<br />~i'ti~.EABE OF DdOATGAG>~--Co:porarioa pARTIAL Huffman and Felton 8 Wolf. Walton. Tte. 68461
<br />-rn Y...OL+nS2- _-
<br />--rte-~-VD ~ vv v ~
<br />IN CONSIDERATION of the payment of the debt named therein, the Commercial National Bank & j
<br />Trust Company, Grand Island, Nebraska hereby releases the mortgage mods to '',
<br />C~tmercial National Sank & Trust Comgany, Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />by James D. Roth and Donna F. Roth, husband
<br />and wife, and James S. Reed and Precious Reed, husband and wife
<br />on the following described reJl estate, to-wit:
<br />Lot Forty-one (41), Potash Subdivision
<br />of Section in Township Range of the P. M., Hall
<br />County, State of Nebraska which ss recorded in $omtat of Real Estate .M1lortgages, pag¢ ,
<br />of the records of said Caanty. Document #79-001831
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said Commercial National Bank & Trust Co. has caxstd
<br />these presents to be executed by its president and tits Corporate Seal to be affixed hereto this 12th
<br />day of Aprii , .._, r9 79
<br />Witness: ~ ~., ~ w;,,~In '[ / i .~~ r~.3d:~ Nd~~9P~7 Bank, &„Trust.. ~Q.,........--
<br />/~~~~I. d '~2 ~-..6~LtiL~ ---. B ... .., o ~-~t ~ ~} j ` .. .Vice President
<br />... ::.-., n '` ~ ......... ........9ttest .:.-. Cashier, Secretary
<br />w~ -t~~"r ,.~ ...
<br />~I'.A-t~k~ .~. ~~ T3s;;b~; ......... ,County of ...... a 1. - • . . . ...... . . . ..
<br />~'ot~An~>:rt~Tttent waa acknowledged before me ..April-12 .........................19 79.. .
<br />& st i t;o
<br />by ~aavul 1~s_~t#dh~~,-..V.P,...{Name and Offtce) of Cotmnercial,Nat'.1. Bank...{k~latne o rporationt
<br />.f~ arp bran q,5,f~bsaska
<br />a , ..:. .. , ,,ti ,.., „ _ ... . ... . ............................ .... ...corporation, on behalf of the corporation.
<br />,.,..
<br />,,; ,
<br />AIRY ~t%DF.r„ } ,~..
<br />. NUi,a, ..C'~.,:E: ~~<!~-:."~...~-:'tom.-' ...............
<br />C~ ~ tSignatufe Person Taking Acknowledgment
<br />~.;
<br />~;
<br />Tide ~'
<br />
<br />
<br />