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<br />- 7 d:-i21FH~, ~b +LT ~.:.t VI3 L+A ~ ff kF
<br />.. ~~. xi _ `. ..- .x t'la /L~ /"! ~ '-~..~ __~ ~-_~-_~ ii3:~{a1~ F/iewmeE 1~n~.4~T }feimts, 3~e~oia, ics.
<br />i t >q~`.: ~~~ r 1_r -r >>,- ~ ~ ACT .~G A.____._-~-___ _ _ -•_
<br />ns /`yip/,f yac~ }` r '" // G p i~.,,l,S'.Lri~ - is rideratiaa ct the ~s ut
<br />`~~D ~, °~s ,~r.ri ~/ x~v~'s v~~ f,//.~.-~{1,-Ed ~r1~2y-'y ~r't~p°Lra~fs
<br />m hand pasd, do lsezey S~..L asx3 -f. ~°` i7-"L-Et~sLi/ ~~
<br />- `• of~/./d~~ C - rc acate of ~/6.eo!/! S.~i~.4 ;he fotlowizig deacn'bed pr+a~ titua~d '.
<br />i m i(•%//J G~unty, and State of .~Ye5,6ros,~.~ , to-srit: -
<br />0 7L.S ~y,.- i~g it/ (/ ~/~ ~ L TAE' y / /~ t •.ds~~
<br />/~` /''~
<br />The intenkion being to convey hereby an absolute title in fee simple, including all the rights of homestead and doerer.
<br />TO HAVE AND TC~ HOLD `.he premises above described. with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the soil
<br />mortgagee{s) artd to his, her ar thou heirs and assi_ens fazeve r; provided always, a_nd !~~ pteaents are upon *~e ezpr~a
<br />condition that if the said mortgagor(s), his, her or their heirs, execrators, administrators or assigns shall pay or cause to be
<br />gaid ka the said moYcgagee(s), his, her or their heirs, executors, administtaWzs or assigns, the prior§pal sum of i ~ ~ `~,~"
<br />payable as €oflows, to wit:
<br />wikh in#ere=_t according ko thesennr an!3 efZect of Lhe mortgagors written promissory note bearing even date with iheae presents
<br />aril shad pay all tales and apse-ssrnYn levier.,a ura~r: said r..a? estate. and ali other *.azes. ler-ies and aaao~ents leviee3 upon tb~
<br />morteage or the nc#e ~vhic=h tlEis ;nertgage is given to secure, before the same becomes delinqu2nf, and kip the buddyagg oa
<br />said Premises insured for the sum of ~ ,Toss, if any, payable to the said mortgagee. then these preseata
<br />o^ b= ;~~''. ethe, wiso to'•,e a..~ , ~mai:. ;.. fa11 ..Jz. ~.
<br />- _ IT I~.FURTHER AGB£E£t (11 That if the ~d mortgagor shill fail to pay ssr,--h faze-s or pruvre ~teh ia~tranee, t§e
<br />said mor#gagee may pay such taxes and procure such insurance; and the sum so advanced, with interest at per
<br />cent, shall be repaid by said mortgagor, and this mortgage shall stand as security for the same. (2) That a failure to pay aqy
<br />of said money, either principal or interest, when the same becomes due, or a failure to comply with any o£ the foregoing '.
<br />agreements, shalt cause the whole sum of money herein secured to became due and collectible at once at the option of the
<br />mortgagee. "~ - '.
<br />signed this/ r day of ~G'` is,Q$ r' 197q
<br />r r...
<br />-.-°• ........................ `• ... F t ~~-...- ~ ~,..~'.:- -----xi~alL.Vi..t/. ~-X..... 'yy~...cfi../..L~`.`..G'tGL:....-------°--------_....
<br />...._ .............--..._E......_'-...._.........-...._- ---._...........
<br />i4 ;-ST--ATE OF._......_....:..~ .!-'-.l..,S:~i..wtf_......., County of_.fiCsl'f~.~........_ ..................._.: rTy~E
<br />}~ 3 - -Before me, a-notary public qualified for said un R
<br />ty, personally ceme ~J ~f6~ r
<br />~'. ~ ~.rs/~,f sf~ .9,~~r~ ~' /~i z~ ` ~"'~~ /~.,~ '~' ~r ~ No~nf:v ~
<br />~ '.j known"{Ft me 6e the idetitical person or persons who signed the foregoing instrument and
<br />'~ ~ thererd hr be hts;_her or•-their voluntary a~Y and deed. ~
<br />fy {
<br />~fTiEness my hand and notsrsal seal on .~/.._..::~.~.---~--/--------._..-----°°-_, 13~~ 13,E
<br />t-~- ~ MY ctffi¢rmrssion -ezprres ....•:,~..~ ........ ...._..., 19_~~ ...._.. __~ECI.-ku~.._........_......... _ _
<br />i .~-- - -- - - --
<br />~~- STATE(?F ~ Entered on numerical index and flied for r+eoord
<br />f Cotmty es: in the Register of Deeds Office of said Casty the
<br />~ ,.....:.~.._...day of_ _. .---_ _.------__....., I9......_,.-, at ....................._.........o'clook sad.........._....._.....----°.mittutss ......................M.,
<br />t~ ~
<br />l__~-aud.reco*ded in Book - - -- .. ..._a£....____..-...-...-._. ..at page...................
<br />E{ # -------------°-°-------°.°-°..._ ....................---_..---....Reg. of Deeds
<br />~' i
<br />y ...................._..._....-..._.._....._.._........_...................-.......-DepntY j
<br />