Exhibit "B"
<br />u _ _._ -. - --- _.- .: _. - -
<br />_._
<br />----
<br />! - Wo. SS7 R. E MORTGAGE (06ie~i€1iCOQdeKXp78}f v~„ ax s s au~u i»r,w• ca r '
<br />'i '~-° ~~~~~~ MORTGAGE
<br />j ~fj¢g ~nDenture, 93ade and Executed this---------.--__.---.-----.-.......day oE......._ ............... ._..---._A. D..-1979_ ~!
<br />~i
<br />by and between_ARI~OLD...J~....PLACKE_ -------- --- _.- ........___........_...........__._..---..-._._..----- --------...__----------------._....--- ;i
<br />- ._. _..--__---~--....._............_.---------•--°------...._.._.........._---------.....----------~----......_ .................._....-..._._...._..__-.............-°--.party of the first part, , I
<br />ans.......LARRY__J~._-PI,ACKE..._.....---...-_ .............._.......... -....- ..........._...._......._.-.............._...-...................._.-...._--..._._.-..._._.-----.._._..___ ''
<br />~~ ...----_..........._...__ .................._.._........._..........._........_-.........-.......-.._..............---...-----......------~----------........-...-..-........_....----°----°-~rtp of the second part.
<br />~; ,
<br />li WITNESSETH, that the said party of the first part, for and in co^eideratio^ of.._~`.L1I12t~_TtlOUSdna Four i
<br />!' ..._......-. .Hun.~re~.._a?i43....5_pct-y.-One....Dollars.._~_S90.,_A_61-. 00).......__.__-.._DOLLARS, paid by acid Party of the I
<br />second part, the rncatpt whereof is hereby ackoowledged, hse grmted, bargained, Bold and conveyed, and by these presents, dose gent, bar- !
<br />i gain, sell and convey, unto said party of the aeaond part, the following described reel property eituEte in the County o[Hal.l
<br />(; and State of Nebraska, to-wit: '
<br />--._.......SQ.e....Exhibit..-"~n....A.t~tll:~d.......---- ...................................__............._ - - -- - _-......_._.
<br />_.......--•--...._.._.........._-----.___ ..............._......_.-...._..___........._......._..............._.....---....----__.._._...-..................._...._......................._.............._...._........_........._ i
<br />I~
<br />..__ .............._......................._....._.......-......_......_.__.........._..................................._..._..._-.........._....._.........._....._..._......_.................._......_._..............-.__.....__....._ ij
<br />6o~ether w[Lb all the tenements, hereditamente and eppurtenanaes to the same belonging, and all the estate, title, dower right of homestead, i
<br />olatms and demmde whatsoever of the said party of the first part oG in or to raid prem~ees ar any part, thereof; and said Paetp o[ the Brat ; i
<br />~rt dose heroby oovenmt, that acid party of the first part u Tawtully eeis~ of said premises, that said prnmiaes are tree from iacumhranw ~:
<br />~....» µ~~~-~~7~__~p~`..._~,~~i~t-~}~~~~_ O~ ~ 2COrd ..._snd thai Bald party of the nest peel will
<br />w-rtunt and defend the title to said pramisem against the lawful olaime and dammda of all persona whomsoever..........._ ................. _.._..._....._
<br />ij
<br />. .
<br />----'•.-PROVIDED AT.WAYS, and these presents aro up^a these atmditfom:
<br />WHEREAS, said patty of the first part has executed and deUvered to the said party of the second part........__a..... _....-..._......._.....__. C~
<br />promieaorynote_eta'3....~11~._.a~.~e...1~~reof.-_in.._-the_ amount_._of. Ninety._.-Thousand Four is
<br />_.
<br />___-_..-Ht}ndred_, and._Sixty-One Dollars (5901461 00). ____-. -- .. _.--- .. -.... i
<br />and whereas, the party o[ the first part has agreed to keep the buildings, $ any, upon said premises, inured in wens company ar eompani~ .
