<br />FnA V?~LCJE StEL~I~'ED, We, the undersigned, bona 1 d J . Var=c i bber
<br />do hereby assign to 'Ihe Overland National
<br />Bank of Grand Island, Grand ZslarYl, Nebr<,sica, fran Ja-Lv tea f tv
<br />___ _ all monios clue us fresn the sale of our real estate
<br />located at ~_ "llti 'past 15th !:rand Island, Ile!rraska ,
<br />e~.-_
<br />legally described as lot Seven (7) in L'lock 54ven (7) in zeorGe
<br />Loan's Subdivi=>ion, ar. a~'d'n `o airy o' r,rand bland, 'lenras!;a
<br />Wc'>, :innald J. ~laniiiLber _ da horeby
<br />dir~r•i: .n t:hc Lut:.u'e wt~encver .~i:ry sis;is or nxx~ics a~edue us, ghat the tkune
<br />of Tn=:~ O~•erla;:•d ?Jatieral &~nth of t;r,uu' isl:uxl, Grarxi T_-,l-u~d, Nebraska, be
<br />placed a;~ ttte checks or cb-afts a;orxJ e~:it:; cur. names and that t1-,e said
<br />ehe~~ks er drafts tk ;t~ili_3 t.c~ saki Y~i;.k t-c~ the ~ittcnt_ion of
<br />'~u (I Grunrnnnd
<br />Wr„ l)rnafd J, NaniiiLbur do further
<br />agree Nhat this Assigrumnt sha11 kx= tratisfr.srable to any arxi all sukaseruent
<br />Real Estate find, with which wu r,Ln}~ list tl~e above ttrentioned property.
<br />Such trar2sfer shall }k. ;i>i-ulr. f~.r entesir~cl the natne of a:iy subs~uent real.
<br />Instate firnis to this !1_ss;iyrvnent and iii ;xi tn%ent shall Sikh a trazzsfer re~-
<br />cluire our siytittture.
<br />`This Assigranert and all conditions contained herein shall extend tao arad
<br />be biZdi.nci upon the heirs, exec:utors, assigns, and ac~ninistratars cif
<br />Donald ~. VanBih?:er
<br />[3atP_cl thi , ~~ th, dati• of ~Fnr ~ . Lil i'1
<br />:J<?n~i I J J . Van? i bt>n;.
<br />srr,`rr: C?l~ :~ua~l$~sr:~,?
<br />s;_ _
<br />~txnvt t ur~ r>tw,~.
<br />Cin this ~th da= c t ~1~r-r~ Z`-' 7~ bt=fore -*~, u !~t~*Y
<br />I'ial-ii ic, dui ru ~i~.~~. :t n? ., i ` .~-~# r - ~ ~ ik=d ~?1r? st, ~t~s*ta'i11v E.,-ut~~
<br />. ~ „_
<br />tin .~ ~~ ..1 i_ E~~,-,.a '°- ~! _ s_'~; ~ul -° - y r_.__._ r ~~~t_E
<br />-.~.. t.a
<br />.U?Ur itcl2';" lc,... :ttld Cli.f?Ci.
<br />• Wi.tnc:ss sr, h~rrxi an<i „<,.ii. ..,. ,~,,sr~l ..;l:ir;,., .r. _,a~ici t~~ttnt}~, the day and
<br />yoar last ::kx?:n= writ*...•n.
<br />_ 'xJt:,tti• t'ukilic
<br />_ , _- ~ _2,-~1
<br />~~ .ham ~
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<br />~~~~~.~~"~,l~.F"~~~ ~'ZdtC1~c:~G~..c~izc drr+4; l1~ceYr~ zsat-~w tro
<br />- [iE!`t ,tll c. t1t~,}„~ ~ -ivc~ilt' .i. ?r21t .,t.~ti +. •. lt,= .t ilrthr.r 14]2 ~'~ tf? 31L7 ~. 7.?.-~' `!~'1L~.
<br />Over.l~u>4l Al-ir.ivn:il ls,-uilc tsrixt;i.it4'•lE• if f'ii`~ 1i,;atintt it; £z~r any t'4~as~~rt t~ninat.~
<br />with us. Char listitxl is t ,rlin+y until ~4{1~ ~~ '' T
<br />- -- _
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