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<br />yGFinaon Csshiaa3 Lumbar Courpanj .. Against: _Prafrfe ; atsx,~-n Inc. >
<br />Address.-...--...?612---South V~Isb.tt¢.Grand Islands Nb 2329_-South Locast,--Grand-.I~tand.,-.:iebr..--
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<br />A~j'ianri, Glee Bo~era,-_.Secretary_of Johnson_-Cashwaj!_Luribe;.-Come-gny--....-_..-..-_ ................__., being first
<br />duly sworn, on his oath says that the foregojng itenu~ed account of work, labor, skill.--Building
<br />materials, and improvements is true and correct: that same were done and perfa~med and famished LY the undersigned
<br />for the said---..gxairie -Datsun Inc {
<br />under a' .-..-._writtep-,----°-------------------°-----.. contract..._.-_with--Roy_Fredriekaon
<br />f , bui4ding materials ---.of a .....gener~l,..rxatur~....._-.......
<br />or the .-....-----°-°-----•---•------ ...-------•---°-- -------------------°-------°~-
<br />.~ (rr>f the fadlozz'rng lot, piece or panel of land, vds:{ ......................._...-._..-__.....-_._.-_...._._...--.°-----_.------
<br />~~ See attached sheet
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<br />_ - iS- F - --. ... -...-.
<br />~! ~ Kenneth B. Knox and Marily_n_Af.-. Knox -_.........-._.._.w^as the auxer of said premises'
<br />'~ .I?.exid..~...,Ehill.i.pi..and.Nasxai..Phillips ................_....---- ------------ .
<br />,3 _.-.........- ~- - -- - -._ _......
<br />` ~' That the data of the first item furnished and delivered ~c~as..-..._...1~/..4/ 7.$ ........... .. _-..........-_., and the
<br />'' --
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<br />f~ date of the last item sias----.._.1~1u.Z9------------ ...--------._............._....--.... --- ._...
<br />! E Afjiant further slates that said labor was performed on, and materials were famished for, delivered at, and used in
<br />fs ~ said building or premises on and between the dates specified.
<br />~, € That the prices charged therefor are fair and reasonable, and that there is no-t~ der- on said account the sum of
<br />-. k{ -__-Nine.Hundred Fifty-Fiye-Dollars and 03/lUQ-----,-------------------------Y)ollars, that sold'
<br />lstkt~so~._G~ashw~x.~.vmhe~'..c~mua~X~ ....... ........ ....... ... ......... .... - -- -..._
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<br />~i ----~---• -~--- u..... --.-.y -- -- ~---'355.03 .. . .. ...........claims a d:en orz the said premises for tine full amount of
<br />•3 sand arcatsttt, tosv;t: The sum of $ ................................................... _.tagether zcrith interest thereon at the legal rata,
<br />~~,
<br />}6 tram ths~., ~fS~ _..day of April --- -- --- - ---- -- - --- _ - -- ----- -- rg__79...., and further want sans nat.
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<br />i ~ x-., a~`Bsgl, s - Subscribed m m}~ ,presence-and sworn to before me this a.Y.. ~~... ... ........
<br />- -
<br /># -_.. day of =~-.~sr--~ ._:.. .-.~.-° d --- ' ay.,7..~:... .
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