79-t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~®RT'CAC~~
<br />THIS INDENTURE, made this 16th ~y of April _ , 19 79 by sad between
<br />Michael C. Roeafeldt and Joann M. Roenfeldt. hueba and wife. each~.n hi$ and her awn
<br />right and as spouse of the other,
<br />of Hell County, Nebraska, as mortgagor $ ,and Grand Island Trust Company of Grand island, a corporation
<br />organised abd eaistiag under the laws of Nebraska with its principal office end place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as mortgagee;
<br />W ITNESSETH: That said mortgagor $_- ,for and in wneideration of the sum of__
<br />**Five Thousand Three_Hundrad Ts+enty-sis and_Na 100tha** _Dn~is 5,326.00_ 1,
<br />the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do . by these presents mortgage and warrant unto said mortgagee, its successors and assigns,
<br />forever, all the following described reel estate, situated in the County of H$).1
<br />and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />The Easterly One-Half (E-2/2) of Lot Three f3) 1n Block Fourteen (14),
<br />in the Original Town, now City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Together with all heating, air conditioning. lighti~, and plumbing equipment and fixtures, including screens, awnings, storm windows anti
<br />doors, and window ahsdee or blinds, used on m in connection with said property, whether the same are now {orated on said property of hareaftee
<br />placed thenoa. ~ c
<br />TO HAVE AI4D TO HOLD THE SAME, tagether with all and singular the terterosnta, hereditamertta and nppurtenaroes therarrata be-
<br />brrg+rrB, or in anywise appertaining, forever, and warrant Che title to the same. Said morgaogor 9 __ hereby covantat _e___ with said
<br />mortgagee that...__.._the..~f___arE____. , at the delivery hereof, the lawful owner _It__ of the premises shove conveyed and described.
<br />a~ are _draed of a t~ and indefeasible asiate of iaheritar_ee therein, free and ekar of sit ermum6ranc,es, and that.~.he~wiN
<br />wettaac snrd defer the title tlrereta forever against the claims and demands of all persona whomsoever.
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS. and this fnetnrment is executed and delive-red to secure the payment of the sum of __.._--_----
<br />*aFiv_e Thousand_Three_~undred_Tvp~ty_-si~c_ ae~l.!i~1QOtha±.. I~liarat~__~.,.326.00~___._~._~i,
<br />with intatest thereon, t.r with suels cLargd aml advanr~ ~+ may ba due and payable ta said mortgagee under the tertrta and nirtdit
<br />~ the prsnaisarrry rrrW of even date herewith and secured hereby, axeauEed by saes mortgagor ...~..._ to said aurrtgegae, payable as aspresrsed
<br />Is ! m`,e, ttr aerate L~ ~~„~ of a~:.,~ n a~ __".=;t-_..a cow ~i~d t:.. 7~F R=rte es ~~ r a_~ fey ~__~ _-__
<br />hgrrrzein fry tfria ~,
<br />It ie the iatrntioa and agremtent of the parties hsrew that this mortgage shall also sewro aqy future advarues made ta said martgugw _ Ji
<br />by said mortgages, and any sad r11 indebtedness is addition ta the amount above stated whic#~ said mortgagor, or say of them, may Owe to
<br />esid mortgages, however evideated, whether by rote. book account or otherwise. This mortgage shall romain in full foroe vd effort between
<br />the parties harem end their heirs, personal repnxerrtativea. successors and eeaigas. until all amounts secured iwreunda, inehrding future
<br />advances, era paid is full with interest.
<br />'fhe mortgagor 8._.._. heroby assign .__.. w acid cwrtgagee all tarots and income arising at any sad al! times from said property and
<br />hereby auUtwixa said mortgagee or ire agent, at itn option, upon default, ta take charge of said property and coUsrt elf routs and inctuns
<br />thatatcom and apply tlta eante ta the payment of iattxeat, principal, insurance premiurae, rases, aeseasmeate, repairs ar impmvernacrts
<br />necAeesry to keep said property in tenantable +xndition, or to other charges or payments provided for h+±rain or in the rota hweby sarurad. This
<br />raft weignnrant shall ooatinue in Cocoa until tM unpaid balance of said note is fully paid. Thor taking of pnaaeaaion hawuntier shift in no manna
<br />provent or eeitard eakf rnortgagae in the twllaetkrn of said soma fry foreclosure or otherwise.
<br />The failure of rho axmtgagee to assert say of ire rights haetrader et any tiuw shall not be canstruad is a waiver of its right to assert the
<br />same at any letter time. sad to insist upon and enforce strict camphsrxe with ail the terms sad orovisioae of said Hate end of this morggsge.
<br />Ii said moetpeRota shall Gauss to be paW to said mortgagee the entire amount due it hereunder, and wtdar the terms and provisiara
<br />of said sofa hereby escared. i~htdirrg future edvarttea, sad say axteasione or reaswals thereof is accordance with tbs tartna and pmviaiona
<br />thaso#, alai ff sad motEgapar.~ _ aha3f e€atrply with aB Ella prar-{eiaas of said ntne sad of thla taortga~, than theme pr~errts sAaL' tus vtaul:
<br />otherwise to cement in full fwd and effect, std acid mortgagee shall be entitled ta the posxnaian at all of safd pnrperty, arx! may, at its tart ion.
<br />daatare the whale of saki rota and off ~debpsdmes represented thereby ta be immediately' due sad payable, sad may toreeioss this mortgage
<br />or take tray other fagaf ast3an w protect iv right. Apprarsement waived.
<br />This motiy{sge shall be binding upon std shall enure to the benefit of the heirs, exetutoro, admitdattetaua, sutxaseaoro and soigne of the
<br />nspoctive pastwe heeoo.
<br />IN WITNEff3 WHER1aOF, said 1ltoetgagw. _ ~ 6a ifli_ 6erwnto aet_ their _„!_ hand _ft__._.the day and year firot above
<br />written. ,~
<br />~n M. Raesafeldt
<br />
<br />