79-- U ~ ~ 5 ~ 8 ~C)~'TG~-~~E
<br />T~ TND)~'CURE, roads thL~ 27th _~, ~ Aaril _~__~.~.__. 1H 79 , b!' sad 6etwee
<br />Robert L. 3fsrs, ~ umtarried versos.
<br />of Ha7'1 GouniY, Nebraska, as
<br />orgaaimd acrd exirtiag order the Lws of Nebraska with ..and Grand Isled Trust Company of Grand Iakred, a carposation
<br />ptindpa ogee sad pLa of buaians ai Grand Is}lnd. f+tabesska, ss mortgagee:
<br />WITNE$SETH: That said mortgagor _ ,for and iv consideration of the sum of _________
<br />**Pire Thousand Five Hundred Seventywse and 47Ji00ths** `_ ~~~; 5,571.47 1
<br />the of which is hereby aclmuwledged, do es by Lheee Presents mortgage and wmraat unto acid mortgage, its successors and
<br />forever, art the following desar'bed neat estate, situated in the County of ~~ 1
<br />and State of Nebraska. to-wit:
<br />Lot Seven {7) in Block Eleven {11) is Gilbert's Second
<br />Addition to the Citp of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />- To®ether with. ell heatittg, sir co~itmning, lighting, and phmrbing equipment and fixtures. inchrding xreene, awnings, storm windows and
<br />doors. end window shades or blinds. used on or in connection with said property, whether the same ere row located oa ~ property or haeaft~
<br />-- placed thereon.
<br />- TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all and singular flea teements, 6eredrta~nts and appurteaanem, thmeanto be•
<br />~- longing, or in anywise appertaining, forever, and warrant the title ta the same. Said morgagor-hereby wvenant B with said
<br />mortgagee that ~ he 18 , at the delivery hereof, the lawful owner- of the premises above conveyed sad desm'bed,
<br />and i$ aeixed of a good and indefaeafble estate of inheritance therein, free sad crest of all encumbrances, and thet_he_wr71
<br />warrant sad defend the title thereto forever against the claims a~ demands of all pmaons whomsoever.
<br />- PROVIDED ALWAYS, and this inatnmrent is executed and delivered ta secure the payment of the sum of
<br />**Fire Thousand Five Hundred Seventq-one sad 47/100ths** Do2larsis 5,571.47 1
<br />rrlth mt~eet theretm. together with such ehargce sad advsac~ ere may be due and payable; ta said mortgagee user the terms a~ oonditions
<br />_ ~ the paomiaeory rota of even date herewith and secured hereby. executed by said mortgagor ~to said mortgagee. payahle a:
<br />m sold note, and ta ascots the performance of all the terms and conditions contained therein. Tha terms of said note era hereby incm~poratsd
<br />harear-by this reference.
<br />It lathe intetioa sad agreement of the patties hereto that this mortgage shell also secure say future advenees made ta raid mortgagor-
<br />by safd mortgagee, and say and alt indebtedness in addition to the amount above stated whirl. said mortgagors, or any of them. may wre ta
<br />said mortgagee, however evidenced, whether by note, book account or otherwise. Thin mortgage shall remain m full force and effect between
<br />the parties hermo end their heirs. Personal representatives. successors end assigns. until all amounts sawred hereunder. including fuWre
<br />advenees, ere paid in full with interest.
<br />The mortgagor- hereby assign 8 ta said mortgagee all rents sod income arising et any and all times from said property end
<br />hereby authorize said mortgagee or its agent, at its option, upon default, ta Lairs charge of avid property and collect ail rents earl income
<br />thsrafrom and apply tlm same ta the payment of in`ceraet. Principal. insuraaee Premiums, taxes. aaseaemeate, repairs or hnprovemete
<br />rrsoesearY W keep aafd property in tenantable a~ition, m ta other charges or peymmta provided far tamem or in the note hereby secured. This
<br />resit Wigament shall continue in force until the unpaid balance of said note is fully lwid. The taking of possession hereunder shall in no manner
<br />pesvet or retard acid mortgagee la the t»ikckion of said some by foredeeure or otherwise.
<br />The fa$we of the mortgagee ta aeeeet any of itm rights hereunder at any time shall not be construed ere a waiver of ire right to assert. the
<br />name at say letter time.: sad ta irnrist upon end enforce strict a~plience with ell the terms end provision of sakl rota and of this mort~3ge.
<br />It acid moRpgot eheD cause ta be paid ta said mortgages the stirs arnorrrrt due it hereunder. sort under the terms a~ provisions
<br />of said rote hereby secured. iadudiag future advances, and any e:tsnsiom or renewers thereof iq aaordaaae with the terms end provisions
<br />thereof, a>Yf it said mortgagor _ shall amply with ell the provisions of said note sad of thin mortgage, the these preaeata shall be void:
<br />otherwfss to smuts m [adl fora and affect. wad sad mortgagee shall ba entitled ta the poaaedsioa of all of said property: sad may; Rt Its option.
<br />det9efe the whale=of said=note sad sII iaa ragreeeated thereby W be immediately due sad payable. sad may foreebse this mortgage
<br />oe take W at6ee legal action to protest its ngitt. Appraisemeat waived.
<br />Thy -mortgage ahsIl be bisdizig ups and ehstt emus to the bem5t of-the hairs, ezewtars, admiatstratare, anaeeeora erd essiems of the
<br />- eeap~ectdve pae-iee heemfp: - - -. --'
<br />IN'iKITNEffi VYHEI2E0lr, said afoitgagcr_ha s_heieunW set hiE hand_the day sad yeas'-first above
<br />w_ Litton.`' _ .}~~ ,~~~
<br />~, - r~~Fiar$ '
<br />_ __ -.. _. -.. -- - - i
<br />