SHORT FORM Loan Number__ 411.ZQ_ L__` _ SQ
<br />PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT ""'eiaeea fro.
<br />Fops No. 291 9Rty. f f ~77f
<br />79-0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ arrow ALL MEPr BY THFSE F'RESENT$
<br />THAT......liQ~~]'...~Ay...amd..Kx~L~_.~:03~.._3aushatad..and..J+ti.~~, gh t
<br />hereinafter called Mortgagors, is consideration of the sum of.._..SIX..IiUNRB.)wI1..TH~.ii'XX..I~NE..tuIA..II/.1A0 -
<br />(a 639.71 ) D(?LLARS, the receipt of which is hereby aclmowledged, do hereby MORTGAGE
<br />and CONVEY an absolute title, including all the rights of homestead and inheritance, unto FIRST
<br />Mortgagee, iffi successors and assigns, the following described real estate, situated in.........Ha~l,,,__,„,__,,,
<br />County. State of N&BRASKA. to-wit:
<br />Lot Three (3), Block One (1), in Le Heights Second Subdivision, being a Hart of the
<br />Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (1~kr,NW4) of Section 11, Township 11
<br />North Rac9ge 10 West of the 6th P.M. , in Hall Camt}r, Nebraska
<br />TO HAYS AND TO HOLD t~ real eatmtB above descrlhad, with all appurt~sancea thto
<br />belonging auto the said Mortgagee, forever, ded atways, and this mortgage is upon the espseea
<br />dition that if the aforesaid Mortga~ars, tttea~ ~ e:f9cutors, admiaiatrators or af9sf~as shall pay our dtftse
<br />tp be 'd t4 the said Mortgagee, >tta aucceeears or aMigas, the principal sum hererztahove sat forth, alt
<br />to the leer and effect of s certain installment note o! said Mortgages bearing dam relth
<br />this ,and shall pay tames and asserfts levied upon said zl Mate, and aA ate tars lsvlea
<br />auc3 ~ ~ upon tbfs anortgage or the note wlfich this mortgage is given to aecu~e, be~re the
<br />ssm& Qr any inst. ia!~±t tlx€s+ecff becu dslingssent, thcu this mortgage t~o t~ amid, ~9~ to r~9sia
<br />in full force.
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) That if the said Mortgagor shall fail to such lases, the
<br />Mo fnay pay the sagas sad the sum so advanced with interst shall be paid by said Martgagtus,
<br />atnd~mortgege shall stand as aecuritY for the coma. (2} That Mortgagorf covenant with t~ Mo~rtgegss
<br />that are llaawfully seized of said real estate sad Covensat to warrant sad defend the acid real eatata
<br />lawful claims of aIl persona whomsoever. (3} That in cans of a foreclosure of this mortgage,
<br />pLiatiS i~, such proceedings shau be entitled to takepa on of the pr~fises, protect the safne sad
<br />collect the rests, issues and proflts thereof. (~4) That a isilto pay say of said money or any iaslatt-
<br />fasttt thereof wbm9 the seats becomes doe, or a failure to comply with say of fife foregoufg agre~ap,
<br />shaA cause the whole cum of mosey hezeda secured to bernfrfe due and coAectible at Dace at the option of
<br />the Mtrtgagee.
<br />Sighed tbis".,..,( of.......~.:'~,;~~::.~ ............. _
<br />..................... _, ....., 18..L9....
<br />....R . ?TQ.~,.: ........................................
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<br />ST~1'i~ 6F ~Aflit.+i ~ Kris[i Toy
<br />~ fie ..._..~~_.._.„ say of ...,l~!C.:..C..._......., ra~Z.~ 6e1w.1>sa the ffaderdaaad, a notary Frfkno, to sad i+ar
<br />add i4r. r•r*mtiir assae ..._.,.,~.:&..1C~.a~,...~o3:a...ku~susi...aasi..a...._ ........................_.._.........
<br />p~raadfar Ilmowa to me to ha tin ldaaflical peneaa whore aafarr age aiBfced to the thous tad taresariffs iaaE>u~t, ra
<br />sad! ea~9 aokaowladgsd add iaatn9mwlt to hr his a her voinntarq act and deed.
<br />d+ate~ahaw wri.end aata9~la1 real
<br />s atrr~-axe ae st
<br />Ms camomfarias as co~aE g. aatgs
<br />Piree........... MYZfot..Lf,.
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