<br />- __ _ ., _ -
<br />~~r € { a > s..; 39G21 Ttu HutImea, Gcaer~2 3uppty Haa.,e. Lane'v~, ~ Lr. 1 -
<br />52 A-IREAL ESTAT M T - t az use ~~ ~-~ __..._ _--~--__.`~~--
<br />/:7... ~sur,.r:.C3t,7
<br />KNOW ALL 1vIEN SY THESE PRESE23TS: That D. Edward Shinabery and Lana 3.
<br />Shinabery, husband and wife,
<br />of ' H a 11 County, and State of Nebraska , in mnsideration of the sum of
<br />Fifty-Six Thousand Eighty-Nine and 65J100-------------------------DaLLARs
<br />in hand paid, do hereby SELL aed CONVEY unto Le.a r Siegler , Inc .
<br />of County, siate of the foAowing described premises situated
<br />in H a 1 l county, and state of Nebraska , to-wic:
<br />The South One Hundred Twenty-Six feet
<br />(5126') of the Easterly Two Hundred
<br />Sixty Feet (E260') of Lot Six (6),
<br />Woodland First Subdivision, Hall
<br />County, Nebraska.
<br />The rn4*nt!~_ boino• t„ convey hereby r,,n ahs:~lote ti tlt. m fen simple, ancludrng all the rights of homsstaad and dower.
<br />TO HAVE ANU TO HOLll the pr.=mesas alwve ciescritxvi. with alt the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the said
<br />mortgagee(s) and to his, her or their heirs and assigns forever, provided always, and thane presents are upon the eaprpss
<br />condition that if the said mortgagor{sl, bis, her ur their heirs, exocutors, administrators or assigns shall pay or t~tise to be
<br />paid to the said mortgagtr{s). hus, her <x *_he,r heirs, ezc-~:utors, admnistrators or assigns, the principal sum of ~
<br />payable as follows, to wit:
<br />1
<br />fi
<br />(,
<br />_- ;4-
<br />with interest according to the tonor and eflec# of the mertgagots written promissary note bearing even date with theca presents
<br />arxt shall pay all razes and assessments levied upon aaiei real estate, anti all ether texas, levies and assessmeats levietf uptaa the
<br />nrortgaga ar the Hate which this m:utRa~a is sivrn to ---ura, be[cre the nzu*re txatxnaa delinquent. and ktxp thr tasi&isttas fur
<br />said premiss insured for the sun of ~ lofts, U any, paya52e fo the said mortgagee, thaa ih€.se presasEs
<br />k+ be void, athorwiae to t>e ardl €eneain rn lull fn€ce.
<br />PP is Et'HTI~ER A~Lt~~~ f 1 } Ttsst if the r~=€l rrar*.gogor €hall fail ~ pay ~rh tom" ar pr 'r`ah -
<br />serud mort~ges may Fiav such f,iYes and pros-ure 3QCle irwurauee: and ties Sum ell eaivar,ce,d, with ~tsresi at Tiat
<br />cent, shall he repaid lay said mortgagor, and then mortgage shall stand ar security [ur the same. f2) That a failuro to pay any
<br />of said money, either principal or interest, whin the= same tw.=amas due, or a failure to comply with aqY of the foregoi:tg
<br />a¢reemanta, shall cause the whole sum of money herein :scored ~ become due stxf collectib~ at otter rt flee optlop cQ the
<br />mortgagee.
<br />yyj~ _
<br />Signed this / ] day of /t!?R! ~. 1974 ~~~~~
<br />/ ~~
<br />In presence of .-.
<br />Q:. E ~wa.r~.. ~ t~~ ~.~:ry....... _._ _.... .
<br />BTATE €)~ .............NE~RA$.K11,..-._...._ ... t«unty of NA.t,L -._. ..- MMIIR~IMIM[-Mw~tAnw
<br />Ratota me, a Watery pu6liu qua-itted for said cortnty, personally t~trw ~~+R~/
<br />- - w~~~~M1 Zlr
<br />tit-ta rtts to he tl~ ldeati~cal paraorr ar parasols who afgnsd flea ft>r~oirtg lttatrutnartf red atdrrtowlsdlterf the eze~ttion
<br />~ ~ ham, 3_srr or ihe_r teary rat and deed. ~ ~
<br />~ / - ._ ,
<br />i1tlaa my hand tmd notarial seal cal ....,._.- _....- 7..-../.,7 -" - ..... ,
<br />.__._ z_
<br />~-axpii~es:..-~---.._ ...................__. - -.. Is. - ... .......................... ............................notary Pttblfc,
<br />OF ....... .............,_._....... Entered on numerical index and l9~lad for t+acord
<br />..................:................................................ . ~ as. in the Register of Deeds OtTice of said snooty the
<br />...................,,..dray af.............................................,_.. 18........,..., at...........-.......-.......,...dry and.......,........._.......,. ,minutes ...........,,.........M.,
<br />and xmrdad in Hnnk_.___.._.._..W_......._. _._____ot_...__.._____..__.__..-.......at page_.._..__--•.°---.-----_°-...°--°-
<br />.._ ._.....~ _..~.., ~...._.~._...._ ° ° --- - - -- ... fig. of Dzeda
<br />ey ....... .............................................................................Deputy
<br />