of said grantees, the entire fee simple title to the real estate described
<br />Itei`e~ti'sh811-"+i$st in the surviving grantee.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, together with all the Tenements,
<br />Hereditaments and Appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said grantees as joint
<br />tenants, and not as tenants in common, and to ther:assigtts,.:or t^ the heirs or -.-
<br />successors and assigns of the survivor of them, forever. -.
<br />Grantor"covenants with grantees and with their asssgas,and with-the hers or
<br />successors and assigns of the survivor of them, that at the time of the execution
<br />and delivery of these presents grantor is lawfully seized of slid premises; that
<br />gxantor has good right and lawful authority to convey the same; and that they are
<br />~°from encumbrances -
<br />. _ - _ -•
<br />A_p~rtenances thereunto belatlging into the said grantee(s) and grantees' heirs or '- tiasaigna,
<br />f6~1+ N "•. X71>~ :: ",_ -
<br />m,. ~ _. .~.u_ .._ ..- ,.-.
<br />Grantor covenants with` tee' hrirs or successora,and assigns that at the time of the.
<br />,execution sad ese Rreseti~ grantor is Iawful~r'seiaed of-said °premises; that grantor has goad
<br /><-. _ ~: ~ -
<br />surd etivenanta to warractt aud;~~fepd theaaid PrGmisea agaipst-ark kalvtti! eTai-ns. by; through, or under granto:
<br />