~'~ 79- ~t~.~~'fi48 ~:
<br />I~'', i', r ~'uWUC3 -t,y ], k!w br f LC7!.rr ~ri is=,lur i'~i ud r7. ,'f „< err a !t'r - -, s •i fir :ids ~tc~ .,rut ~ tyr 'r r~-.r ',i
<br />:;t in amounts equal to one cr r?~.,re subsequent },rirrcip<;i r:ayr.,~;t:.
<br />3. Thaf in addition ta, grid together with, t^e r~,rztt;!~, i=st.allrr~n.ts t,rove*!ed Eris
<br />under the terms of the aforesaid t'romi=„nr,• 'r.Ote a., ._ ._:r~ ~,..._. ,.;'es :}r agrae:rznts for
<br />additional advances as provided herein t.ortgagrr wi3! pvy ,:, an advance payment to
<br />t~iortgagee on the f i rst day of each mar;th anti ! sa i c; tto-e an , T`:e „.^ta I i ndcbtedr~ess
<br />„ecured hereby.is fully paid, an araour:t estimates by `•fisrteagee t,-, Ge ~sf',icier,fi to enable
<br />the t?rirtgagee to pay a!t taxes, assessments fgenerai ;r sp~•_ial;, rents, ar; other
<br />imiiar charges against the above described premises, as the same bec3r-,e due. Such
<br />advance payments she!( Ge paid each rnanth tcgefher with t'e r*-.ant".ft' installments provided
<br />far under the terms of said Promissory !Dote and an.y otter notes or agreemen+$ for
<br />add "stionai advances as provided herein in a single payrnerrt and shall ... be, nor deemed
<br />to Ge, trust funds but may be commingled ~nith other :>uch funds or the genera; funds c`
<br />i~iartgayee, and no interest sha7f be payable in resi;ect thereof. '=1~rtgagor snail pram;,tiy
<br />forward to "=lortgagee all biifs for taxes, assessments and rer:ts ar,c '%~artgagee will use
<br />said advance payments for the payment of said biifs. i~lartgagee may, from tir;e to time,
<br />at its option, waive, and after such waiver, reinstate any and all provisions of this
<br />paragraph requiring such advance payments, by noti;:e to ','r~~rtgagar in writing. While s~e:h
<br />waiver is in effect, t~-•lortgagor shall pay ail taxes, r.~sessmerrts and rents as otherwise
<br />provided nerainafter.
<br />4: If the total of the advance payments made Gy the .."aortgagor shall exceed the
<br />amount of payments actually made by the Mortgagee for tuxes, assessment; or rents, as the
<br />rasa may be, such excess, at the cptrorr of the Itlartgagee, shall be credited Gy the
<br />~Yortgagee on subsequent payments to be made by the ?+'~rtgagor, or refunded to the P%~ortgagor.
<br />it, however, the monthly advance payments made by the !~7nrtgagor shall not Ge sufficient
<br />?o pay such taxes, assessments and rents, es the case may be, who; the same shall become
<br />r,u and payable, then the Aortgagor shall as}• to the t~~rtgagee on; ameur.t necessary t'o make
<br />upcthe deficiency, on or Gefore the date when payment of such taxes, assessments or ten±s
<br />siYafl Ce due. if at an•; time the t~tortgagar shall tendryr to the Mortgagee, in accordance
<br />-with the provisions of the F:ote secured hereby, full aayment of the entire indebtedness
<br />represented that°by, the t=lortgagee shall, in cemputina the amount of such indebtedness,
<br />;relit to the account of the Mortgagor any credit balance accumulated under the above
<br />paragraph. ff there shall be a default under any of the provisions of-this tbrtgage
<br />rtasu{ting in a public sale of the premises covered i;ereGy or if -the ~':ortgagee acquires the --
<br />property otherwise after default, the P~lortgagee shall apply in such manner as Martciagee
<br />shat! determine the balance of advance payments then r:>maininn in thru funds ac~urautated
<br />un~c:r the above paragraph, as a credit against the indebtedness s•vcured hereby.
