i,t, 'U7u2,t the '«tor#geze- wtl keep rc i~2.1;3in~ spun sea: prtt:a-,e - ~,~:: ._; ~.,r. r~3~ - _: qtr :a:t..~'rti..,,:~ r_rm:t '+s~tt
<br />upo^ {aid #~'and. ncr 4ntftr th±~ ' f~rtm•~•-;, tx'a to sstd fcnt aa= ~>nlzaft;l , ur~~•sc
<br />i't. 'f7tai'sf the premises. cq and :art thtrtr>#. he cattdcmntd lndtr iht ;.~+ts ~'' ~nsne.at dumaits. ~f ass;;a:se;f f.,r a ru'viic
<br />use. the damages awardcd. the procreds for the taittng cif. pr Cite corsxdrratioc fs+r ,!cb acyoisitio:. to tlx exte.^,', of the full
<br />amount of indttttednes apon this tn~xtgage 4~d tbe ~~t w hi~~h it is gi>tn to s;~~ic rt.:~a.t:ir~ t:rsp~eid. ase rscrtts} assigned !rs itte
<br />Mortgagor to the Mortgaget. and shall t+e paid forthxith to said Msrrgatttt tc be applied F,y the latter ~>n account of tbe next
<br />tnatlrrttlg inuallmtnts of wc#t indttsiednesi-
<br />t.. The Mortgagor further egrets that shcwld this mortgage and the note secures bcrci?} not be ttigible fer irt-
<br />~ surance under the National Halcirlg Aci within 60 t3ays from the dart hereof #wrincn statement of any odi,.cr
<br />~y of the Department of Housing and [%rban Development or authorized agent of the Secretary of Reusing and tirb"an
<br />- ~ Development dated subsequrnt is i,'te 5~ day5 timr €ram the date of this mort
<br />gagc. dcctining to insure said
<br />notc and this mortgage. being deemtd conclusive proof of such ineligibilityi- the !Aortgagee or bolder of the mote
<br />Cx3 may. at its option, dtclare all sums recurred htrchy immediately due and payahie.
<br />t3. That if the Mortgagor fails to make any payments of money when the same become due. or !ails to conform [o and
<br />comply with any of the conditions or agreements contained in this mortgage. or the note which it secures. then the entire princi-
<br />pal sum and accrued interest shall at once become due and payable. at the election of the Mortgagee: and this mortgage may
<br />. ~ thereupon be forec}osed immediately fer the whole of said money. interest. monthly payments, costs, ground rents, taxes and
<br />1` the cost of extending the abstract of title from the date of this loan to the time of commencing such foreclosure suit, and a rea-
<br />' sonable attorney's fee, all of which shall be included in ttte decree of ~oreclssure: and the contract embodied in this mortgage
<br />and the note secured hereby, shall in all respects be governed, construed and adjudged by the laws of Nebraska, where the
<br />same is made.
<br />The covenants herein contained shalt bind. and the benefits and advantages shall insure ta, the respective heirs. executors,
<br />administrators, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. Whenever used, the singular number shall include the plural, [he
<br />plural the singulaz, and the use of any gender shalt be applicable to all genders.
<br />'t'he foregoing conditions, all and singular. being performed according to their natural and legal import, this conveyance
<br />shall be void and said premises released at the expense of the Mortgagor, otherwise [o be and remain in full force and effect.
<br />tN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Mortgagorlsl ha hereunto set hand(s) the day and year first
<br />~Mue written.
<br />in presence of:
<br />y ~~ ` ~ (SEAL ]
<br />Dertrtis D. NeLsat
<br />(SEAL)
<br />(SEAL(
<br />(SEAL]
<br />- ICimbPSly N ore
<br />(-SEAL]
<br />ss:
<br />On this tg~ day of April , A.D. 14 79, before me,
<br />a Notal^y Pt$~liC in and for said County, personally came
<br />GPG 9a 1.13b
<br />Dennis D. & Kimberly G. Nels~t, htrsbartd aril wife , personalt+ to me known
<br />to 6.e ihe~ttticai persons whose natn~ ate afftxed to ilte above a~# fore-
<br />- goittgm_strttrtuttt as Mort~tgnr, attd_ ~y haue acknowledged the said ins~tment asd the
<br />= executton thereof to be t?reir voluntary act and deed, for the purposes therein expressed.
<br />In teslitnony whereof, I have herettnro set my hand and affixed by ~' seal at ~~ Zs]ar>d r
<br />a1 the day and date last above written. ,/~ .1 ..,7,,~j~ ~~~~!,/~
<br />~Y'l?tt h0[«i'- - :_~:~.~~a~.~~/f.G~~i r~~ 7.'r1't:/!lf "GL:~~. =.
<br />`• MARY ArtN M. R:~~'. ales ~ _J L~ - -
<br />~i_lrt:;SUN Notary f3tb/ic
<br />MY domm. ExA.1an. 23,1982 ~ '
<br />Filed for record this day of
<br />at o'clock
<br />recorded in Book
<br />page of
<br />A.D. 19
<br />M., and entered in Numtrical index, and
<br />of Mortgages, on
<br />Register of Deeds
<br />FHA-2113M (10-77)
<br />