i~: z ." . i i...... -.~
<br />ser~ilcer ~ li'v7j2 D,~ai7,
<br />~uR V_i,UE 1iC~1;tU, she ;._-3d;r~iFr:ca _.,~~.>.. ~r.3 ,.hi,t•>;'.L ..~..-~-~.; F.:,':s`,'_Sis~a, ~, ,.~ ,etc::
<br />o_~:n~s~:d i;:,cur an Sot of %r,.,UreSs =~,d cs>_st.r,g r'~ s¢1_,r :.e _~tle III of ,..;e ~1t~z~:-~1
<br />t ,: ~ e
<br />eo;~sinr, Act, cbes l:ereLy c::rtify t?'<at e rt;cl estatz -.ort~~w ::cam o~nf~d bynit, da.zd
<br />1. June 21, 1955 r undo by BERMf:.t C. SHUM ~ t~fART1iA J. SHUN HU513AND E u11=E
<br />:.3 'Grt~II~Jrs, to Din J. iNCHurray Co. Omaha, Nebraska
<br />r.s moo: tgeges, nu : eco_ ced zs Doc'~:~ent No, , _n Book I;o, lO9 ,
<br />?s;;e #o, $g , in t`;e Gffice of the Register of Deeds Hall Ca~'ty,
<br />Ststz of Nebraska z_nd .,,.,. -artgz~e is ui'~h the ~..~~r_vr,r,ess i'e...by
<br />securzd, fully p`~d, titisfied,~nd disci„~-g2d, .,gin tY:a s
<br />he.-zby suthoriszd a:~d'diracted to rel~~se ~*~d d_sc%•, -ge t?;~e sa°e ;:p~~ reco.d,
<br />Lot One Hundred Twenty-six (1261 in BUENAVtSTA SUBDtVISiON to
<br />the City of Grand Island, in Hali County, Nebraska, as surveyed,
<br />platted and recorded
<br />_ Se~bjcct s<o;t~nge u~d Dote ;ass 1~estzd ?n 21~d eco-~r$d ty the GOU~iv_~VT 1~3TI0?dF~
<br />?:usiGxGE tSSOCIATt01tT, iepte:r,b2r 1, 158, pi~rsusnt tc the provisions of Public Liu 90-L-L8,
<br />one 1•:ossing and Urbsn 17evelopmart Sct of 1SSS, noticz of c.~`:ich ass published in t}:e
<br />-- ?ede.al Regis-cer at 33 F, R. 11033.
<br />_ !,i?~'ESS the exzcut_on ac-reo= by the GOtr'Rt?N,t~T ?IST?O:~P_L .'•:OrStAGE ~SsOCI?TIO'I at Chicago,
<br />- Illinois, th<ouGh its duly 2uthorized .Attarray__n_c`~t~ ~hcse cppoin:.~snt was published
<br />r. the Federal Rzgister, codified in 24 C. F. R. 300.11, as ~rzrded i.his 23rd.
<br />day of Til , 1479•
<br />1?ITE~LSSED' GO'v~.?.N~;~.hT 1vk~I0NAL s~~RTG9GE F.$SOCIATION
<br />L ~,' ~ _
<br />~ By
<br />ose aY ~ Deidre F. O'Donoghue a ~p ~, ,~ _ -
<br />Attorney-=n-F~ct , • _,,,
<br />~~ ~ tdc,ress: 150 Sou+~?.'ec~er D~.ve
<br />_. '»~
<br />Cl;ic2go3 ~'~li.na~ s_ '~C506 = t
<br />Therese tv. Gt7~~erl - - ~ }
<br />SPAT; OF ILiIOIS } ,rte';" } ' ~
<br />- # ~- `,,.
<br />LOU:V^Y OF 0003
<br />Mary Matyasec _ _ ,-~
<br />I, , a ?~iot2ry Fublic in a.d fcr the Cov_nty end Statz ; +'orescid,
<br />da heresy ce_ tify •ibat Deidre F. p'Donoghu8 , i'°-- scnully kncim '%o ~_. to bz t?:e sue: e
<br />,Detect. whose a4,:_e is, as Af.to°tizy-=-.•-Fect fcr GO'JER:';%1:vm I:A'~'?0?~_"_T _•JRTGRGE _"_SSOCIATIO\,
<br />_ s ca_ acra~~ion, subscribed to 'c?:z `•'o: ego? no ins,r~a t, 2 :.ate ed ts_.'o. e r_e :.his d2y s_nd
<br />_ ac:nce:Izd~ad ':.nat he, be-rg t5e': eunto duly uutho: i~zd, s_~ .2d z_3 celivzrad s'e1d ir.-
<br />`_ s~i.:'1*~,G-nt ~s t}z f_~ze erid vol;;_n~%:~ry tot of slid corporat:icz Ltd as 2:i s o;m "tee frd
<br />vclU,~ta:y sc ~, fo_ il:e uses and p;:rposes therein set for th,
<br />Gv n *;c3 ~y hand end cf°_cizl serl t'c_is 23rd. c2g of Apr~.I:~.,19fi9
<br />.:p Ica t~SS ..s -'S0 Scuth ldac':Er Drive, Chicago, Illinois 'b0oC5 ',~`-, 'r ;, ,~-~
<br />?~~ co~,i.sr~c-~ efpires on ; ~ '
<br />6 1919 `~ ~ ~` ~`- ~;`
<br />~- r
<br />e>-. ~
<br />~. ~~~
<br />Tdfary t~rasec ~ J `",. ~ .~ c3 ` '~,
<br />_ fi ~~~ <
<br />,ffi ~
<br />Canrati M. Muiva.ney .~«, _
<br />P'ni~ "o-~ ;:_ psao2red i:rd- epproved by ::ttcr:,zy, 150 So;~th ~?ac:-er i_ icz,
<br />~2ic~~o, I'~':aas f>GoCb, {Type or print bala+~ s3.1 signstu_es, t`e rimes of p~t_es
<br />~;;ec-~`tiir_•S ~.:^.=s- insta*i*-~ent ineludir~ tha aot~ry public end ;~itresszs.
<br />