~9i,~~~~g M~1~TGAGE
<br />THIS 1NUENTi1RE. made this ;8th day of April 19 79 by sad between
<br />Dix Iiatsam and Deletes 3. Watson, hvaband and wife, each in his and her ova right and
<br />as spouse of the other,
<br />of Hall Connty. Nebraska, es mortgagor 6 ,sad Grand Inland Trust Company of Grind Island, a corporation
<br />organized and asistmg under the lawn of Nebraska with ice principal of5ce and place of burinese at brand lahud, Nebraska, as mortgagee;
<br />W ITNESSETH: That said mortgagor S ,for end in consideration of the sum of
<br />..
<br />**Six Thousand Fifteen and RoIl00ths*** ;,~.,~,p;,~ ~~;~: 1.
<br />the teceipt of which is hereby pcivawledged, do _ by these prescata mortgage and werrani untp_said moitgager;'ite suea~prs and assigns,
<br />forever, all the tolbwierg described real estate, situated in the County of _ H811 _
<br />e~ State of Nebraska, to•wit:
<br />The South Thirty-Five Feet (35') of Lot Fourteen (14)
<br />and the North Tweatq Feet (20') of Lot Sixteen (16) in
<br />81ock Seven (7) in College Addition to West Lava, in the
<br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Tagetha with all boating. air eoaditioaiag, lighting. and plumbing equipment and Cuturee, including eeesens, :wninga, storm windows and
<br />dtarca, amI window shades or blinds, used on or in eoanectioa with said property, whether the name are now kxated an acid pr~opmty or haeattar
<br />phrosd thereon. I
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME. together with al! sad singular the tmearente. herertitsmeats and appurteaaaoes tMreunto be-
<br />kwging, or is anywise appertaining, forever. and warrant the title to the same. Said rorgagor a _ hereby wvemmt -with acid
<br />tlwt ~_ ha ~L~~L~..--~, at the dsllvssy hereof, the lawful owner_.8_. of the premise above oonvsyad and daaa~ihad.
<br />sad are ~ aoitsd of a good am! Indetaasihla sstato of iaherilence therein, tree and clear at ail aa:nmbrmcer, and that k hs1T_wtl!
<br />waaaat amt datead the title thasto tmevm againa. the claims and demands of aU garecwa whomsoever.
<br />I'IIOVID$D ALW AY$, and this inettuaaeat le eaecutad and delivered to aacure the payment of the sum of . __
<br />#*31x Thotuiand Fifteen and Noj100ths**f -- -- Dai~reis-6.415.OQ ~.
<br />wi66 iaterast ihaaoa, together wiih ewcls charges and edvanaae as may ba dun sad payable w said mettgagaa ue~r the tar:aa sae arsdhiaus
<br />a~ of a dare pith secured hwy. eaetuted hY aek# ~ ~_ tc niert, pr~ahl4 ~ end
<br />Hate,-$ to aeeua the ~ of sS ~ terms ami ceadttieas ronteined the~n_ Tha tie a~ ~ eta ens heehv d
<br />4aeain by this rr/arenes.
<br />It le the intandon amf agewameM of the pectin heeeto that this mortgage ehatl also secure any future advam:aa made to acid martgagae_,_.fi
<br />hY said. mortgapea, a~ nay std aU indebeednas in addition to the amount above elated whkd. oak' msrtgagors, or nay of sham, mitt' owe W
<br />acid marel{aRas, however avidsaced, whetlrtr by note, hook accouae or othanries. This martgaga shall resole in tuU force sad atbM 6stween
<br />the partrar haato and thrir halos, parswial roprasentativre, autceeeora anti assigns, until aU amounts sscuesd hereunder, meludieg tutors
<br />advaaoes, era paid in full witF. interea.
<br />The taoetgaeu_.Y_._ hmaby assign ~ to said mortgages all recta and irrwne arising at any and all times from acid WoPertY and
<br />ha»by aut6eriae said mortgages or its agent. at its option. upon default. to take charge of acid property and ooUaet aA caeca and incases
<br />thettrtram and apply the cams to the payment of interest, principal, inwrruaoa premiums. eases, saawawera, r or improvemeet4t
<br />oaoaaaaey to keKr acid propatY in taraatable somUtion. or r4 otlw eharaes or payments provided for hsnin or in tAe ante hereby aacured. Thin
<br />cart aaNgnmmt ahtdl continue is tom until tM unixid bakwsw of said Hole u tuGy paid. The taking a( poaeession hereunder shall in no manner
<br />prevent a eatarrl said mortgages b tM twUsctisn of acid sums by tciratlsaur» or otherw~te.
<br />The hNure ~ the mortgagee W aaatt any d its rigltes hasumier at enY time ahaq eat he coaatntad u a waiver of ice right to aaaer6 Eha
<br />rams at nay hoar Was. sad W inaiat upon std aaWrea atrial sanptisuee with all the tame ad provisions of saki note std of 6hia mortEags.
<br />It aaW aepe{gwgor A shall saute to ha paid to said metrEgagae tAr entire saaount due it hrraundar, sad under the farina std provisions
<br />of sold mgr itMraiiY ruvnd, irtahtding tutus advaaoat, std any aateeaiana er renawala thaeot in ~t with the terms acrd provisions
<br />thttent, sad E and araetg~or , g.,..... chap comply wkh all the prraviaioas of said note sad of this mortgage, the these p+rasrtGS shall be void:
<br />attatteriwt+a traseia in ~ twvt and ailes7t, nerd acid maetgagur nha{i be aaGtlad to the poaarrloa o! all of said prepsrty, sad Hatt', at its aptioe,
<br />dtdaee 6Aa alimlR of Hid Hate and a8 ~s ~ thaahY tQ br imaaedlslelY due and payable, and tat~Y totecloaa thir mortgage
<br />or tales say odtx legal action to ptekact ice tlghL. Appreirwtuet waived,
<br />Tldf + a~li bs b_vpen wit e>uA enure uo the tiasHB_ of the hairs, esxvhrrs, adminirtratora. auccaaaore and aaaigaa of the
<br />rapsative ptutias hereto.
<br />IN WITt!Il$AB WHERTt'OF, and gee._i _)nt Y4_ hasunta sat _~.~li._,.. Iwd -_il..._thr day arui year firot above
<br />written.
<br />e area at.zoa
<br />