~..~ «,.. ~ ` L>F~i ~__._._.....m__~:._..-.._...E~.....,_ _ -•--....~-.. ., ._..._-. ~ _ 4'es »-:~s^ac ~f.'~.rr a~ 'hn y ., L.~~rln. '~~°a~._ . ~~i ._...,_'_
<br />,, i --F-~ed~eEberg~Cabi~ 3~-i~S-Bui iding ---•----- ~igas~at:- ~n1.ieen...f~1~~.Cauenee_ and----- -~~~-.-1 ~-
<br />Grand Island, NE 68801 2525 k1. Lincoln Highc~ay '
<br />~: ~ ----•-----•----------------- --- ------------ -----------•---6~-a-nd---Fsi-aid-r---Ng•--b$$9-1-------------------- -
<br />j r9-----7-~- D+. Cr.
<br />I _1?~~-~_~~~_Z$_! _Building-_materiais_consisting_of ___ s
<br />------------=------~--- ------r----
<br />F j ------ -- - ___1 -~--=-5s3Sh_Yan~ti oc _3.0'_'.,--------- -- -- -
<br />- - ----- --------.----- -~1~ ~ oo -~---------! ------__
<br />;; - ,
<br />3 ____-------- ------~~-~-----~~--~~------------ -------------- - --- ~'n-~.no-- -- - --------------
<br />~' ~ -----~~--__--_ tax ~ 16 i 65 ! 3
<br />3 _--------- -- - - ---------------------------- - ---------------° -------- ~----
<br />f' ' TOTAL 571.65 ' I
<br />3 i ~-------- - -----~~ -------------------------------------- - - - ---------------------- --------------r------}--------------
<br />f. S i ~ i i f
<br />
<br />State of_._Nebraska
<br />--
<br />Ha 11 ss.
<br />...........................•----.._........ Countyl
<br />~ t Jerry J.Stoltenber~, Vice-President of Stoltenberg ngjrrst
<br />cabinet ~ Bui1-ding ~ror~u~ts Tnc.
<br />duly sworn, on his oath says that the foregoing itemise account of work, labor, skill.°------------_ ..............._.---.......-------.. ---
<br />materials, and improvements is true and correct: that same were dune and performed and furnished by the undessigned
<br />Richard S. Cavenee and Colleen M, Cavenee
<br />for the said._ ..............._.........°---°-----°----- °--------°------ -------- --- -----_.-._... ---- ----
<br />under a= ---...-----verbal •----•-----•----_---- conrruct.._----_for•materials
<br />for the'--•----•--------•------------•----------------erection------------------af a .........building......... --- --- -
<br />on-the follouting dot, piece or parcel of land, vis:*__.__.._.:-_.__ .............._-_.-._.--___....._..............-....-..----
<br />- ----
<br />~~-----------------•---Grarsd._eland.r--.HaLL.-.C.oun~~,...3~tebraska-- - -- .....................°---- -•-
<br />-That at the trine said contract ever-made and tabor and materials furnished and delivered thereunder........_.-_..-.-..-_
<br />Richard S. _CAvenee and Colleen ~i.-Cavenee was the o:v„c,. of said premises
<br />,._--,-, Setag,--_In~.-,__P.__OBox--~Q46.,-- West•,Highway---30,,--Grand-,.Island, -NP
<br />••--was-_the--contractor-,on-said building and acting for-the owner as a
<br />-That the date of the fast item furnished and delivered was.....-.12aC....29.,._.1.9-Z.$ .........................._........ and the
<br />date of the last item xvas.-......--•-°---°-------•--•--------------•------Decetsbe-r-----2.,....1.9-7-$.....- - -...-------° ................° - ._-....-.-----
<br />fljhant further states that said labor was performed on, and materials were furnished fos, delivered at, and used in
<br />said building or premises on and between the dates specifeed.
<br />That the prrues charged therefor are fair and seasonable, and that there is now due on said account the sum of
<br />..-...:.-..:>r~.Y.~'...X11.Qt~~£f~...sc?-~1!.S'zlr.~'•=~Fl~...$s-_r2~1.~.~Q._^.-.-.-----.--.-----.-.-.-.-----7Jattars, that said
<br />-•- Stoltenberg_,Cabnet_•&--Building, Products inc-
<br />._-...._.........~~....,.,....-°°-_-•-°--°.-.•--_....~.-<-----.--•---.•_-'•---_........---•---.-claims a lien on the said premises far the full amount of
<br />5.71.-6 _ _
<br />said accarrnt, to-wit:. The susn-a( $... ..~ - -..._.-_......-..._together with interest thereon at the legal rate,
<br />- ---
<br />~rom thew~~~hr.__:_day o~ f)ecemh~r= _ _ l 78 ~~
<br />Stoltenberg-Cabi~et~&~$uiding-Products ,r me° says not.
<br />- -
<br />:' ~~ ~y' „J ry Stoltenber8, lee-President
<br />' = =a .=S~t~~ ca Sscbs7died sn my preae»ce gsul-sworn to before me thu....._2.7th--- -
<br />................. .
<br />• -' ... c -
<br />a~ ~ ~` Soy of ..... April..:........ - - rg 79
<br />~: - ._
<br />_ +--~ ......
<br />I IS~;x'eYe.~ds #os rn§iructi ~ .... !:~ tar1~ P~~Llic.
<br />
<br />