-- - _._ REdI ESTATE MOR~m~E_ _ -_._ ....._ _-._. _ FoRri._F~Q....z~e~ 1RPy
<br />79"~~si..P~Z3 r Date April 11, 1979 I
<br />Melvin H. Ruge and Eleanor A. Ruge, husband and wife
<br />?'
<br />Mortgagors,
<br />of Hall county, Nebraska in corsideratlon of
<br />the advance of the principal sum recited Sr. the note hereinafter described,rereiptof which is acknowledged, hereby
<br />mortgage end Canvey to
<br />THE FEDERAL LAND DANK OF OMAHA, a Corooration,
<br />of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, whose address
<br />is Farm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68100,
<br />Mortgagee (subject to oil, gas, and mineral rights owned by parties other than Mortgagors; existing essements of
<br />record; reservatlon5 in United States and State patents; and the rights of the puDiic Sn all highways), the tollowing-
<br />desaribed real estate in Ha11 __ county, .. Nebraska
<br />SEC. TWP. RG.
<br />NEB SE%; and tots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13; and
<br />NEB NW's and Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6, (except that tract
<br />of land as conveyed in Warranty Deed recorded in
<br />Book 135, Page 569; and except that tract of land
<br />as conveyed in Warranty Deed recorded in Book 150,
<br />Page 460; and except a tract of land as conveyed in
<br />Warranty Deed recorded in Book 151, Page 14$, all in
<br />register of deeds office in Hall County) - - - - - - - - - - 31 lON 10 W 6th P.M
<br />Lots land 8------------------------ 1 9N 11 W6thP.M.
<br />containing 4 31 acres, mere ar less, tvugather w1Ut all of the riNtrt-, titlr, ,+nd Snt-erest
<br />(raw awned orhareafter acgtrirad) otthe M^*tKagar in said ^ty, inalud+,n:; hu 'dk.^.gs 1'^ Ve,,,en-- 1?rtW^g°s
<br />or appurtenances thereon ar har'aatter placed therao:t; a11*water, irrtgatlon,~•and d"a inaKe r'Skgh tn~: t.he~~tenemen tS,
<br />hereditaments, arrd appurtenances •hereta and the rents, issues, crap and profits arising tram slid lands: and jif
<br />the Mortgagors+ righ es !n the publla domain are raqulre:i by Mort ~•tgee ter security p![rposast s I laa:ss, pt.i^,.I ts,
<br />llaa[isaa, orRrlvlleges, appUrtanar7t, ar nanappi:rtenallt Co Satd mortt*Rgod pr•Pmtnes, nuwor herexCtar ! -sued, extended,
<br />ar rehewrl to the Mo rtaagi~rs Dy t.h» riled :Fns t,• +~r Y t.-.ta ir, wh t+:h thr .,hc,v ia.rr iT t p•r _ ~~, 3 _d n,
<br />arty depnrtmet[L, b!rreau, or sg?n-y therf,at.
<br />'rnl[: mortgaKa is t;ivari to saer,re a rrun+lssory note of even date herewith, axrmuted [tv hiortgager;: .,~ ^(crt~t.°Ce, 1.~
<br />toe prlnelpal sum at ~0 ~1 'PWENTY;~O[IR_~AAIU ~.~$~ Hlf~p ~~NQ_/1Q0 - - -- - ,+ ~lg,
<br />payable with interest •sccordl::K r,o ....*.u 1+..'ms -..t ,>'rld rote, Cho rival p•tvo,ent bet.:K -....a Y.:.. ,zt...;i. -,r. ...... ..,t .,ay
<br />of January, 1984 _____~_~__,__. Tt:ts convayartce shall be void upoo the payment c;f t:ai~i prnmi?su«5` note.
<br />Th1S mortgage is subJeet, to the pravisians of 'TFfE FARM CRRDIT AD1' and ail acts amendatory thereof or supplemental
<br />thereto. The proceeds of the loan secured hereby will be used for the c+urposas specified Sn the Pk?rcgsgors+ ar.plt--
<br />cation for ;said lean and autharized by said Act.