<br />approved by said party of the aeaond part, for the ewn not lose then ~ 1Y3,4't~l._.~hIILLg3i3~._.(.$.4.Q.n.Q.Qfl-.-~4.~-- -.-D(}I.LAItB, '
<br />and delrver to said party of the eeao^d part the policy or potiaies cantain%ng a claus,+ with the lase payable to raid pang of tho sscartti part
<br />or arsigus, and has a reed to pay all taxes and aeeeesmsnts against said premises before the same, by law, become de • quest, and her axres~ ,
<br />that if said party of the fire6 part does not provide auah inswmce, or fails to pay ail taxes se atoressid, then said party at the seaond part or
<br />border hereef, mey pay each i^sorarae m, texas, or either cd them, and ail amounts sa paid by sold party of the asaoad part shaft r tn-
<br />Eareat at the rate at sine per seat per annum from the data of pa_vmont, and this mortgage shall stand as securitp ther~or. and end sum ma
<br />be added tcs the amount of the mortga,~a daft, sad the sans raaavared as a port thert~ how, if the aasd parEg ~ the 8~ t ill we~!
<br />and truly pay or cause to be paid the cud sum of money in aatd note...... mentioned, with mtereat tbereoa saaordurg La the tenor and afteet
<br />~ said sate-....... amid shall keep said Itt:i!dings Insured m s<oresaid, and shall keep all taxes and assaeamatits pawl, and shall dtrly ks~, am#
<br />p+~rform all the other coveaante and a¢raeme^ts-herein contained, than these presents to 6e aull and void. Hut s< said sues ~ ma~g ar aqv
<br />part thareaf, or my intorast thereon, ~s not paid when the same is due. or 3t said build.inge shall ^ot ba kept ituurad as atarasaid, or tt tLa :-
<br />taros and areaeemente agamet said premiss are not paid at or haloes the time the same become by law datiaquent, or if said ppaanrtg at the '
<br />tire6 part shall fail to keep and perform any oovensnta herein contained, the holder heraoi shall have the option to daotaro the whets of said
<br />Indebtedneee due and payable at mq time otter such failure or default, and may maintain sn aotim at law er equity W reoever the Sams, ,
<br />and the oommmeemmt of ouch action shall be the only notioe of the exercise of said option required.
<br />AND IT I9 FDRTHER PROVIDED AND AGREED, That the said Mortgagor shall and will pap all lases lsvisd upwn this mort-
<br />gs~e or the debt scoured therebyy together with my other taxes or asresrments wlrieh map ba levied under the Laws of Nebrwka, against the
<br />wld ttottgagee or the legal holier of the said princtpa! note.-_._ on acoount of this fndebtednaes.
<br />~n ~e~timonp ~~jeCeof, Z •ha~e - --. _ . _ .6ereunW t_.....I"Y . _. t eta above written,
<br />tN PtZESENCE OR -f~k.~`1~.~.1.~^~:...c..~~-r..9=~'SL-'rl-----_......,.-.__.. i
<br />tl ~
<br />6TATE Ole NEBRABKA, ~ ~
<br />~.
<br />Gouaty d.». Aall_ .... t)a this, -.,.,-.._... -£- - ~.-.-,deg at-.- ~~ ---_~A. D._ `:
<br />haloes me, a Notary t'ublic in and for the said Canty prrraaally yams the above named.......,..,. ;
<br />_...__...._._-aRmc~f n .T _ pr.nt~xp~ _, ....._,__....,.._......____~.,_......,.,.._.._._...._.~ _
<br />.___...__......_...._,...___.__---~._____........._......._._,.....who....~..~....-...,.._.perranallp knows to me
<br />to be tha identieat peeroa._.. whore nama__~__...1~ ._.___ ._....afHiiad to the above {nrtrumant
<br />"' " '"'~'~ ......_aoknowledged uid turtruroent to be_... , .
<br />~~~ tor........ and. ......_.._._... .........vntuntary
<br />raa d,ed. .°
<br />~~It (~I,tiMb~.tflf! WITNESH mg hand and No t4
<br />...., _ ~~
<br />'~~~ry blie.
<br />My aommisaion expires em the..,...,.... _.,_..~..~...~__ ~" t-f~.~ day of-- _-»>n~~~=~~~_'~~__.._-....._a. P-,
<br />