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<br />..-t ...~ -- - - ~ _ _ ._ _~
<br />r~--c~tamc~s z~ x ,.. ~ ~ ~- - >~
<br />Lien chimed by: Marline Myers, djbja
<br />Myers Heating & Air Conditioning
<br />.. ...
<br />- ----
<br />apt a _ vs .
<br />Address_~ranLi _ I ~ land,__i3E_-_58801-.-..----.._--
<br />,Q.._..7.2_.
<br />1 SA 0 G 160 Yorjc Ro
<br />--------- t7 -han~-~v-Tre--~~;
<br />3__Roo games
<br />~_~?s4~__ ~~a~laitag~-----------
<br />I__U~_L)BL~d-1Dri_!lnrk _~a.
<br />1 Vent
<br />3--I~eai 1c ool---tTiermo s t a
<br />9__Iiit _~Q _~J&__Y_erb~.r__~~_y_
<br />------.....Apxil--..22... -- -._ ................. . - -- - -j%-7~
<br />~4gainstr-----bra-i~fe---Dal Sit:1~r-.j.~ _..-....-..- -- ---
<br />2929 S. Locust,
<br />t7r. Cr.
<br />Ttap--tint Ys--_4._L..;'-------- --------=---------
<br />To unit 5 t.~~ j
<br />af~ed°on--assur}~n~2--nf- payment-) ; --------
<br />,. i , ~ -
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<br />f
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<br />a;
<br />3
<br />nrnar
<br />~.
<br />-----'
<br />it -
<br />f ra__ red__ uni t s__r
<br />2 Thermostats
<br />f-~xfiau§~-- fans ----- .` - ~ - ~ ---- i-- -
<br />-~-- ~~a~ce-- lave-r~-------------------- ! ,.
<br />~ncluding_gas__piping-units------- - -- ---- - ------i15,000_0___j__-------'---------
<br />--------------------1-j.1317.9 --p~-d------------------------------~~ -------------~------~5 ~°-~ -°-°----
<br />____________________________ _______________________________________________ `~ G i_.___-.__
<br />_~ _________________-_.~__________t
<br />--BALArtcE ~uE ~~.a,oo~ ~ ;
<br />Staee of.__Ztebraska._-------------~
<br />ss.
<br />------------------Hall----------..- County
<br />,.-_ y _ r M e _ Hea - __g._ Conditioning
<br />A~axti, ~~~.l.~~lt:---~ -~x-~-,.-.~Ql-~-..9~Ft~...--~-~------....~--rs-....---°-tin &--Air- ................ b¢ing j»-sr
<br />duty -suiarn, on his oath says shat the toregoixg itemised account of work, labor, skill ..................._-.......___-.._--_--_..._........
<br />materials, and im¢rmtemcnts is true and correct: that same were done and performed axd furnished b_• the undersigxed
<br />for the said......._Prare.. Datsun,.•-Inc._,-._--_.-..,_- _-.---._.,,-._
<br />under a' .°..Sir-1.tXen..-------~---------------___...... contract_.._-far.-.IDatEri31.S..-------------------_..............-----------------~----
<br />forthe'.----------------•-----erection---------------------------------------ofa------garage building
<br />ox the f ottouring tot, piece or parcel of lord, :rim a-_ ................. ..............................--
<br />__.-_---_Part---of_Lvt--.Four.-(4.~-,-__ Island,. in_ section 27, .Township 11
<br />PI. Range 9, West of 6th P.M., in Hall County, NE 027+0-' -z---~+3~"r"-Tot'J-"----~~-
<br />,...-.......taa-re---partf-C[rY ar 1 y--de~stri tse-ct•--on---a tta-c-h~z3-; ---------------- - •-------------------- ....--
<br />That at the time-said contract was rwade end tabor and materials furnished axd delivered thereunder .................._....
<br />--°•°° ...............~~?~~Z.4.._~s'~.~St~t~s....~~*ts---------...-- ._.........--- - -- - -...........- -------....._-was the outrer of said premises
<br />--------------Setag.,...Znc_.._~c~ontrac.tas...nn-said...huiLding--.and.-.ac ti,ztg---for.-.owner-_------..........
<br />as contractor.
<br />That the date of the fast item furnished and delivered was......_~~C~.[lrbeT_--1.1-,___.1978_-._--...---._-.--. and the
<br />date of the tact item was .................January 23, 1979
<br />A~iant furttxer states that said tabor was performed o», and materials were furnished for, delivered at, and used in
<br />said building or premises on and between the dates specified.
<br />That the prices charged ther¢for are fair and reasonable, and that there is now due on said account the sum of
<br />.~~~:.. ~i.i4u;?.~~~ --~--.~Q/..~49-------.---.~~ I o, 000 . oo,~--------_------------
<br />Ai~r~s...Hsat3.ng,.&..Aix_-Cszndi..tJ.~is~o., _ ---- ........ ..--- .7lottars, that card
<br />._...__..------•------.---_..._-----•--...-..- --••---•---.._........-----....._... _...clarn~s a lien on the said premises far the full amount of
<br />-said account, to-aril: The sum of $..1Q,.OClt3•.DQ-------_ ......................together with interest thereox at the legal rate,
<br />from the z~.:, ..-.day of .~1tlLi3-.,- __., __-_......_.......--.--•°.......--°---., sg.._~9.-, and further afjrant says not.
<br />Mgrs Heating, & Air Cosuiitianing-_-. -._•,--..-_.-
<br />' Marline Myers,--. ole Owner
<br />SEtIt. Sutectift¢tf. ix my; presence and szuorx to before me this---•-~: J .
<br />....
<br />day of .--_- Aprii ---:_._- ,.--...._ ..........-----•----• 29.79- '
<br />~ Gi'G-t :w.:.. .l'? ' _~~ ,~ Tom, ~ i
<br />~ ;-; --• ,
<br />