<br />5. That in the evert any of the monthly advance payments provided herein or monthly -
<br />installments provided for under the terms cf said r=romissory Note and any o-that rotes or ,
<br />agree<mants for atlditional advances have not .keen .made Gy the tenth day of the month in ,
<br />w!tich such payment was due, a late e±?arge of up to ten i0) :?erc__.~nt of the ameu::t of said
<br />n;onti~ty payment may b~: assess>d by ±he Association ,o cL~.•ar i~:~ extra exwonse involved
<br />in handling delinquent p~ryments. The Association shall not be obligated to accept any
<br />n;~nthly payrrrent made after the tenth day of tt;e men#t; anl0~s said mc;nthip payment shai_!
<br />~e gc;c:t}m'7an i ed by t he to l t arnc;unt Gt the I dte t: do r-g' ~`~~cSacd Lt' ri<c ASSuc i at i r.,t~ as - -
<br />`~rtiti :~cd li~rein.
<br />-_-- -_-- -~_-- TU pay- any -and all to Y~".c5,.a5•. t'S~rr~rlt~ r,~ur_~r3' _r ~~-~.; ~!.7, fa::ts 3n4 ?tter-Si-mi-I ar _---
<br />c!iarges levied and assessed ayainst the premises, this ,•brtaage, or ii5debtednes:. hereby
<br />acured, Gefore that' become delinquent, for which pr visions has not been r^ade nereinbefore,
<br />and in default 'thereof the f~iortgagee may pay the s,~n~, and a'I moneys sa advanced with
<br />i~rterest at ii a from the date of such payment shall be see=aid Gv r%~~rtgagar upon
<br />demanI, and shell t;e secured by this "•lortgage.
<br />7. That t~rtgagor will keep the impn;vernents +~•n said premises insured against loss
<br />tfr~-c: tire, lightning and other hazards includ4d in t`hr~ :~t.~ndard extended coverage endorse-
<br />nreri t p I us f Iccc: i nsurance wi~are required by m~rigage~! i n a:•. amc :nt rot less t hen the
<br />ur,par d Ga l ghee Gf the r ndebtedness seeur`ed Ii:;reGy, w i t h i :;s ., i t ar~y , payab l e tc sa i d
<br />A~.sociaiian, in a company ar companio5 acceptable fo the Association; and should such policy
<br />,, pviicies contain any provision that could limit ±ne inluranr~ company's Iiabi!ity to
<br />,. ay the om~c~unt ct ar,y i.~ss or damage up to the full am~~unr for which policy is written,
<br />the amount of insurance to be provided shall Ge to an aaaunt sufficient to, ar all times,
<br />fully protect the Assac'sation. If Mortgagor fails to procure or maintain such insurance
<br />in the manner specif_fed herein, the Association may, at its v_ptivn, procure-and pay for
<br />coach ;nsurance,-and al I rran~;ys so advanced with interest at _.~1_„~ from ttza date of
<br />-such {iayment shall he repaid Gy Mortgagor upon. demand, and shall be secured by this
<br />"~i--tgage. -
<br />f3, [hat the Morfigagar will keep the buildings upon said premises in good repair, and
<br />~i~:,rther-commit nor per+rcit waste upon said- (and, .nor suffer the same premises to be used
<br />far any- unlawful purpose. Ntortgagot• fur#her agrees. that without the written censer:t of
<br />ilorne Federal Savings and Loan no buildings or additions tc existing buildings shall Ge
<br />~~recied and all.Pa~king and landscaped areas shall be satisfactorily maintained.
<br />9-. -That-ln the avant-the premises or any part thereof be #aken ar damaged t>v reason
<br />wt any ptxb-tic improvement or condemnation proceedings, cr under right of eminent domain,
<br />cis in any other manner, Mortgagee shall be entitled at its i7ptian to commence, appear in,
<br />