<br />
<br />A-RIlfiL3N>1~~1' ~FTI 3
<br />]1fIJt~W ALL ~BtEN 8'Y THESB PRESENTS, "That rbe WES3'RitN ;~ilRiTlfS Ct3iitYMiY. a corpors-
<br />rioa, the parry of the lust part, fa eoruidernion of the aem of 495003' ~
<br />FVRZY F~7R ~ FI~7E ANA ~~-~ _27otlars,
<br />ro it in hand paid by F$S MOM€S INC.
<br />a Corporation, the party of the secoad part, receipt whereof is hertby:cknowledged, bas granted, assigned and
<br />traasterred, and, by these presents does grant, assign and traasfer unto its successors and assigns. a certain
<br />Trust Deed wherein the said WESTERN SECURFfI£S COAlPANY is Bemficiary, .
<br />, JOEL R. ~ ANA JANET M. 7Atl, 1~1SE3AT~II? AND 4tCFE
<br />is T'rustor, and A!, 141, 1l4ORSR is Trustee, which Trust Detd was dated thc-1;~C~~ _
<br />79_.~g, and recorded the 27TrI day of Jf)~ , 19 7$ , in 1 ,Page ,
<br />of the Mortgage records of HRiT. ,County, Nebraska, and ail it right,
<br />title and intertst ra the properly therein described, as. follows, to-wit:
<br />IN R~ NOfTfH HnaT~' C&' `lam DX)R.Pf1EA.S"P {N ~ ~?
<br />'ems"1%$) fT!< ~`Z`3u3 s'rtr",v'7~3 {II) . YCTr r"'F. ,c°~Tf~t {lI)
<br />NQRTFI, R 'I~1 {10) i~P 01: TEIE 6Tfi P.M. r HALL
<br />QJUNI7t, I~SRASRA;
<br />`7'ogeiher with the promissory note therein described, a~ the money due or ra become dut thereunder,
<br />including interest thereon, subiect only to the provisions of said Trust Deed therein contained.
<br />1N WITNESS Wlf'EttEOF, the W£ST€3tlq S€CURTiIES C+[?MPA.'il'Y, a corporatian. leas caused tbis
<br />Assigemera of Trust Deed to be ereeured 6y its Dresident, and attested by its
<br />,~',: t
<br />Secrttary,,raad its ca'tltDJktr seal to be hereunta aflixed this 20th day of March , 19 79 .
<br />nsvf. .~ ". COMPMiY, a Corporation
<br />' ~` ~ _
<br />° 'j ~ / President
<br />~.. :~.
<br />STATE O~ _h-L~7412ASKA, Attest:
<br />ss. Secretary
<br />COUhtTl' OF DOUGLAS,
<br />On this 20th day of_ March , 19 79 , belore me a notary public duly
<br />commissioned and qualified in and far said county and state, personally came the above named
<br />Richard W. Johnson Jan R. Dudley
<br />_ ~_ _ ..._President, .nd _ ,
<br />Secretary of the WESTERN _SECURITI~$ COMPANY,-who are personally known to me to
<br />fie the idetnical pe:sorissvhose_names aie affixed to the above Assignment of Trust Deed as the-
<br />President.-and . ~_.Secrerary of Said corooradon, and they acknowltdge the instrument to be their
<br />.^oluntary act and deed acrd the ~aluntaty att and deed-af-said eorpor:tfon.
<br />- WITNESS.my hand arid. ufticial seal. at Orn2lia, is said county, the date aforesaid.
<br />~_•~~ ~#A4110tat11-#ps
<br />} 13€BiiJ-KA*fl Notary Public.
<br />- ~ reY Coiem. B®. WrNF,3l~0
<br />3dy eammission expires: ___~_ -_
<br />