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<br />~.~d i t, i~~~l ~'advances, or u!r tfsc eves: t tt ~ -''-'<~ °tg y_ar y,,.,~ i o _ t l , e{ t^~~r ou'jr i gt;+ by i end ~ _ ',
<br />rr,t,r'act,, by lease purcha,,e <'3yreements, or crherwi;e, ar ride therE#c= shsiuld a#herwise
<br />become vested in persons ether than the '•brtgagar; Then r;-~e whale indebtedness i;ereby
<br />seeured.;.rsll thereupan cr at any #ime thereafter, at the aptian o' the Association, become
<br />imrrrediateiy due and cailectibie without 'urther notice and this `~F~rtgage may trren be fore-
<br />cfosed to recavar the same, with interest thereon, at li ~ and all reasanable costs
<br />and expenses of suit, including abstracting or title searcti fees. Acceptance by ;4artgagee
<br />of one or more installment payments on the indebtedness secured "Hereby subseauen# tc any
<br />sale er change in awnership ar possession of said teat estate, ar any part thereof, as
<br />above provided, as to which rr~rtgagee has n.ot granted its wriften consent, shall not
<br />canstiti;te a waiver of Mortgagee's option to accelerate she whale indebtedness hereby-
<br />secured, which option may be exercised by ~'iartgagee at any time. fJa delay or orrenission of
<br />+=3arrgagee fio exercise any right or aptioH accruing upon any default shall impair any-such
<br />right ar option, ar sha(I t;e construed to be a waiver of any suah defaul#, ar an acquiescence '
<br />therein.; end-every option and remedy given by this Pv~ortgage to the thartgagee may be exercised ..
<br />-from time to time as often as may be deemed expedient to t/,ortgaoee.
<br />- Provided further that in the event of default in the performance of any of the terms
<br />and cor:ditions of this R,artgage, the .JOte secured by this i'rcrtgage, ar any other Hates for
<br />additianal advances, on the part of the i=lortyagor, the Association shall 6e entitled to the
<br />immediate possessian of the premises above desr_ribed, together with all the rent, revenues
<br />and income, including any land r_antract oayr;~ents due the !~,ortgagor ar any other incames of
<br />.any type whatsoever, to be derived therefrom, and said Assaciation may, in its discre#icn,
<br />use the rents sa tar as it deems necessary for the purpose of making repairs upon the
<br />premises, and for the payments of insurance premiums, taxes and assessments upon said
<br />premises, and for necessary expenses incurred in renting said premises and collecting rents
<br />therefrom, and to apply on said note and Hates and agreements for future advances, until
<br />the indebtedness secured is fully paid; but said Association shall in nc ease be Eiabie for
<br />The failure to procure tenants, to collect rents, or to prosecute actions to reccsver
<br />possession of said premises.
<br />Executed this a?~ day of may. 19~
<br />v---
<br />it.1'Ji~lFY- OF HALL )
<br />Qn this~day of fJu~,,. E9 heforc me, a Pv./ ary "ubl is in and for said
<br />(;c~ nty, personally came tape-a-d'ov~e `~-m~d nKLES D ~QSSE~AN AND ~APiET K BOSSELMAN,
<br />ttusb~hcl and wI f~ tc~ .:~e wei f rc~3w7F ~c: ~t< f' e ~ p 5
<br />,r. in~en-rca~ erson whose-name s
<br />are affixed to the above l~crtgage as grantors and are severally adknowledged the
<br />said instrument and the execution thereof, to be their valuntary act and deed.
<br />Wli'NESS my hand and Notarial Seal, tt;e day and year last abave written.
<br />hly`-commission expires on the ~~ day of _ -Twa. 19 ~.
<br />IRAt l':3TARV• srmew rtee.~w,
<br />8i8PNEp R •6l'~!t
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