<br />The Mortgagors, and each of them, hereby warr•arrt thar, they are tee owners i+!' the mortKaged real property: that they
<br />will defend the title against all clsSmants vRramsoever, and that said property Ss free tram all zncwnDrances: that
<br />they will keep a12 the improvements, fixtures, and appurtenances acaupied anfl in good repair anti permit na arts cf
<br />waste; and they will relinquish all rights oP homestead in said premieres, and covenant and agree with the Martgagzz,
<br />as fellows;
<br />(11 'that they will prZy when Qua all taxes, liana, 7udgmants, or assessments which may bz lawtull}' assessed ageatnst
<br />the property herein mortgaged.
<br />{1~1 That they wilt insurt+ and keep insured buildings ar other improvements now on ar which may hereafter be placed
<br />on said premises to the satisfaction at the Mortgagee, such insurance Datlcy shall be endorsed with s mortgage clauso
<br />with the loss thereunder t¢ be payable to flee Mortgagee. Any soma Sereived n'ay De used to pay fa.* rsaenscructian
<br />of the destroyed improvements; or, if net so applied, rgay, at the option of the Mortgages, be appltaci to P^lymenc of
<br />aqy indebtedness, matured or urimaturzd, secured DY this mortgage.
<br />{3) Ta ptly all rents, lees, or eha^ges s:ow due or to h@come Aus under t.hs ter;::s :'f eac^ kt`ase, ;:ermit, .=e, c+r
<br />privilege an the public damaln which is appurtenant er nonappurtanant to the mortgaged premiers, witlc:h~has been
<br />issued, extended, or renewed by the United States or t,ha state in which Ctte abavo-described property is located: and
<br />Ca perform and ahaerve every sat. covenant, candltian, and stipulation naaessary to keep each of thz °ame Srt g<x?d
<br />standing;-and t¢ take every Ueceasary step to secure the reissue, renewal, or ext¢uslba of each at tht same; anc4 to
<br />assigts, waive, pledge, or eodorae to the Mortgagee oach lease, permit, license, or prlviter~e Sf Mortgagars+ rights
<br />in puDilo domain are required Dy Mortgagee for security purposes.
<br />(aj. That in the event the Mortgagee is a party t¢ any litlgatl¢n affectind the security yr the lieu of its mort-
<br />gage, Snaluding any suit by the Mortgagee to t¢reclose this mortgage or any suit. in which the Mcn•tgagea mqy Us reamed
<br />a partyy defendant in which 1t Ss obllgate~ to protect its rights or lien, including condemr:sckan and bankruptcy
<br />pho¢eedings, the tiartgagee may incur expanses and advance payment tar abstracC lase, at.tarnay fees (oxcapt, to the
<br />axtaut pr¢hihitad itiv Saw), c¢sts, expenses, ana other charges.
<br />{6 That In the avant the M¢rtgttgars Evil to gay whan.due any taxes, Siens, audgmorsts, ar a:se,:smants, ar fail to
<br />ma Main insurance as here inbefore pr¢Yided, or fail t¢ pay rents, Peas, or charges under the r.arms ~+f tsiv Sense,
<br />permit, 1lceasa, or privilege; ar Mortgagee 1a required to incur expenses tar abscraet. teas, ~Itvr a~ ~•asts,
<br />expenses, anA other charges Sn cotuleation with 1ltigation, Mortgagee may make such psy:ment:,r pruviSe :,ucn :u:,uranca,
<br />¢r 1rCUr such obl2gatl¢n, nrsci thg as •¢unts ~ald there,,*o^ shall D :ome a reef t r t SEr_h F
<br />^.d I=^YahlN 1!t~!edlatg~, sled Mall tr0.a~ In arn0.t Lr~ the date at oaYmact ur rr.e~ ,-., .._.- ,-,.~.,-.. .d fa.• -j.f-.:It
<br />in Ghe note.
<br />